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Everything posted by krixxer

  1. I think I'll quit basa and teep on smoking.
  2. Just lease it! hammer the piss out of the turbo and hope it holds for two years. On the other hand if you want to buy one, price out a new tranny first. Tiptronic right?
  3. I'm a abu fan. had the SX went back to upgrade to the STX ..... not worth the extra money in the end I just use my thumb. If you need the best latest cast control gizmo then the Abu may not be the best but if you can thumb it then he SX/STX are nice as they don't have much plastic on them to disintegrate
  4. Corner of Matheson and Tomken..I'll check the name on the way to work tomorrow. The guy I charged me 105 or was it 115?? x2front rotors x4ceramic pads. I've had then on my minivan for 1500km with no problems
  5. I have a few positions open right now;what do you do?
  6. I just did my front pads and rotors on the minivan. Carquest wanted $130 per raybestos (sp) rotor Crappy Tire worked out to 260 for the kit found local guy who got me upgraded rotors and ceramic pads for 105 cash
  7. I think I'll print out your pictures and clip them to the underside of the boat as perch porn. Sexy girls like that will surly it will bring in the big boys,
  8. Were you casting? When I get lazy and fishing good current like the Niagara. I like to set up a #1 mepps on a drop shot.
  9. Boats are skinny little 12's or 14's with 8hp. They have nice little cabins along the shore but it is rather close to the HYW so from time to time you can hear it. I like the place but the three times I went things didn't work out for me all that well. I'd like to give it a try earlier in the season next time The first time I rented they let us go out on a day with 40km winds and whitecaps. It got close a few times but we made it. The second time I had my boat, managed to cover a lot of water but only a few dinks. The last time I trolled from buoy to buoy and managed to get skunked.
  10. You can rent the big floor sanders at home depot. When I did my paint booth floor I just ripped it up with the sander and used epoxy fuel tank primer I had left over from a previous job. I followed up with exterior polyurethane paint; again something I had left over. Five years or daily abuse and still holding strong. If I had to clean up the shop floor I think I would try concrete polishing. I just like the way it looks. Bryan - do you know how much is polishing of a shop floor ~7k sq feet Kris
  11. it's all in the prep!!! Take some 320 and knock down all the gloss. Around two inches around the tear inside and out. Use a DA if you have one. Follow it up with a few heavy strokes of 120 to give it tooth. Alcohol, acetone, MEK or some other good clean solvent to degrease and you are now ready to apply the glass. Don't work in direct sunlight and get a fan to blow at your back to keep the fumes down. (I presume you don't have a respirator)
  12. Two blocks down the street from me.. I'd have to apply for more credit if I wanted to shop there
  13. Since you are in Sauga go to Matheson and Dixie. I just got a bunch of stuff at one of the electronics places. I was real surprised to find quite a few marine specific things. (panels,wire)
  14. since we are talking about fish how would you rate single barrel JD.
  15. I'm already pinching the tops from my green onion. A few mint plants that are just starting; mojitos all summer long. I also like fresh dill for fish I chop it up and freeze it when they gets out of control. Summer herbs last me well into the winter At this time of the year I just keep them in the kitchen on the window ledge. Over the next few weeks I'll throw them out on the balcony.
  16. Last year I had some problems with power. I always had to take it easy with the troller, ran a radio on D's and rarely turned on the fish finder. 200 clams later I have 2 24's with a total of 160AH. @20 amp I have 8 hours of use. Am I going to notice the extra 100lbs up front? I hope my little tinner can handle it.
  17. +1 I use it on a wide spool; comes off real smooth and has nearly zero memory,
  18. It comes as a dry powder you add to you paint if you spray or you can just sprinkle it if you use a roller. Griptex is a product made by Awlgrip.
  19. Canadian Tire??? I'll take a closer look. thanx
  20. i used 1/2 inch for the floor. Epoxy primer and poly top coat with griptex
  21. Who sells the stuff?
  22. All about line selection. Power pro will not free spool for me in sub zero.
  23. yotes 308 deer 308 moose 308 target 308 Makes it easy to sort brass this way. After many guns and many cal and endless days at the range and years in the field; if you can't drop it dead with a 308 then you are reading way to many ballistic tables.
  24. how do you eat em'? never had any myself
  25. It now takes me a day of work to fill my tank.
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