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Everything posted by Zib

  1. Here's a tiger musky that was caught in Lake St. Clair this year.
  2. Why would you kill them? When all the walleye/perch guys in Lake St. Clair were crying about the musky eating all the perch & walleye they were telling people to kill any musky they caught. Nobody listened.
  3. Yes it is. Too funny.
  4. In the US there are far more guns than people. My buddy has owned up to 45 guns at one point. I have 2 in my house & would like to add a handgun for under the pillow.
  5. I'll second that.
  6. Those are some nice toads.
  7. Awesome pics. Nice job.
  8. Since you already changed the gear oil just add Stabil (fuel stabilizer) to the gas. Run the motor then disconnect the fuel line & spray fogging oil into the carb as the motor is starting to stall. Remove the spark plugs & spray fogging oil into the cylinders & turn the motor over by hand (turn the flywheel on top). Replace with new spark plugs if needed. Store the motor in an upright position. While you are at it you might as well inspect the fuel filter & hoses so you are ready to go in the spring. Grease/oil up any parts that require it.
  9. I love this time of the year. The problem this year is that its been too hot. This cool down will get those deer moving & I can look for this guy's papa that I seen last year:
  10. AWESOME!
  11. Actually Toyota & Honda's quality has been going down in recent years. They've been having a lot more recalls and more trips to the repair shop. A lot of the parts that go into Toyotas, Hondas, Fords Chrysler etc. are made by the same company.
  12. I tell people that all the time.
  13. It’s funny that you posted about putting the VCR next to your 8-track player. I was watching the Simpson’s (I think it was them or maybe Family Guy) & they were walking through some place (dump or recycling place) that had a pile of 8-track players, VCR’s & a reserved spot for DVD players.
  14. Zib

    PB Crappie

    Wow! Those are some fatties. Nice job.
  15. What are they feeding those bass in that lake? They must be working out with Barry Bonds' personal trainer. Nice fish.
  16. Ya I used to know a couple of guys like that. They wanted all pike & musky dead. They think that they eat nothing but walleye & perch. A member of this site, Musky Bob Brunner, who has been a guide on LSC for over 50 years, told me that back in the day when they kept musky that their stomachs were usually filled with sheephead & shad. I know some guys that have been catching a lot of walleye in the St. Clair River the last few weeks & those walleye's bellies have been filled with smallmouth bass.
  17. Nice bass. As for the dogfish, I see those all the time on shore. There’s a small impoundment that I fish that is loaded with them. There isn’t a day that goes by where you won’t see a dogfish on the shore. The fisherman there cry about the dogfish eating the other game fish. That logic for killing them is twisted. Musky, pike, bass, & walleye eat other game fish but I don’t see people going around & throwing 25 LB musky on the shore to die. There have been some lakes in Michigan that the DNR had to kill off a lot of the bowfin because there were just too many of them & it was hurting the population of other fish. They’ve also done it to carp as well. It’s a good thing Lake St. Clair musky eat a lot of sheephead else that lake wouldn’t be so great to fish.
  18. Does he sell them?
  19. I use a tube jig with my tubes. I rig them like this: I will either use a jig that has a 90 degree hook (like pictured above) or one that has a 60 degree hook for thos weedy spots.
  20. Awesome pictures! I like Roy's green lure with the dots. Where can I get me one of those? I'd like to use it in LSC.
  21. Nice pictures. Congrats on the new PB. What kind of camera were you using? Is it a water proof one or did you use one of those water proof cases?
  22. There shouldn't be a problem with the patch if it was welded properly. A guy from another fishing site that I have fished with had an older (30+ yrs) 14 footer that had numerous patches that didn't leak. The only leaks he had were from the loose rivets that ended up giving way & the boat almost split in half while on Lake St. Clair.
  23. Nice report. That musky sure is fat in the tail end. "Baby got back!"
  24. That's dang awesome! Congrats.
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