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Everything posted by Dan668

  1. If I'm not mistaken, that's around the fastest they go. Your just missing a few mph. if you look that model online, most achieve low to mid forties
  2. Not only do they go out in unsafe conditions and put rescuers at risk, but they take the pdf's, unbelievable
  3. I just got an extra group 31 for my electronics. Left the 24 cranking battery for the motor
  4. I was at Stormy daily, doubt there'd be a problem. I left my boat locked up down at the Restoule launch with the trolling motor, no problems. Just took off the electronics.
  5. Depends, i came from a bold. I have the galaxy nexus. Sweet phone, but the reception and battery life are poor compared to the blackberry. I also miss bbm considering almost all my friends have blackberries. Not sure I'd be a fan of the ace, older os and mediocre specs, but than i haven't used it first hand. My brother used a prepaid lg Android, 2.2, didn't like it. But he ditched it to grab an iPhone nearing contract End
  6. If you decide to go to restoule. Stormy was much better fishing wise, and a lot quieter, also the launch is 100x better.
  7. Been to mikisew for a day, fishing for bass was good. Was at restoule last year in july and august. Nice park. Found the walleye, musky, pike. Surprisingly couldnt get many smallmouth, must of been at the wrong places.
  8. Definitely foreseeable. Put all the factors together. I wasn't on simcoe once cause of the crappy conditions. The one guy, was his third time being rescued. Nuff said, should have to pay.
  9. Jays looking good so far, as long as no one gets injured, it should be a good year
  10. Looks like an awesome place. If you don't mind, pm or post some of the locations. Saves me the hassle of ruling out places that are good/not so good. Appreciate it I'd consider driving further. That place it's cheap, help balance the gas
  11. Usually in the summer, i go camping for 2 weeks with my parents and brother. Also a friend or two come up for a few days. My parents enjoy being up north, so i always book a provincial park somewhere in the last week of July, 1st week of August. My dad looks forward to going every year, so ive booked a place for the past five years. We've been to numerous parks, Obatanga, Finlayson, Algonquin, Marten River, Emily, Restoule. Our last outing because of all the extra parking fees and ice costed almost as much as booking a cottage for a week So this year i thought about renting a cottage instead of camping out in tents. Planning to go for roughly ten nights if thats possible. 3-4 people will be their the whole time, but an extra 1-2 must be able to stay for a couple of days, they could just blow up an air mattress or something. I want to be able to bring my boat with me. 17'9 Lund. And on the other vehicle ill probably bring up a canoe to fish backlakes. Also willing to drive up to 12 hours. Any Suggestions or recommendations? Also if you have a site thats good for searching up places available to rent that would help me out a lot. Thanks
  12. thanks for the report, last year i managed not to catch a single crappie on pigeon. Normally their everywhere.
  13. They do draw alot of power, i always turn the brightness down. I seen that discussion on the lss2. Im torn on whether to grab it or get another lss1 for the bow because of the rebate.
  14. If you want structure scan, go with the biggest screen you can afford. Also lss2 is coming out very soon. Supposed to be better
  15. Bows in cooksville? It's so shallow, i always see the sand bar there
  16. Awesome. I'll remember this for the future. Would love to be bass fishing right now
  17. Thats odd. When i said i was paying in full, cash. Every dealer sat me down instantly. (dt, pc..etc) Bay City was the cheapest/most honest so i went with them. (I was also 20 at the time, only one dealer ignored me, i guess he didnt think i was serious)
  18. Lots of stuff around, i bought a vehicle last year just to tow my new boat home. 2002 exploder limited with a 150k, new tires, brakes. safety, etest. Got it for under 5 grand, immaculate condition. Risky truck to buy, but ive had no problems so far (knock on wood). Look around, you'll find something.
  19. Had awesome service with bay city. Bought a brand new lund last year from them.
  20. Never use snaps or swivels. Even on spinner baits with no loop. I just have a rod for every technique, less tying
  21. Lucic dumbied komi. pathetic game so far lol.
  22. Leafs tearing it up at the moment
  23. Yep but it doesn't stop me from buying them. One of my favorite cranks
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