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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Check the grounds , if it worked before it should work again .Tomorow morning at 3am it i'll work Lew .
  2. This is one of my outfits and for most of my working life i've had lots of practise doing . You be the judge as to weather or not ...... lol . Any ways people have fun , am out of here .
  3. Thats a hec of a good idea Dan ...lol . Another thing i do when it comes to depth perception when backing up to a trailer of mine , is when i disconnect i never quit take all of the coupler off the ball , you just leave the smallest amount over it , that still lets you pull out from under it , then what happens next time you are backing up slowly to it you'll hear it blop on to the ball then stop backing , you then just missed hitting your bumper , another good trick when backing up to the trailer is to keep one foot on the brake and the other one pushing easy on the gas pedel , then you can back up real easy and never lose controll by lifting you foot up and down on the brake peddle to controll your movement . But hEY if what i do and share helps some one thats great , if it don't and they have their own way then thats great too . Its not my habit to jam things down other peoples throats they don't want , but i do like sharing with those who do want to know .................. lol .
  4. No shortage of feed back is good , then you get one like this ???????????? Still a winning post tho ...................
  5. Well i was glad i was able to help all you guys out , now it would be nice to hear from all the ones i did'nt ............................................
  6. And the guy who wants to go fishing with you , and how its very important that you don't ever go with out him , then once in the boat it starts , all the things he should of stayed home and done instead .
  7. Wow am glad i came back to reread this post , I think am starting to hyperventalate......... , Put me on the water , am ready to fish fish fish ! Ya no work booked in for today ........ i wonder ???????????????
  8. I've been pulling trailers for more then thirty years just like the most of you and it bothers the hec out of me when i see folks trying to get hooked up and keep missing the coupler to the ball over and over no matter how many times they try . So with no guides or any devices to aid you i'd like to offer up this hint to make life a little easyer on how they can hit the coupler dead on every time , keep in mind that this helpful hint only works with a trailer that is wider then your towing vehicle , for boat trailers the widest point is the out sise edges of the fenders . Next time your hooked up to the trailer and the vehicle and trailer are sitting in a straight line , take a look in both your rearveiw mirors . You will be able to see in each miror the sides of the vehicle and the out side edges of the trailer , take a note at what this space looks like , the space you can see in the miror from the side of the vehicle to the out side edge of the trailer , it could be six inches or 7" or 8" what ever it is and remember it , sitting straight it will be the same on both sides , just remember what that distance is and use that as your guide the next time you back up to the trailer and you will hit the coupler dead on provided you backed up straight inline with the trailer to start with . So many people have watch me hook up over the years and say ...wow how did you do that , your good at that , i say its so simple if you know your equipment . Try it and see if it helps . I've been wanting to share this for so many years and i think i found good spot to do it here this morning . Thank you and good luck . Now if i could only teach some how to back up with a trailer on .......lol .
  9. Good stuff indeed Roy , mine is set up like in step two which is more to the out side edges . With the right amount of trailer in the water each time , it guides its self in to the bunks perfectly each time when loading .
  10. Yay Sailor ............. lol .
  11. It is early this year , the signs are all around , reminds me of 1990 when all the planting was done before April 15th .
  12. Kinda hardly ever hear of any one falling thru a rock so i think he was ok till he slipped........
  13. In that case i might not have to ask again , but i was planning on checking by taking a drive down tonight . This past Sunday when i was there it looked good for this weekend , still hoping that will be so .
  14. This pic taken moments ago , Kempenfelt Bay and some where in there is Lake Simcoe . Can't tell if the ice is out of the bay yet or if it will be for the weekend , any thoughts ?
  15. I received an email thru the night from a Shawn Friesner inviting a bunch of guys to go fish thease Dunville Cats , any one know who this is ? .... i don't but who ever he is thank you for the invite and i have no idea where Dunville is ........lol .
  16. For every one who fallowed the big thread of the day , and watched the debate put up by the poster and the other commenters to the post and the come backs from the moderator no matter who he was , just let me say this . I saw a good debate here to day be aloud to settle its self , a first since i've been a member , i saw a newbie be aloud to speak back in his own defence , and i saw the moderators patiences as will as see him do a fine job as an out standing moderator can do . I saw the boundarys get pushed back on both sides of the board here today and i can say i saw the changes that have been asked for by its members . Thank you thank you , my faith in this place was restored as i think it was for many . Thank you mods for making the extra effort in what it took to judge how much salt ends up in every ones wounds . And i hope its members will know when enough salt is enough as well . Job well done .... just a word from Skipper Kissingger to the place i am proud to be a member of . I hope the feeling is mutual by us all .
  17. I beleive its ok to defend your self here and you are doing it wisly , i can see you have'nt posted a hole lot here yet but we hope you do . Ihave'nt been here all that long either and i would just like to tell you that this place no matter what is like one big family and in big familys it takes time to earn your spot and that will never change even here . See this bump on my left fore head , i got that the first week i was here , see this bruse under my right eye , i got that here a few days later , see this bump on the back of my head , i got that here too one time from one of the mods , see my toreren shirt , i got that here too when a bunch of them jumped me for not spelling write , but you know , its like i said , its one big family here and it can be tuff , there over 7000 of us mostly boys and boys play tuff . After every thing i've been thru i am still here and if your tuff as i can see you are you will be too . Thank you very much for sharing with us and we all look forward to your input on the site . Thank you .
  18. I think Simon if your little guy ever gets some fishing gear straped to his bike your gona be looking for him all the time.....lol . It was a super day here too , Skeeter and i wetted our lines from Barrie all the way up to Orilla enjoying the sun and high temps.
  19. Ok , ,,, , Well now i can tell you's myself as this day comes to an end . I did fish , and was able to ice fish starting from Tiffen Street in Barrie all the way on Lake Simcoe to the Atherly Narrows just out side off Orilla , with open water close to shore , BUT fishing from shore only ! with the sinker going thru the ice every cast . And what did i catch .......... a real nice day out and lots of casting practice for when am in my boat next weekend , shore fishing succks .
  20. Iam out looking for a spot to fish this morning , can any tell me if all the ice is out up at the Atherly Narrows .
  21. After hearing all the horrora on the board this winter about anglers trying to get their fishing licence renewed with the new system thats now in place , i chose to leave mine to the last minute, because of not wanting to face the hassels . Dispite every thing i was told this week about trying to get one i just went on line to Service Ontario and renewed mine , it was easy and hassel free and only took a few minutes , seems every thing is up and running well . Thank you for reading and a sorry to those who found this to be old news .
  22. At that price if you scooped them all up could you sell then back here next fall ????????
  23. Where ta hell is Virgina Beach Marina !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i 'll find it .... lol
  24. I have'nt check yet , but do you think the bay will be full of boats this weekend ???????or the beach full of people .
  25. Because of this fine report Chris , think i'll take a drive down there this morning and see how much longer before i need to get the boat ready .
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