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Everything posted by Zib

  1. The Wild America videos were cool. They even made a movie about the guys that shot the video series, "Wild America" (1997).
  2. Henrik Zetterberg
  3. I have a 1986 Sea Nymph Fishing Machine 145 with a 35 HP tiller. It’s riveted. I can be pretty rough on my boat at times jumping waves/wakes on the Detroit River or Lake St. Clair & even on the inland lakes. Running it up on shore & banging off the docks. I’ve even had it out on Lake Huron & Lake Erie a few times. I haven’t had any leaks in the 13 years that I have own the boat. A friend of mine had a 2004 Lowe FM175 (welded) that this past May, while out on Lake St. Clair, started taking on water after a bumpy ride across the lake. He got it back to the dock & had 3 cracks in the bow. All the cracks were on the welds where the I-beams in the floor were welded. His insurance company gave him a new 2007 Lowe, which he traded in last month for a fiberglass Stratos 375 walleye boat. I know 2 other guys that both had Tracker Tundra’s that both had cracks in the bow. BTW, wasn’t the Titanic put together with rivets?
  4. When I was back in High School (long ago), me & some buds were out partying & my buddy vomited all over the front of his dad’s coat that he had barrowed. We took him to the coin car wash & sprayed him down. The coat came clean.
  5. Stop rubbing it in. You're making me loose concentration & not get any work done.
  6. If the fish were a true new world record then I would have it mounted. I’m sure there’s some good coin to be made with having caught the new world record fish. That money would do my family some good. If the fish were just a new record for that lake or state/province then I’d just get good measurements & pics & let’em go.
  7. You can probably get a better deal here depending on tax & shipping. The regular price in most US stores is $79.99.
  8. I'll second that. I know a guy from another fishing site that put his front deck to the top & he went over board twice this year.
  9. They burned more gas in that video than I've burned in my boat for the last 10 years.
  10. Wow! I though they ripped you on insurance in the states. Thats insane! I've been paying $99 a year since 1996 for my POS "86 14' Sea Nymph (covers the boat, motor & trailer).
  11. Swimmers & skiers have been bit by musky on Lake St. Clair.
  12. Jon posted on the LSCN site that today his 2 clients went 12 for 16 on the DR. They were tearing up the pearl Bondy baits.
  13. That's a good deal for $149/ea. Who's your maid? I need to hire her/him to clean my home office.
  14. It’s not the banana’s fault. This year was the first time that I have ever heard of fisherman being superstitious of banana’s on their boat. I’ve taken plenty of bananas for lunch on my boat & I never got skunked when I did.
  15. Ever since I took my first buck (5-pt) I have let all bucks smaller than an 8-pt go. When I want meat for the freezer or to donate to needy families I take a doe. I NEVER shot a button buck or fawn & never will. I hunt my buddy’s land in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (1 of 5 spots I have to hunt) & ever since 2004 we have vowed not to take any bucks under 6-pt & only will take a 6 or 7-pt if it’s a bigger/wide rack. Since then we have been seeing a lot more bigger bucks. We do take the occasional doe for the freezer or to donate to needy families.
  16. What's your secret? You've got her trained well. For years I've been dropping hints to the wife that I need a new boat & truck but that falls on death ears.
  17. Awesome pictures. I love the one of the trout jumping the falls.
  18. My year started out fantastic, caught many limits of spring walleye on the Detroit River, then took advantage of Michigan’s C&R season (started in 2006) for bass & caught plenty of toad smallies up to 7 lbs on Lake St. Clair. My annual smallmouth trip for Michigan’s regular bass opener turn out to be a bust compared to years past but the C&R season made up for that. Started casting for Muskies on LSC for the first time & finally landed a musky that didn’t have my walleye or smallies in her mouth. I had to take a break from fishing in late June early July to work on the “Honey do list” then when I head back out to fish my boat motor took a crap & ruined the rest of my season. I was able to get my son out to catch his first walleye so that made it all better. I also made some new fishing buddies that I met on my LSC site. Next year I’ll have to fish with some OFNers.
  19. Slow down a bit on the trolling speed & use larger body/minnow baits. I like the jointed baits better in the fall.
  20. My son with his very first walleye. My son with his very first smallmouth. My lunker smallmouth. My monster Lake St. Clair Musky.
  21. What size/type line do you guys prefer using on the spinning reel for casting hardware for steelies?
  22. Thanks for the link. That helped with the fishing withdrawls I was having. I made it to level 10 & finished with 6,763 points. I landed 3 or 4 crocs & only broke 2 poles. 2nd time around made it to level 16 & 12,241 points.
  23. He's a Hall of Fame cry baby that when he wasn't hurt, choked in the big games.
  24. I wish my grandfather would have taught me Polish before he died.
  25. Nice going. It's always nice to have the river or lake all to yourself. Since you got so snow up your way that probably means my hunting spot in the U.P. got some as well. It will probably be gone once I get up there Tuesday night.
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