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Everything posted by Dan668

  1. I was there last week of July. Very slow to say the least in comparison to prior years. Small smallies, and tiny pike. Only had two muskie follows in a whole week. I fished the entire system as well. No one else at the lodge was catching much.
  2. 1. The launch on stormy is good, yes there's a dock. As of last year I believe, no motors above 9.9 on stormy or clear though. It's too bad as I love those lakes.
  3. Technically no they don't have to honour if I'm not mistaken, unless you reside in Quebec, they have stricter rules.
  4. Damn, hopefully someone is able to get one. Someone could of ordered a mass qty to resell, could of flagged the item.
  5. I considered as well, but I already have two 10's, no space for more lol. Judging by the fact that the SI is the cheapest, it seems like an error.
  6. Cabela's.ca has this gen 1 model along with other first generation 12's with steep discounts. http://www.cabelas.ca/product/84746/humminbird-helix-12-si-gps Not familiar with the units though, am a Lowrance user. I know that gen 2 with mega imaging is out so alot of places have already cleared out these models. Just passing a potential deal along, could be a price error.
  7. I currently throw stuff all in a compartment but thinking about buying a big waterproof duffle that I can slide under the console. I store my boat outside, so after each trip, everything comes out.
  8. I normally launch out of Couchiching Beach Park, that's by the narrows or out of Beaverton/Sibbalds on the east side. Good launches with parking.
  9. I will be out for musky, kind of early and not the best time but it's an outing. If I can't find them, then bass it is. I will be at Bryers and then somewhere else on the French or possibly the West arm the following week. Haven't decided yet, had some nice follows on the west arm this same time last year but overall fishing was pretty poor. Had much better results on the lower french. I will make a report with the results when I return.
  10. I'll be on Wolseley Bay in a few weeks. Hopefully the weed growth picks up and the weather stabilizes.
  11. My optimax was running terribly last year. It drove terribly on and off before the issue became fully apparent. It was one of the diaphragms on the fuel rail that went, barely idled and had a difficult time starting
  12. Yep, I was on gpool and the bay in some of my favorite spots and they were filled with brown weeds.
  13. I've ordered items from them, had no issues.
  14. I have the 401, pulls my double tens easily. Never tried the b series so I can't compare. I honestly don't mind it but the Revo toro I have is definitely more comfortable to Palm. I'm going to check out the 401 Tranx for rubber that just came out.
  15. Thanks for sharing, some beautiful scenery up there.
  16. Very cool, I will have to keep this in mind for next year.
  17. Nice catches, I was skunked on musky on the weekend prior on Pigeon.
  18. I bought a kamado big Joe last year after summer as a clear out before the huge price increase, and it is fantastic. Haven't used my Broil King BBQ since. Have used it for grilling, smoking and pizzas. It does take slightly longer, as the coals have to get lit, but if you plan your meal prior, not a big deal starting it up and then prepping while it heats.
  19. Sweet catch, definitely some big one's in there.
  20. Yes there's a limit now, it's too bad. That's why I haven't been back even though its one my favorite places to fish
  21. One of my favourite parks. Great fishing in any of the lakes. Haven't been in two years, last time I went found Muskies left on shore on the river. Was pretty pissed. What are you looking to fish for?
  22. I use April Marine, never had any issues, also haven't been able to find a cheaper rate.
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