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Everything posted by tapout

  1. I had not seen the article or the video until this thread. I Made the assumptions based on past experience , and note that no where did I she WAS under the influence. I said she looks like she was under the influence of something. As for believeing in the government. Never have. Government makes laws which only serve themselves or friends. All us outdoors people know that, when new "regulations" come into being which affects us. Cancellation of the spring bear hunt stir any memories? The banning of bait over a certain length in certain areas?? There are many laws which I do not agree with. For this reason I could not be a cop and uphold laws I find questionable or just plain wrong. Doesn't mean I won't obey. I just can't force someone else to obey. And as for having "faith" in the makers of the laws...Not a chance. Like the Scottich Comedian Billy Connelly said, "Parliament is a place where good ideas go and get bashed about till they are just shadows of their former selves".
  2. Ok maybe she wasn't under the influence and maybe that "fear, panic, anxiety, terror etc" makes them act erratically then its now a mental condition. Either way the proper people shoulda been in there. I was in a relationship where my ex turned out to be mentally ill and UNmedicated so I do have some experience in knowing which people should be involved. And your last sentence "This kind of thinking is what is going to be our ruin". Not too sure what you're implying, but you do seem to have all the answers. Maybe your infinite wisdom could be better used in Ottawa??
  3. Let me know when ctc has an outdoor gear sale. I need to stock up.
  4. Not too sure what to say after seeing that. From the looks of the girl she was under the influence of SOMETHING so the proper people should've been in there with straight jackets, meds,etc. whatever. No excuses for that one.
  5. why did that guy have a sledge hammer at the office in the first place? Paper weight?
  6. I agree with that comment for sure. But one also has to realize, I think anyway, that ONE bad cop or bad anyone for that matter can do alot of damage ( physical, mental, etc ) to a person in a very short time and it CAN, not always, take alot more time to recover from it. Someone also made a comment that the cop "hardly used much force on the kid" or something like that. From what I understand isn't ANY unwanted physical contact considered assault? Why isn't it so when an officer does it? In the case of this kid, the kid made no indication of being aggressive NOR threatening. The way he was holding that board sure didn't look like it was going to be used as a "deadly weapon". And also someone asked if there are any videos out there of GOOD cops. Well this one came to mind. I've seen it before and just searched and found it. Talk about patience, professionalism and a class act. Loved the way he dealt with the guy.
  7. That cop needs a kick in the azz with a frozen boot!
  8. Amen to that ccmt. And btw, are you going to the Tyler event next weekend? Hope to see you there.
  9. In Nfld remembrance day IS a statutory holiday. The part about the single awareness campaign being lost is about the furthest thing that happened when I was growing up there. I left in '95 the same year I graduated. I remember most of the teachers of every subject talking about it to some extent with the class, either through what they've been taught or because they had a family member who fought and served. Whatever the reason, we didn't lose any awareness whatsoever. In fact I think it made me personally more aware. So from MY personal experience where Remembrance Day is a stat holiday....I think it should be made statutory. Hats off to the vets!
  10. Hope your wife doesn't read the board
  11. Hey rizzo, good job figuring out the raising of the bar. I still have no idea what the skids are. lol. Growing up in nfld I sure coulda used one year after year, ( misfish can second me on da amounts ah sno we gits back 'ome! eh cocky? ) but my many attempts to get my father to buy one was always met with," Why do I need to get a snowblower when I have you?". I never did like that responce.
  12. From what I found out the statue had been shifted ahead about 6 inches...
  13. Hope this works?
  14. A kindergarten pupil says to his teacher that he saw a cat and it was dead. The teacher asks," How do you know it was dead?" "Because I pi.ssed in its ear and it didn't move", said the little boy innocently. "You did WHAT?" said the teacher who was shocked by the comment. The little boy said, " You know. I leaned over and went Pssst and it didn't move."
  15. must have a small boat to fill er up without going over the limit
  16. Hey tinbanger, Being highly mobile is a bonus but apparently there are some sketchy spots out there still. If you're not familiar with the area I'd recommend a guide for sure. I was out there this past saturday with my 5 year old nephew and we used a guide. The guide is actually on this board and goes by the name of hawg hunter. Hes a great guide and I'd use him again the next time I go. Also the use of a guide will up your chances of hooking into some nice walleye. Just a reminder the season closes on BOQ on feb. 28th. Good luck.
  17. thanks Joey. Any other ideas for lakers, whities? I've still to catch my first ever either one of them. If not then I guess its perch.
  18. Just wondering if the conditions around big bay point are safe. I will be walking out. tapout
  19. Hey babganouch, I'm heading there tomorrow night and be going out saturday morning for the day. Will post results when I get back. Also if you're looking to hook up with someone for the ride, it'll make it a little easier if you say where you are. Cheers.
  20. Hey Hawg, Nice looking fish. Looking forward to this Saturday. My 5 year old nephew has been asking me just about everyday, how many more days now uncle? lol The one little perch I attached to his line at gilford a week and a half ago has him excited to go again.
  21. The sharing of marriage... An old man placed an order for one hamburger, French fries and a drink. He unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half, placing one half in front of his wife. He then carefully counted out the French fries, dividing them into two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them . As he began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people around them were looking over and whispering. Obviously they were thinking, 'That poor old couple - all they can afford is one meal for the two of them.' As the man began to eat his fries a young man came to the table and politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man said, they were just fine - they were used to sharing everything. People closer to the table noticed the little old lady hadn't eaten a bite. She sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink. Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy another meal for them. This time the old woman said 'No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything.' Finally, as the old man finished and was wiping his face neatly with the napkin, the young man again came over to the little old lady who had yet to eat a single bite of food and asked 'What is it you are waiting for?' She answered (Continue below - This is great) 'THE TEETH.'
  22. Don't worry Terry. I've been left out as well. Now thats rejection when the spammers even skip ya!
  23. I haven't gotten to Nipissing in the last couple years, but when I did I found that the Swedish Pimple in chartruese colour worked very well. Always been the Nipissing producer for me. If you are putting out a tip-up/set line I'd recommend a 2 or 3 way spreader. My fav way is to hook the minnows behind the dorsal fin " make sure not to hit the spine" and have them facing the same way so they can swim around a bit and not be swimming against each other.Also helps to keep the minnows the same size to keep the spreader from going lopsided. I assume you'll be targeting walleye so be sure to be fishing very close to bottom. No more then 6" off is a good start. Has always worked for me. Take care and awaiting the report.
  24. tapout


    Hey everyone, I am planning on going to BOQ on the weekend of the 8th and most likely staying overnight saturday. I've never fished BOQ before and would like to know if anyone knows any Ice bungalow / hut operators out there. If all else fails to a motel it is. Cheers.
  25. Final Score : 441,050 Final Level : 11 Final IQ : 119
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