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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Bottom bouncing some power baits
  2. you never know .... lol i'll check any ways to make sure , thanks Rizz O .........
  3. Any one know where in Barrie or close by that i can buy a few 2 & 3 ounce sinkers ????
  4. Home home on the range , where the deer and the antalop play , where seldom is heard a discouraging word , and the sky's are unclowdy all day ...... lol
  5. Don't know what you did but your on , go ahead and talk , we all can read you loud and clear ...........
  6. No up date Simon , are you stuck up in a tree , or better ... passed out under one .......lol .
  7. If your on Fox , you must have seen me last night trolling around the island , i was the only boat out there , you might want to send me a PM .......LOL
  9. Fillets are put away , can't wait for dinner tomorow night .. lol , thanks for the good comments there folks , tight lines til the next time .
  10. Coming of the lake a short while ago as i turned to come in Kempenfelt . With my haul and fish in hand , i waltz her right down the bay , water was a bit choppy but none the less it was a great day to be fish'in . Now she's time to make some fillets .
  11. Your right Roy , times a wasting , i'll be gone once am sign out .
  12. I have the chance to get out for the rest of the day and fish Simcoe in my boat , Any one care to join up for the day . Perch & Bass ...........................................
  13. Theres a time zone change between you and us is'nt there Simon .
  14. "SIMON "!!!! wher'ed ya go ..........................................................
  15. Will there be a day in the future when we will hear he came into the public's eye the day he joined the family at the Ontario Fishing Community , I wish for the guy in time more people from where ever get to know and use him to find out for them selves just how such a young fisherman comes to a sport and gets called a Great .
  16. Not at all like going after The Deadliest Catch , if only it we're like that in order to catch walleye , who would go ?
  17. Dam and i just drove down thru there the other day with my fishing rods in the back .... lol , Wtg Dale & Perry ...
  18. Send our member Cheaptackle a PM and see if he can fix you up , he gives supper deals to the OFC members here .
  19. X2 again .......... What i like most was how he took the time to make sure i under stood just exactly what it was we were doing to catch fish so you could come away from it with the confidents to repilcate what that was and have sucsess on your own .
  21. I came running when i heard you were leaving , don't worry about us , we'll all be just fine and you go enjoy your self now and don't worry about a thing . I'll be around to check on every thing for you just like i said i would , wait where did you say you left the key , o' never mind i'll find it , now your the guy with the fishy tank not the people with the dog and the cat , don't worry Simon i've got it all under control you run along and have a good trip and i'll see ya when you get back . Where in the hell did i put dis guys address ...................................dam it .
  22. I think all your gona do is feed the gobbies shore fishing , i seem to get more of those on then perch while fishing the bay , i have better luck out on the lake with hardly a gobbie ever
  23. That would be good but no way would we all fit ............
  24. Done all the walls in our kitchen with flex rock in 2003 still looks awsome , then i bult a set of new wooden front steps with 2x12 pine and cover them all with it , still looks the same today , what i used we troweld on , kind of tricky , now they say you can roll it on , have'nt try that way yet tho ..........
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