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Everything posted by Miracon

  1. Dana- LMAO about the "waiting for it to eat your cat" comment! Nick - aside from your Fisher problem, a HUGE congrats on your new property!
  2. Wow! That is impressive! Awesome catch! Better than hockey!
  3. We are all very fortunate to be able to follow Jen's journey. Everyone is so right...she is a huge inspiration. I am very much looking forward to continue to read about her full recovery to a happy, healthy life! She so deserves it!
  4. AWESOME news! Congrats!
  5. Thanks for sharing the video! It was fun to watch! Unless my 10 yr old rusty PT Cruiser could tow it, I'd have to sell it too. But it would definitely be to buy a truck and a little less impressive fishing boat to start off with!
  6. LMAO at both Two and Dana's answers! I can't help you either but one thing seems sure...it's happy to see you!
  7. Great report Aaron! I would have phoned into work and said you "caught" something!
  8. Congrats! And thanks for an awesome report!
  9. Awesome report Cliff! Can't wait for the pics. Gonna save my nickles so I can give Lloyd a call in the future! He sounds like an awesome guide!
  10. I am jumping back in here as I was someone in the beginning who said a little effort goes a long way and I had absolutely no intention of insulting or offending anyone. As far as not bothering to read any of the poorly written messages on Plenty of Fish...I will clarify that most of them started with "hey babe waz'up"! And sometimes that's all they said. So yes, I chose to overlook those! Haha! And Rob (whose message I did reply to and is now my other half) is not some hot shot pencil pusher. He's a humble fitter/welder (with the shop talk and rough edges to match!) who had never even used a computer before buying one to go on the dating website after some peer pressure! It would take him an hour to type one paragraph and then he would proof read it before he sent it. I just wanted to clarify that that was the comparison I was making and not at all meaning to come across as insulting anyone. My sister has learning disabilities and although she was unable to go through main stream high school, she does just fine for herself now and I have always been very proud of her. My main beef is more with our younger generation becoming lazy in writing as they Text or MSN. And I do see the English language suffering with this generation because of instant messaging. My 16 year old son is the perfect example. He knows how to spell and use grammar (somewhat! Haha!), and he sure knows how to use spellcheck, but he chooses not to. And I love him dearly I just could kick his pen and paper lazy behind! So as I have followed this thread and seen the offense taken, I just wanted to clarify that for myself I in no way intended to come across as discriminating against illiteracy or learning disabilities. And I have never corrected anyone in a forum (except for merc's "cents" comment which was all in good fun! ).
  11. OMG lota! Love the lobster! LMAO Mike about "not smiling"! And great name choice! My son's name is Connor!
  12. HH...make sure you let us know where they chose! It almost feels like a competition now! Haha!
  13. He's adorable! Hope he enjoyed his first Halloween...even though Daddy is probably eating all his candy!
  14. Fern Resort in Orillia is a nice place! Not sure about pricing or numbers though.
  15. That looks awesome! Love your use of colour! You have a great talent!
  16. Wow! Thanks for a great, detailed report! I didn't understand half of what it meant (hope to one day! ) but it was an interesting read nonetheless! Congrats!
  17. Great fish!
  18. LMAO! The correction wasn't necessary! I've always just been one of the guys!
  19. Wow! That's a beauty! Congrats!
  20. LMAO!!!!! To add to that...my kids have said that our Smoke Detector is my Oven Timer!
  21. Spent some time on there misfish???!!!!
  22. It's almost as ugly as a Coelacanth!
  23. LOVE it! Great job!
  24. merc, if you read it 3 more times, it might start to make dollars! Couldn't resist!
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