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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Good morning Gentalmen , looks like a good day by all means for fishing SIMCOE , might be the only good day for it this week by the weather forecast .
  2. Nice , i'd be proud to have it in my fleet .
  3. I'LL be here , but the rebel i am wont be on the ice ........... lol
  4. one udder Sinclair , do you know what you call those four things hanging off it .... lol .
  5. wonder if thats John Millers place ....
  6. Now you have me inspired to get out there , thank you for sharing .
  7. We had some show up at the door yesterday trying to sell us a natural supplement made from raw milk down in the US thats having some awsome healing results for whats ailing people these days , like you i grew up on raw milk and would still drink it today if i could get my hands on it .
  8. I believe i know who your talking about ,a pair of brothers if i remember right , last i heard about them was they were doing well but realy had to fight to gain shelve space in the big market stores .........
  9. oK continue on , i think i have all the spelling mistakes edited , thank you my freind for the pm
  10. We can see Brian's doing more then just fishING those tribs when he's out there ............... lol
  11. We we're out for a drive up on the Blue mountians this past weekend the wife and i , and found a spot in Creemore where you buy your milk in glass bottles just like in the good old days . So we took a few of them home to try , two white and two choclate , we believe it taste away better then in the plastic bags . Is there any where eles in Ontario you can buy milk in glass bottles ?
  12. Do you buckle over in two like the rest of us do every time you get a good one in like that , you must ....... lol
  13. I just did the speed test again , this time i clicked on my server as being in Barrie this time instead of Toronto like i did on the last test , no big change but here's the new results Ping 198ms ...down 1.33mbps ....up 0.08 , th's for the fun and good luck .
  14. so you want the numbers to be higher or should the numbers be lowere ???? , Bel said if i used it in a built up area it would become deadly fast , but i live out in the boneys in the bottom of a valley in the bush , it came tho as one hec of an inprovment over having dail up for nine years ....... lol .Prior to having it i could never see pictures or vids or other links put up here on the board , now its like instantly there .
  15. I just took the test ,here are my results .... ping 214ms ...... down load speed 1.13mdps ........ up load speed 0.03mbps , after the test they offered a down load tool i could use to boost up my pc speed by as much as 50 percent which i did not do .
  16. to bad i could'nt loan you this one so you could try it
  17. speed test ? tell me how to do this and i will check it for you , how many computers ,,,, right now i am running my home pc and my lap top with it , i 've run the both at the same time and i am still getting full strength ........
  18. I have no clue about the storm but heres what the Sierrs Wireless AIRCARD looks like , its the same size as any cell phone. A few weeks we had a fishing get together north of Parrysound and with this thing setting on the table in the cabin i was the only one at the lake with high speed internet . I like it so far and it dose'nt seem to matter where i take it i have yet to loose the signal , even works great running down the 400 at a 120 k's , Bell gave me 10GB per month for 50.00 which is way more then i ever use , Good luck with what ever you choose . Edited to say ....... it will and dose profide service to ten other appliances in the same house .
  19. Check out Bells new 5548 aircard , any where your cell phone will work their aircard will give you high speed , i have one and so far i am impressed .
  20. LOL..... hey hey hey there Boo Boo , what do you say we head over to Mc Lew's for some chipmonk strips .... Ok Yogi but if the trucks there we better not go in ......................
  21. I think i would want to start with a tank that i knew the tap has been left open for the last six months or so , fill it with water .... been there done that pretty scary , i'd say if you can get the valve off then fill the tank with sand till you get the door cut out then you'd be good to go after that . Note : we had a customer with a propane powered pick up truck that i converted back to gas for him , After every thing was said and done he left the propane tank here , the scrap yard would'nt take it , i then took all the fittings and the gage off it and left it to sit for the summer , later i cut it in half with the tourch and there was no Boom , the scrap yard took it then .... lol . I would think another good thing to use for thease small wood stoves would be a portable AIR PIG ... they come in two sizes , very safe to work with and no one has to worry about any one getting hurt . Thats my 2 cents , if you need help with any thing just remember am here for ya .............
  22. Don't worry BBgun , i''ll take it from here Simon , I saw the no hubs in the water thing for my self Sunday when he loaded his boat for home , and so did Simon , theres some thing here you all could learn from BBgun but no its much easyer to shot off at the mouth and not belive in some thing you've never seen before and to me that sucks , there will never be any benefit to the doubts here i am afraid and i am sorry for that Billy Bob
  23. Sorry but i've packed up and moved on

  24. You look good on the Larry there Lew ..... lol , great bunch of guys over that way hu , and the fishings not bad too .... lol , good to see yous done well .
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