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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. it always go's in the glass first before they pour it full Mike and its right there to greet you at bottoms up ..... lol
  2. is that the toe that must touch your lip as you down your drink ????????
  3. next trick is to see what year it is , i looked last night but i can't tell , from what the one looks like they go from 1950 back to 1895 ...........were you able to age the older looking ones Sinclair ?
  4. some of you have'nt read the killer squirell yet
  5. ever price it on line Paul
  6. I thought it was a good story that needed a happy yet funny ending ........ lol .
  7. Then i went out to the garden a few minutes ago and this red squirell from out of no where march's right up to me and doses this flying drop kick with both feet and sends this pot of oatmeal i was trying to dump out .. just a flying , then he stomps off towards the bush mumbling some thing in french that if i thought i was going to put him in that pot i had another thing coming .........**#%*
  8. My entent with this post is to find out for all of us how many other people here who will be doing the same thing in their work place to day , personaly i would never be able to but i do admire tho's who can and enjoy doing it .
  9. You've must of heard about her .... lol
  10. My wife has to go into work tomorrow dressed like this , minutes ago she came out of the bathroom trying to sneak up on me ............
  11. I love looking at this old stuff , very nice to see it ...............
  12. one more pic ..........
  13. Not trying to steal your thread Mike , i think you'd like this . Mr Sinclair heres my 1960 Mitchell 410 , a little worst for wear but still in perfect working order , maybe one day i'll find the perfect vintage rod to put it on .
  14. Awsome , any Mitchell reels ??? i think thats not spelt right ....dam
  15. Do you still have yours ...... lol
  16. To much ....... i got to go finish reading all this , awsome .
  17. Tomorrow will bring a new dawn my friend
  18. 29 replies 505 veiws you have to be pleased , and it was all about posting what you wanted to talk about after all . Thank you for sharing your awsome pictures and fishing times with us and we trust you'll be back to share more of your lifes events with us in the ner future
  19. one that did'nt go well on release ................ ...sorry .... more then one
  20. Come on in Trevy727 and take your hat off and become one of the family and you'll never have to be bored again ...... trust us .
  21. How many liters cod liver oil dose it take Lew in the crank case ?
  22. I can't see where any one could sit and talk fishing 24/7 with any one person , hec wouldn't that become boring pretty fast , if for example you could do that wouldn't that make you one of the old boys in the old boys club ..............
  23. I just woke from a dream i was having of my long passed grandparents and differant uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters of mine , how strange of me to dream this tonight , they were all around me waving their hands and smiling at me , i awoke with my arm in the air waving back and found my self crying for real . After a bit i was wide a wake so i got up and came and turn the computer on and found this your posting of the lost of your mom tonight . I am realy sorry for your lost Paul and that your moms time here on earth with you is over . All i can say now to you Paul is to watch for her wave my freind , she wont be far away and that she will now truly get to rest with peace . The times you's shared together will heal your lost in the days ahead as you journey ever closer to where we all will meet again , til then remember we your freinds will be walking with you . My hand go's out to you your brother and your sister on this night .
  24. But LEW ! I thought the red one still looked shiny............ lol
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