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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Can you change that to 5 Bruce..............lol
  2. On the fourth day of ice fishing i have to some how get my true love to give us the cold weather back so we can keep singing the twelve days of ice fishing ................. This is not going to be easy to recap ...........
  3. Dose'nt "a partridge in a pear tree" rhyme with a BIG PATCH OF ICE ........................
  4. On the first day of ice fishing my true love gave to me , A BIG PATCH OF ICE ..................
  5. We have it over here too , it started last night , pretty thick build up now , gone take a good ice scraper this morning to get it off .. lol
  6. Awsome , good day, nice new sled , caught a fish , exercised the dog , Awsome ....lol
  7. Good story , good lure .... lol
  8. you sure can if you like Paul .. lol , SP i see they have no St Albert either .. lol , Thanks Nick i 'll have to check them out , BillM you miss those racks of ribs off the smoker too hu
  9. Driving past my favorite butcher shop the other day which closed up last spring i notice a brand new shop had taken its place and it caught my eye . The new sign up front reads "CAFE' FORMAGIERY" and right away i think cheese . Iam on my way home at the end of a long day and i love cheese so i pulled into the parking lot not realizing til it was to late that i am driving the truck with the excavator on the float behind me and now where was i going to park the dam thing . Well i found and spot and jumped out and booted it across the lot up to their front door when i could see well inside the store . It was set up pretty fancie in there and right away i could see it was'nt a place for me but by now i was already half way in the door , it has places where you can sit at little tables for two , fancie little table cloths on'em and dam people wear dressed up in suites and me , well there i was in my coveralls with mud on my work boots wearing my hat and old dirty work coat and work gloves sticking out of my hip pocket . What could any body do at that point it was to late for me to turn and get out of there so i right away went into cool mode ... . With every one's eyes on me i strolled over to the cheese counters and walked back and fourth looking at all the differant kinds of cheese they had on display and at the same time thinking how i was going to get my ass out of there . Finaly the well dressed lady asked if she could help me with any thing , so i asked her if they had any St Alberts cheddar and as she looked over the counter to where i knew there was none , she said no but there are so many different kinds of cheese's to choose from . I then said to her when will you be exspecting to have it in , well she did'nt know and said she had never heard of that kind before . So right away i said Thank you very much .. sorry to bother you and went out the door so fast and made as if i was upset they did'nt have St Albert Cheddar . I thought it was quite funny how every one inside looked at me while i drove away in my fancy rig i came in on....... lol .
  10. Where did the simple common sence go like they had two hundred years ago . Even back then it was a consern as every fall you went into the Black Smith shop and got your horse jacked up and changed its four shoe's from the summer smoothy's to the winter ice clet one's ...WHY ? .... because if you did'nt you risk the chance of your horse slipping on the snow and ice breaking a leg and smashing the sleigh , no different then you would today driving with summer tires in winter and slipping and smashing the car into a tree , we all know what you do to a horse with a broken leg right ........... lol . Its much easyer to gain common sence from your family freinds and neigbours and put it to use on your own then have a law put in place that would make you ......... lol .
  11. Looks like i got some folks scared now Romeo .... lol . This is where i was leading to , have a look , click on the picture to see it big enough to read . With this fix you might get narrowed down by 2 1/2" over all , a 1 1/4 " per side letting you get in the garage and travel down the road safely . Call Cerka the people who sell trailer rims and let them know what you need and they will help you out . If theres any thing here you don't understand then send me a PM and i'll be happy to explain .
  12. How much space do you have from the back face the tire to the trailer frame ?
  13. Was'nt enough to fire up any of our equipment ........
  14. With all the differant kinds of boats out there you could own , i am thinking to cover all the base's we need one of each ........ lol
  15. From Minnesota to Maine , Timmins to Pennsylvania it's all the same this morning ......... salt, chains and foot ball shoes .
  16. I just shove another one in my mouth and go fishing ........ lol
  17. Hey Timex ... looks like you beat out a lot of us , nice going dude .
  18. Awsome .... , i like it , do you think you can get to blow snow ?
  19. Whoa! how many can i get for this much ...... lol , Never thought of spending it for fishing gear before , hec of a good idea tho .
  20. Mine just came this morning Roy , amazing !
  21. Dam i 've got to go check and see what the weathers going to be for tomorrow now .... lol
  22. Cool . lol , i wounder if any one was out on a boat today , sure wished it could have been me to have the bragging rights today , we hit 60F here today and Davey Bouy earlyer this after noon said the bay was like glass .
  23. Am pretty sure i can do 4'1/2 feet at a low rpm and not get my snow boots wet ........
  24. How deep ? ......
  25. I went with a pair of these this winter , 2012 Case IH 125's , getting a bit older now and don't care much for the cold and the comfort is nice , so with these babies come with heaters air ride seat and cab and stereo , seriously these are my new sleds for this winter in more ways then one , you fella's get broke down in the out backs this winter north of Barrie and can't get home just call , i'll come get ya's , it wont be the first time . Ya bring on the SNOW! .... its ok you can laugh with me and to each his own . Real nice bunch of sleds posted up tho so far , hope to see some more ...............
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