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Everything posted by tapout

  1. Hey Brian, Howsya gittin' on me ol trout you?
  2. Hi everyone, been sometime since I've been on. Haven't been fishing in awhile as just been working a lot. Need to get out . What brought me here is a question about taking videos with a camera installed in a vehicle and posting the videos online where the licence plates or faces of the drivers are visible and recognizable. I've seen a few videos on YouTube from around the GTA where this is the case. Is this legal? The videos I'm referring to are of driver's committing traffic violations. Do those areas have to be "blurred" out according to the law? I've contacted the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and the Ontario Privacy Office and neither seem to know where that fits in as each said and I quote, " Thats not within our jurisdiction ". Curiosity is getting the better of me. Anyone in the legal field, I.e Lawyers, Police Officers, etc. have any idea?
  3. I may be hitting up Virginia Beach this weekend. What day were you planning on going?
  4. I think he meant a megaladon. http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/otherprehistoriclife/a/megalodon-facts.htm
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCOIeYSwbXs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ylRplLnU84
  6. Hi Jeremy, I'm heading up to Virginia Beach on Lake Simcoe this weekend. The area I am going has everything you want except the 45 minute drive part. Its about an hour 15min from Brampton. If you would like to come along you're more then welcome.
  7. This guy must have crossed 4 or 5 times I saw and 2 or 3 of them he wasn't anywhere near where they put the ice road. He even stopped by some guys fishing and got out.
  8. Started out my day at 5:30 am on Sunday. Stopped and fuelled up and was on my way. Made it to the 400 bait shop and asked to buy a license. They didn't have any. Things weren't looking too good. Decided to press on and check with Dave's Fish Huts when I got there. They didn't sell them. Oh oh not looking good at all. One guy there told me to go to Chappelle's in Sutton. Its no longer called Chappelle's. Anyway they had them...whewww. I had an it to scratch so back to Virginia Beach. Headed out from there on very smooth ice, ice cleats definitely needed unless you want to make moves like figure skaters all day. The ice was about about a consistent 5-6 inches. Unbelievably someone was driving a station wagon type car back and forth from Georgina Island. The ice was behaving in a way I'd never seen before. At least 75% of the holes I drilled would cause a crack to run through the ice for 100ft or more either side of the hole and would make all accompanying ice cracking noises and VERY loud. Who says ice fishing can't get the adrenaline running. As for the fishing, it was a hard fought day. Managed to ice about 40 in about 5 hours. There were no big schools to be found. The perch seemed to be spread out. After getting about 4 or 5 from one spot the action died off. Move again and get another 4 or 5 and move on. Seemed to be the order of the day. They bit aggressively but had to be enticed to do so. I kept 27, all over 11 inches. A couple were over 13 inches. Very few dinks. After deciding I had enough I headed for shore. After trekking for almost an hour to get back to shore I was glad I was persistent in finding a license earlier in the day because for the first time in my life I got checked by the MNR CO's. Terry was his name and he was a very polite guy. The guy just before me probably didn't think so as he had 6 perch and NO license. I heard someone mutter something like his fine was $500. Remember its not worth fishing without one. I hope to get in a few more trips and reports before this winter that wasn't is over. If the weather this week doesn't ruin what ice is there I might give'r a go again this weekend if anyone wants to join me. Take care all and be safe out there!!! Tony.
  9. Well everyone, some new developments on my issue. Doesn't look like I'm ever going to see my money but due to some new information I got today its almost worth it. This contractor also has another contracting business doing insulation ( which I already knew) . One of his clients is a very well known and connected builder and has several high end clients. He apparently lost his business doings with this builder as well. Another builder who he walked away from has me and my crew back finishing his house. Well that builder finally came across him today and blasted him verbally. My former contractor of course had excuses and blame to put everywhere but himself. He spins so much verbal diarrhea the TP factories are gonna need to put on an extra shift to compensate. Anyway he has himself dug so deeply hes done in the area I work. Its a very high end area where everyone pretty much knows each other. He was told by the builder I work for he might as well find a different area to work. Karma can really be a .....ummm....female dog???.... thanks for all the comments, suggestions, and support!!! Tony.
  10. Yeah i was thinking that but from what I've found online I can't go after the "owner" which in this case was the builder. I worked for the contractor. Not sure if I read it right! http://www.ontarioconstructionlaw.ca/lien%20FAQ.htm
  11. Hi everyone, Haven't been on in awhile. I usually am on more frequently during ice fishing season. As for my reason for posting now I know I can get reliable advice here as this place has such an amazing variety of helpful and supportive people. My issue is, I am paid as a self-employed sub-trade. I don't have any employees. I work for myself so to speak. My issue is for about 2 and a half months I worked for a new contractor in the framing trade. The agreement was i was to be paid for every hour of work with pay periods not exceeding 2 weeks. He has not paid and we gave him till the monday and he renegged again. We walked off until we are paid and still no sign of being paid. What are the options in regards to small claims court? Anyone in the legal professions? Is it better to just cut my losses and forget about it? Not sure what to do here. Thanks in advance and appreciate any advice. Cheers, and again Thanks. Tony.
  12. Got your pm Daryl. Lots of ice there no worries. Check your pm box for my number.
  13. I'm thinking of heading to virginia beach in the morning. I'm coming from Brampton. You're more then welcome to join me. Tony.
  14. I'm probably going to head to Virginia beach again. Lots of ice plus I have yet to be skunked at VB. EVER. Been skunked many times at Gilford. I usually go solo as most of the people I know don't share the same enthusiasim for ice fishing as I do. If you'd like to go there you're more then welcome. Be nice to have company for a change. Tony.
  15. Welcome Moxie, you'll enjoy your time on here! Tony
  16. Got out at Virginia beach with the temp at 7am -14C. The wind certainly drove the temp down even further. I started my trek out and was greeted by this sunrise. The bite was slow and light just like a week ago. Managed about 30 perch, kept 12 and also got a 32 inch pike. Also caught some bug. Heavy congestion both in the chest and sinuses. Sinus headaches, hot and cold, aches all over and irritated skin. The ice was at least 8 inches think every where I drilled and I guess thats enough for some people and their cars. All in all it was a good to get out. Cheers, Tony.
  17. terry beat me to it. Neat song.
  18. Hey Brian, is this it?
  19. Thinking of heading to Virginia Beach tomorrow. Anyone else feel like going? I'm coming from Brampton and can take 2 people with gear. Cheers! Tony
  20. Hey Brian, This one will bring back some happy memories. It'll make ya smile! Merry Christmas!
  21. Got out yesterday and had my lines down by 8:30 am, a little later then I intended but also not being sure of the ice thickness i wasn't going to risk it in the dark either. The bite was extremely light and very spotty. There was about a 2 1/2 hour period where I didn't get a single hit. I fished from about 6 fow to 12. The deeper spots seemed to produce the best. Nearing about 3pm I moved way out in search of some deeper water and found it somewhere probably just over halfway to georgina island. I drilled my holes, set up a pickeral rig with minnows at one hole and 5 feet away used a red russian hook with a minnow. The jigging action of the russian hook definetly out produced the set line. I had on a bite indicator on my rod and it made the difference. The bite was so lite I got a jumbo on my set line and only knew I had it when i was checking the bait. I had the most action about the last hour and a half of daylight. This was also when I moved to deeper water. Maybe this was where they were all day or maybe the bite turned on a bit in the afternoon. I iced about 35 with about 9 jumbos, several 8 to 9 inchers and the rest less then that. I managed 20 keepers. As for the ice, The thinest anywhere I drilled was 6 inches, some spots over 7 inches. There is snow on the ice and some slushy spots. Snow is up to a foot deep in spots. There were sleds and atvs out there and a local hut operator has 2 huts put out as well. The ferry is still running so stay well away from that area if you venture out. All in all it was great to get out and ice a few perch even if it was a slow day. Cheers, Tony.
  22. Hey Fishman, I'm heading to Viginia Beach tomorrow morning to check things out. Where on Simcoe have you guys decided on?
  23. Lake Nosbonsing is a little bit east of lake nippising.
  24. Have a larger friend come along and have him lead the way out.
  25. Was just wondering if there is any ice at Virginia Beach. Thats where I usually get out first. Hoping to get out Christmas weekend or maybe even the weekend before that if its safe enough. Thanks! Tony
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