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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. He sure is , have you fished the lake with him before ?
  2. There was lot of room to do that from what i saw going on there last year ....
  3. I headed out the door this afternoon at one to go up north and try my luck at catching some walleye , made it to the lake and met up there with a OFC member Micheal and loaded our gear and backed the 20' cuddy cruiser in to the lake , while i parked the jeep and trailer Micheal was in the lake aiming the boat for take off . Iwas realy excited to get going and try out some new equipment i bought yeasterday which were a Okuma Magda pro 20DLX reel with line counter ON A 7' power medium heavy fast acton Shimano FX70-MHB2 . We got to trolling right away , and we trolled til five when i noticed i did'nt have breakfast or dinner , After beaching the boat Micheal hit the road looking for the ner'est chip stand , 30 minutes later he was back with some real tasty fish and chips which we ate sitting on the bunks of the trailer , it was six thirty when Micheal said whats it gona be , go home and call it a day or hit the water again til dark , well since we had'nt had any luck up til that point i said lets turn the boat around and give it another try but only on the other side of the lake this time . We were starting to lose the light real fast and like allways on our last pass for the night . bang i had one on , this bugger wanted to fight and was determan to send me home alone , it stayed on the bottom right up til i got it right beside the boat , it fought like crazy to stay down , Micheal said you got your self a real nice walleye there but it was not to be , once i got it to break the surface we were both surprized , it was this nice little Bass .... lol . While i wrote this i have'nt went back to read what i wrote like i normaly do , but i want to make sure this story is not completely one sided . Micheal offered to take me out and show me around his lake were he lives , he also met me at the launch with a dozen and a half or so rod and reels he brought for me to try out plus more tackle then i ever seen at a boat launch before . I can't thank him enough for the great day i had on the water today , we plan to hit this lake again and try for the eye's we went for today . Well i am sure tired and i'll leave this story where its at for now . Thanks for taking a look ...... Skip .
  4. lol ... i think the real moral of the story here is ..... we don't mess with old people ........
  5. Welcome aboard Wall i .
  6. First off i have to give a big thanks here to all the guys who answered my thread , i realy thought i was going to be left on my own with this one but that was'nt the case and i say thank you every one , second i got to thank those who sent the PM's , Thank you guys very much for all your help , i just got back from scouting out a hot tip for a walleye spot not far from my place , i found theres a great place to launch my boat so now a can't wait to get geared up and go give it a try . While i was there i met a guy who was cooking up his shore lunch on the tail gate of his station wagon , it was a walleye he had just caught , the guy even offered me up a chair to join him and handed me a peice of his cooked catch , man i did'nt know the guy but i sure do now and he sure nows how to make it taste good . Can you's amagin........ you scout out a spot to see if its any good plus get to taste whats in it all in an afternoon .
  7. come away with me Lucille , in my slap happen automobile ..... lol
  8. good stuff all around there guys , lots of info coming in for sure , and yes i am hooked on eyes and hope i don't have to go back to fishing perch just yet , i never thought i'd see the day when i would be looking for a heavy stick and a 51E Curado ....... lol .
  9. ..... now i see what makes a walleye guy a walleye guy .......
  10. I hate asking , i've tryed to find out on my own with no luck so far , so here go's . Where in our area ..... Barrie ..... are guys going to do their walleye fishing , do we have spots close that we don't have to drive for two hours to get to ? Thanks in advance if you can help out with this one .
  11. If your hole weekend's not all about fishing you should do good there .........
  12. I found it Billy Bob while trolling the beach at Charlottenburg park ........
  13. Location Location Location ...... ....... lol .
  14. This is what happens Nick when you move to the country , you get babes in the woods around the lakes , i thought you knew that ...... lol . Congrats to you and yours .
  15. Real nice catchs Roy , it sure was a good weekend to be on the water .
  16. Roy ......... Roy ......... Roy ........... come on Roy ........ Roy it's time to wake up now , its getting late !!
  17. it did turn out well DB , now i just have to find those eyes around home here and go try 'em ...... lol
  18. well Mike your the great teacher , just hope hope i can continue to be a good student ..... lol
  19. Iam privileged to have met such a fine young man , Mike's love for what he's doing show thru so clearly once you meet him and once he guide's with you . I don't think i can write enough to tell what i came away with after spending time on the water with him , he taught me so much about how important it is to know what your doing if you want to catch fish , navionics , reading structure , gps , the right gear to use with the right reel and rods , Mike i can never thank you enough for what i learnt from you this weekend . The proof guys were in our numbers saturday , fishing from 9 am to 12 noon .. five small mouth bass 5 lbs and up , but hec he was unhooking them as soon as they reached the boat and letting them go ! ... lol , and 11 walleyes , all before noon and where the locals told me good luck ... there no fish here this year . I say if you ever have to chance to do it with Mike do it . Thank you Mike for the fine education you left me with this weekend , now for one i'll better understand the fishing lingo on the board and feel quit confendent i know what i need to know to go fishing for walleye on my own ........
  20. Last wedneday night while sitting on the board here reading an interesting topic put up by Roy about where he should fish this week end i jumped in , hoping that if i added to his post in such away that it might get me an invite to go his way for a little fishing plus finaly meet the guy ( our leader ) but this fish did'nt take the hook ..... lol . Funny as things will go some times , Musky Mike & Mercman saw what i was up to and offered in a pm that if i was in the area to drop by for breakfast if i could and possibly take in some fishing if i had time . With time after that flying by and with no anwser coming in from Roy ( this guy believe me is so good at playing possium ) i started packing to hit the road thursday night for what ever . Friday morning found me at 7am just in time walking in on Mike and Paul at Harv's diner which is just a stones thro from the Larry . Then BANG it hit me , i then was introduded to just what OFC is all about . Holy crap , i was muged by Mercman Montreal style and showered with gifts , Cattle boyz for me and a new combo to take back home for my grandson Skippy Jr , Mike was stand there as tall as he is with his welcoming smile and his out reached hand , then it was down to getting to know you and the fish talk of the day . Time just flew by after that then the Boys had to hit their date they had planed for musky that day , before parting ways Mike asked if i had time to fish before i left for home and that we could spend saturday on the Larry if i wanted , so i did what any one eles would and said Hell Yes . Mike said Ok , you meet me at my place tomorrow morning for 8 and i'll have breakfast ready . Next morning 8 oclock i pull up at Mikes , he had every thing ready t , beacons & eggs were cooking and then before you knew it we were off . Guys let me tell you , it was pb for me one after another that day , we started fishing at 9 am , bright blue skys , clear water , east wind blowing and it was non stop action , five bass all c&r then it was 11 walleye one right after another and man did i learn things from Mike i would have never on my own . Then it was 12 noon and we headed of the water for lunch . Here i'll let a the few pic's we took talk for a bit ............. you'll see by the looks of my face in the one , it wasa bright sunny day all right and in the second pic i could only hold up six of our eight keepers for the day
  21. I did Roy , it was PB after PB all Saturday morning while on the Larry for me , I arrived home a bit earlyer tonight , am unwinding and resting up a bit for now then i'll be going to work on a report later to post up for our morning readers ..
  22. Mr Beans i have been having my proud moments for sure since he's taken up ridding my hip pocket this summer , proud to the point that i thought it was time to pass on to him my first boat and its memories that it gave me when i was a young lad ......
  23. Glad to hear you made it out all tho i could'nt find you out there any where ...... lol , can't wait to veiw your report tomorrow .
  24. You should have been around the next morning Paul to see what Mike and i hooked into before we went for lunch .. lol . You guys sure look like you's had a great day out the day before by the looks of the pic's posted up here , congrats on you PB too there , awsome bunch of fish guys ...........
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