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Everything posted by tapout

  1. That savoury sauce made with Mt. Scio savoury from home?
  2. Lard geezus Brian, Long time. Yeah now I'm wondering what its like up there in V.B now. Anyone know if the ice is still safe or now a big mess? Thanks, Tony.
  3. I noticed a single shell station here in Brampton by the Peel Police Headquaters had the triple 0's displayed. Never thought much of it. The Sunoco at Steeles and Hwy 10 when I stopped there about 2ish was displaying all grades at the usual price differences. Glad I filled up now after seeing this post. First time in years I paid 50 bucks to fill up.
  4. Thanks Terry and Danbo! I think A Christmas day or Boxing day drive up there may be in order. Anyone else interested? Today I think is a good time to dig out the ice rods and change the lines. Cheers all. Tony
  5. Hey everyone, Back to the board for another ice fishing season. Was wondering what the ice conditions at Virginia Beach are. Got out between Christmas and New Year's last year. Wondering if I'll be able to the same this time. Cheers all. Tony.
  6. Hey everyone, First off I want to Thank everyone who responded with your opinions and comments. The Final tally as I see it; Go for it : 18 ( 51% ) No don't go : 7 ( 20% ) Leave to me : 10 ( 29% ) I was pretty amazed at the support for me to go for it. A few of the comments did stand out for both the yays and nahs though. For example , *Who says that we all have to conform to the wife, 2 kids and a mortgage lifestyle?* I have thought of that kinda thing alot the last few years. * I think the worst thing a person can do in his lifetime is to have a dream but never carry it out * I have to completely agree with this comment. A dream doesn't have to be to travel. It could be to...have a wife/husband, 2 kids, and a mortgage. If that was/is your dream and it makes you happy then thats what matters, your happiness. * foot loose and fancy free has to end somewhere and I'd think by 31 is as good a place as any * Well not too sure how to take that comment but obviously it was written without knowing I have worked my butt off ever since I was about 18, sans the aussie year, and never did anything but work. I've worked so much I've never had much of a social life. I've worked 2 jobs at times...just because. * you wouldn't have posted if you weren't sure * * it look like you already have pretty much made your mind up * * you sound like you know what you are going to do but need some justification from others to get your blessing * I will try to clarify this. I know what I want to do but not sure what to do. I don't need a blessing or what not to do something. Just not sure. My mind if FAR from made up. I'm also not sure if what I just said makes any sense or makes things more confusing. I appreciate everyones comments. Even those that suggested I would be "childish" or a "bum" if I decided to go. I really haven't decided either way yet. Will let you all know what I decide. Thanks everyone!!! Tony.
  7. Hey Everyone, I am to turn 31 this coming July. I need to make a decision ASAP. The deadline is my birthday. At this age I tend to think of the consequences of my actions and decisions before I make them. Which brings me to my dilemma. As some of you know I spent a year working and travelling my way around Australia. I was 23 at the time and my original trip was supposed to be for 7 weeks only. I had gotten a decent paycheck this one particular time and after I paid what needed I decided I was going to go somewhere. I put a payment down on a ticket before even having planned anything. The more I researched visas and things, I happened on the Working Holiday Maker visa. I read up on it, liked what I saw and decided to go for it. It was an amazing year and the best of my life. A year after my return saw me making a go at working for myself. Things were going great. I was making a fair bit of money, but after about a year or so friction started to build between me and my partner and after another year the partnership ceased to exist. This saw me working for myself totally. I was very inexperienced at the time in dealing with contractors and builders etc. As a result I had a tough time and eventually went back working for someone else and is what I am doing now. Also in the time I've been back my sister had a baby and he is now 6, been living with him since he was about 3 and he looks to me almost as a father figure. So this is my dilemma. I have discovered that I can go and backpack New Zealand the same way and style as I backpacked Australia. To say I got a little excited would be an understatement. My problem is this offer expires once I turn 31. I have to apply for the visa before July 2nd ( my b-day ). Once approved I have 12 months to start using the visa. I sorta feel like the door to my youth is starting to close and this could be one helluva send-off. On the otherhand, I have this strong sense of responsibility to try and make a go of working for myself again. When I think of that option I get this sense of " your gonna regret not taking the opportunity". I went through a pretty rough few years ranging from personal to financial reasons. I feel like, going would rejuvenate me and I'd be in better position then to try working for myself again. On the otherhand I feel I should be using this time to try to start my business again. If anyone can make any sense of what I just babbled and can offer any advice or if you have had similar situations I'd appreciate to hear from you. All opinions welcome! Tony.
  8. I had an incident at work just this week where I used my sawzall as a divining rod for ......you guessed it....water. And oh boy did I find water alright! Good thing the plumber was on site.
  9. thanks man...I dunno why that happened. I did everything EXACTLY the same as i did in previous pic posts
  10. A lawyer and a Newfoundlander are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer asks if he would like to play a fun game. The Newfoundlander is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists, says that the game is a lot of fun. "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5. You ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500." This catches the Newfoundlander's attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The Newfoundlander doesn't say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer. Now, it's the Newfoundlander's turn. He asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Air phone. He searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail. After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the Newfoundlander and hands him $500. The Newfoundlander pockets the $500 and goes right back to sleep. The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the Newfoundlander up and asks, "Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?" The Newfoundlander reaches in his pocket, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.
  11. [quote name='Kirk' date='Mar 4 2008, 05:05 PM' post='167502' 6 letter name is also bad luck so I guess SS "Tapout" won't be considered?
  12. I watched this one live on TV a couple years ago. No crosswind. Front landing gear stuck sideways. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=MjNWzPfGWrU
  13. yeah what holdfast said!
  14. Where you guys going on Simcoe? I'm thinking Innisfil.
  15. tapout


    hmmm....I haven't seen one episode. Might have to look into the season sets as well.
  16. Figured I bump this up for ya TJ. lol
  17. I'll be there. Joey...what time you guys planning on arriving?
  18. This gonna affect your plans for Saturday?
  19. Hey outdoorsman, I was out there this past sunday with Joey and Tybo, greeted the rain , came in early because of it. Plenty of ice. Where we were, in 85 fow the ice was about 12 - 14 inches. No worries. Its gonna be a great time. See you there.
  20. Hey joey. I'm getting it in several shots on my video camera with my phone in front for a few seconds before each "stage" to show the time each shot was taken. Now the moon is almost covered the camera focuses better. Go give it a try.
  21. 9:45 Almost fully covered. My nephew said it looks weird. lol
  22. Just went out and had a glance. Yep. Perfect night for it. Cloudless and cold. It's started. Also this is a very special milestone in the "posts" tally. Weird this happens on a lunar eclipse! If its an omen, .........
  23. Definitely staged for TV. The cop cars are visible as Jer indicated and also if you listen carefully you can hear the director's voice on the megaphone. Last two things I heard were, " cops come out" and then, "cut, excellent" . Was funny though.
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