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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. At the risk of escalating the conflict with your neighbor you could encourage a few coyotes to come around!!
  2. Yep....looks like your C & R days are over, RC. BTW, My wife and I are headed out snowshoeing in a little while.
  3. Look for trees that have fallen into the lake. The bait doesn't need to be alive. A chunk of beef has been known to work.
  4. So I So I guess it would be illegal just to pop a few of them off?
  5. I know we all hear stories about the inconsiderate---er, let's just say 'hosers'--- out there but my experience says that most fisher folk are helpful, generous and have all sorts of good qualities. As J Cash sung ---bad news travels like wildfire, good news travels slow.
  6. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=uncle+buck+axe&docid=4591712134234653&mid=3B5935D95C4CAEE6D2733B5935D95C4CAEE6D273&view=detail&FORM=VIRE3#view=detail&mid=3B5935D95C4CAEE6D2733B5935D95C4CAEE6D273
  7. Maybe I misunderstood your comment here, Bill. When I read it I thought you meant it applied to all Swede-bores, but I guess you just meant the Normark ones. C. Tire sells augers marked as Swede-bore but they have offset handles.
  8. Here's a sure-fire, field tested, method of getting rid of 'witnesses' When they knock on the door Say "We're busy now, could you come back later. They will, of course, ask "When is a good time?" You answer this question with another question: "Do you believe in the afterlife?", to which they will surely say "Yes" Your response: "Well, come back then" 100% guaranteed method!!
  9. I'm bettin' 5 more posts before it get locked! Any more guesses??
  10. say what??? You mean direct observation thru a telescope doesn't count???
  11. I guess if he stuck around he would have smelled the propane and taken care of the situation.
  12. Not lately they haven't. Not since the church ex-communicated Galileo for saying that the earth rotated around the sun!
  13. I question the wisdom of buying a CTC generator for an emergency. You need something you can count on. I suggest spend the extra $$ and get a good quality one such as a Honda.
  14. I was surprised to hear the drill worked so well because, when I use my auger, I need to put quite a bit of torque on it---sometimes baking up (CCW) and going again. I don't remember exactly what I do, but I think I lift it up when the going gets too hard. I guess n when using a drill. .
  15. I thought that was the whole point of thread---100+ pages and it's early Jan!
  16. Have a boo----------- http://www.air-n-water.com/propane-heater-safety.htm
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