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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. How do i sum up this report , i think it should go like this . Because all things pointed that the lake had turned its self over in the past few days is the reason we have no pictures to post up all tho we all caught fish the bit was slow . Heres a few Pic's of how this g2g came to an end . If you think you'd like to know more of how this g2g went , you can allways send me a pm to find out .
  2. O' jess i just about forgot about our redneck , sorry there BBgun.......
  3. And of course of the Gang , know who any of them are lol . I can't believe am here and i would'nt be , but after joining the board here to just a bit over a year ago and knowing no one plus very little about fishing, i am here and the expeirance is awsome . Well todays another day and we're all hoping the fish turn on today for us and since i am the only one up right this morning i better go get it started .
  4. It was a nice drive up and holy dam looky there we also found fall go'en on up here
  5. With leaveing well after what our arival time was to be i wasted no more time and got right to the job of getting us there as you can see by this picture ...lol
  6. With the drive up to the lake yesterday to arive a 1 oclock , and the getting to know you thing going on , and then the two trips on the lake to fish ,and all the great smells of the food that was being cooked , the afternoon snacs and the awsome dinner we sat down to , then after all that i was just to beat last night to post up any futher report and i am sorry if you were waitting for one . Heres a few pic's of the drive up yesterday , finding the secret lake and the gang , o' ya plus finding fall that is well under way here . With Skeeter being one of those slow poke drivers i right away put him to work on the navagating .... lol
  7. Thank you HH for the heads up , i believe thats on the menu for today ...... lol
  8. The stupid little thing works pretty good hu ... way up in the north in the middle of no where , wireless high speed , you got a love it ........ lol
  9. The boys have got our dinner cooked after an uneventful after noon on the water ,,,, well i caught two bass , so its eat time then i'll be back to post up a few pic's of the gang ..... lol
  10. Well its a bit late but its better later then never , i am off to a undisclose lake to meet up with five other OFC members , this might be a good thread to watch as the weekend unfolds as i am traveling live up the hiway with our buddy Skeeter ..............
  11. Nice taters ..............
  12. Try lots of Butter instead ............. lol
  13. I'd say that should just about do it as far as the bacon go's , Now theres got to be some thing said about the average Potatoe ............
  14. I know of five members from the board here who will be having a g2g for some fishing in the nort country this weekend .
  15. Yes and theres some to be said for home made just like granny use to make , she was 90 some thing and had'nt seen a doctor yet in her life . Things went way out of wack when they put old Anunt Jemima in the box .
  16. It's still to dark out there to see whats going on so i am going out to have a look , You's have a good day fellows .
  17. Sorry you had to do it aloan Lew .. lol
  18. HOG WASH all HOG WASH ... maybe , the artical said United Kingdom , thats where the problem is , then it go's on to say then it will be North Americas turn , i did'nt know we had the same drout this year as the United Kingdom did , as far as i can remember from watching all season ( its my nature because i am a farm boy ) all our crop are in excelent shape this year , and for once the prices being paid for them is decent for a change , next time your driving thru the country take a look at the feilds for your selfs , grain shortage my butt , the soybean and corn have'nt even been harvested yet , you never can tell how many eggs are in the hen house until you counted them all into a basket , same thing ...................... Right .
  19. Awsome morning picture Lew and thank you for sharing it , we could see the dark clouds over your way this morning and Bev mention some body was going to get a rainbow . Knowing how you like your photos o'l natural heres a few my wife would like to share with you , they might be the only gold your gona receive from your morning rainbows .... lol , there were six of them flying around but no matter how hard she tryed last night there was no way she could get them all in one picture at the same time .You'll have to click on them to see them bigger .
  20. Well i know am not the one who trolled close to the porp ..... lol , I would ask the dealer Mike why the oil in your new motor lower unit is milky with only 100 hr on it . I can't see the oil get that milky that fast with no line stuck in the prop .
  21. Who knows , we leave that up to him to tell , heres one more of many from the old scrapbook , taken about twelve years ago ......... lol
  22. I thought the same thing Sincliar and i'll have to say some thing next time i see him , his answer will probably be that he was just posing for the picture .......
  23. Well we know he has never been shy for the camera .. lol , he's made the local news papers around many times concerning work related articles over the years , we have a pretty good size scrap book thats been going on for a long time of all his famous poses ........... lol, kinda give us a knowing of were our kid is or has been when we don't get to see him very offten .
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