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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Sorry Boy's we would have gotten wet , it rained like crazy shortly after i posted
  2. Since my boats not put away yet .. , and the temp we supose to have today .. , any one want to play hooky and go for perch on Simcoe . Wife just said i can't go aloan this time of year if i go .. . Send a pm if your ready .
  3. I hear there are some guys Davey keeping them in 45 gallon plastic drums for extended periods of time ..... i am not sure what their procedure is but i could find out .
  4. Thats awsome ...
  5. I am sending this request out to all the Bidfoot's out there who have their computers turned on this morning and asking them to let their relatives who don't have computers yet to know of it . All i want to say is i am very much interested in what types of fish you's like to fish for and that i am really interested in what you's use for your fishing gear and where you's like to shop for it . On behalf of all the memebers here at OFC i'd like to extend an invatation to any of you who can make it to come and spend a day with me on my boat out on Lake Simcoe and see if we can learn any thing from one another ..........................
  6. Better tell all the CT stores to stop selling brakes then ...... lol
  7. i should start shipping them to you .......lol O' darn ... you quit ...... lol
  8. you can get two packs of John Players Speacial King size for 16 bucks ............ sorry i just had to do it .... lol
  9. Gerrit tell him the standard mesurments for all the hole locations before its to late , thats where the nightmares start if he gets them wrong
  10. Just for the record i spent a few years in Torornto in the Speedy shop at Jane and Wilson , then became the manager in the down town store in Thunder Bay for Midus with three brake mechanics working for me . For over fourty years now i have been turning wrenchs , not for a living any more today but still for my self and freinds and any one who needs a hand with some thing when i have the time . If buddy here on OFC wants to pm me he knows how to hit the keys .........
  11. You come and help me Davey and i'll slit the install money with ya ..........
  12. did you not get the recall on yours .... we did about a month ago , ours is an 06 ................
  13. Then Zip it up to Barrie tomorrow morning with the parts and i'll put them on ...
  14. We don't believe you.......................
  15. Call me old school if you's like , but after reading this i hear you loud and clear . I've allways been a fixer and can sort out just about any thing but these new vehicles with all their bells and whistles to me are getting more like potential death traps in certian situations including my new truck which i hate for many reasons but we wont go there . Take Abs brakes when they first showed up were wow some thing we all needed ... NO! , but it was'nt long we old schools found out just like you just did with your traction controll when coming up to a stop sign with abs brakes on a road full of pot hole the brakes would fail as the abs was unable to ajust its self quick enough and you would'nt get stoped til will after the stop sign , i am sure many of you here at one time or another experinced the same thing , if your not sure thats when the brake peddel is jumping under your foot and the sound of a little motor under the dash is growling and your not stopping when you want to . Well i know of many vehicles and maybe ones more so owned by us fixer types had their abs permanitly disconected so we could feel safe and in controll again . Any how to me the problem with traction controll sounds to be simmular and some one needs to go to work and disconect the sensors that monitor the wheel speed , at one time these would have been mounted at each hub but who knows where they have them hid now . If it was mine i'd find them and they would be gone ...... lol .
  16. Hang in there Oryx , the help you asked for at the top of your post will come ......
  17. Wrong ! you have to tell her you want to share with me ..... lol, Merry Christmas i hope you get all what you want .
  18. Well i am a medium and i get messages from people ....... but all i am seeing here are fish tracks or some thing ... lol ... tell me do you fish lots and own a camera and like writting fishing reports .......
  19. I am not sure what to ask her for but ask for two of every thing ok ..................
  20. Hello Ed welcome to the site .

  21. My freinds at Barrie Sharpening on Blake street Barrie will do them while you wait at the counter BM.
  22. Now thats sad ......... and i say the same .. WHY
  23. PS. hope who ever stole your car from the parking lot brings it back for ya ....................
  24. it looks like you caught a cat RC .. so far so good i'd say , if that augers got the balls to make thru the hard wood floor i want one , i am just checking for my self here and i realy like your new hut , can you tell me how big your living room is so i can compare it to mind ... lol
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