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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I've done my fare share of trail maintance thru out Simcoe in the fall for after the atv's have run them all summer . I spent 50 gran on a machine to go out there andwork countless hours of filling the corners back in so the snow groomers can do there job properly . All i hear from the club people is , if they did'nt go so fast the trail would stay in place and need a lot less maintance . Side by sides or utv's to my knowlage go alot slower , that would be alot safer as well.... no ?
  2. In our area here since the side by sides came out , many of our neigbours who have them have been running the roads with them and no problems with the law , mine you its a farming community tho . My question to which i don't know the answer .... can the utv be plated like my atv is and are all side by sides utv's ? When it comes to the atv trails in Ontario whats up? Do we here not care to see or want utv's or side by sides using the trails ? My understand is that in the province of Quebec they are , if not already are widening all thier trails to accomdate the wider side by side machines . Are the powers that be not going to do that here as well ?
  3. Very sad news to wake up to , our thoughts are with the his family and friends .
  4. Side by side will get you done with it once and for all if site seeing is all you want to do , for me , i like the prowler .
  5. Our jiffy works real good now since we started using Orvil Breadenbocker in it ....... ......... sorry i just had to on a day like this .
  6. Real glad this is going to happen " the T-shirt thing" to which ever cause . Some one let us know who do we contact to place our orders , give our shirt size and give the money too .
  7. So does any one know what happens with the bear now ? Does it go back to sleep while its in captivity , does it get put back in its den left to wake up there ?
  8. lol..lol, good morning Nick .
  9. Never saw one in my life , but you never now right . Living here just north of Barrie i have from time to time seen a few strange things , mid 90's out walking in my bush one day , i came across tracks that looked like bear tracks , thought no way , kept my mouth shut and never told any one for fear they'd say i was crazy , never even told my family , then a few days later down the road in Midhurst the MNR shoots a young Bear out of a tree in the yard of the day care center . Another time while out doing some custom combing on the second of Oro and of course at the time i was in the feild by my self dumping into wagons , i was going up thru the feild and caught this thing in the corner of my eye walking along the fence row at the other end of the feild , it looked like a big light coloured dog , as i combined a watch it fallow the fence line comeing closer to where i was working , it came straigt in front of me to the point that i could see it was no dog but one hell of a big cat , it had the cat shaped head , a tail to long for a dog , i thought its a cougar but no way and again you don't dare say any thing to no one . Like with the bear a few days later on the Barrie tv news Big curve Acers farm on hwy 11 claims a cougar took down one of their young horses in the night .The best one tho to me was in 1989 a year after moving to Midhurst to come home one night from work to see a moose standing on my front lawn with the OPP sitting on the sholder of the road watching the thing and telling every one to stay back . So i beleive any thing is possible out there , i just wont be the one who tell's ya .
  10. Wild oats you can't sow till after April 15th and all chances of frost has passed but who sows wild oats any more ... ..
  11. Thank you for sharing ,awsome huge jumbos , if you need a hand to eat'm Pm me .
  12. Maybe the bear ate'm .... lol
  13. to hell! ... naw . Now i am wondering how the hell the dam bears doing , i should have stayed in the dam shop , i'll never get any thing done now for the rest of the day thinking about the stupid thing.....why why why do i pay atention , i only came in the house to get some thing to eat so they would'nt find me on the floor out there like the bear , Nick , is the bear gona make it ??????
  14. Not nice , thanks for the picture .
  15. Nick the bear just woke up , now we all know how it feels to wake up in the morning , stagering around whiping your eyes , rubbing your stomick , can you amagin waking up after sleeping for five months and what that must feel like .... shure would'nt want any one to find me til i was wide awake ............. . ps Nick .. i never watched the vid .
  16. Don't aways think a bear is in distress just because a human said the bear is in distress , i'd like to think its the bear saying winters over and heres an early spring people , time to put the huts away and get your boats out and have picnics cause am hungry now from after sleeping so long ......... lol . When are we supose to pay attention to mother nature , when man says or when mother nature says ? My .... .... is not aimed at any one here , just thinking out loud again to myself .
  17. RC, funniest ice fishing pic contest , capsation for your first picture , Why is that little gun pointing at you ...lol
  18. I know what inland out there that you would be hidding behind . Its ok , i would never disturb you .... just watch out for the red,white and blue Bayliner ..... lol .
  19. I like how he "Mossebunk" knew him self and in all those years stays his course and grew with who he was ment to be .
  20. Hot Dog .......Hot fish'in..........
  21. Your probaly right there FS , what can i say ..... its old dogs and new tricks that are the problem some times , the cost of the 8' T8's blew me away ...... 13.99 each .........man! ,next time my friend next time ...lol
  22. A few pic's of the boat that will be getting the make over once the shop reno is finished . Why some ask , why not just buy a new fishing boat , i've always liked the bigger boats with the covered bow which is some thing you can't seem to find in a new fishing boat thease days .
  23. Heres a heads up for any one getting ready to purchace or install thease new T8's , I am not sure if you will have this problem or not , when i installed them then turning them on they glowed pink but were bright white on each end , after a few hours of being on and i mean a few hours , they finaly went completely bright white , seems they needed to charge for some time , now they come on bright right away each time they are turned on . Good luck .
  24. Mine are in storage waiting for the soft water or i'd say ......
  25. Awsome looking week end Nick
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