I like Ottawa now as Matt,thinking Rangers have woke up,looks like they will put this away ,especially now Karlson is gone. Who,knows,but thinking not so good for Ottawa now
Just saw that,thinking a chance at a playoff spot and let's just say,they are way better now then I ever expected or anyone for that matter.. Good on Lou !!!!
What gets me is ,I have both Rogers and Bell(hate having all my eggs in one basket).Bell internet ok,Rogers cells ok. When they offer free this and that and get in the mail. Problem you don't qualify,because we already have you. Only new customers. What a crock . I only have one customer in London where I cannot get a signal . The employees had to change to Bell,and I can't believe full strength.
Pick the picture John,look under it and pick IMG,right click,then hit copy. Now go to where you are going to add the thread,right click,hit paste,all should be good?.
Love this,we all learn a little something. I would just change the end,make sure you have a ground fault switch or breaker at 15 amps and be done with it.Not really sure how that would void the warranty?,the motor would be protected for sure.