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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Didn't know they had trigger spin cast reels.pretty neat looking!
  2. And a great fight from what I hear!! .Love getting the bigger ones on.
  3. Real nice!!!! congrats on the win .
  4. Really nice looking fish guys!!!Looked like a decent morning as well.
  5. Have a good one!!!,we'll be looking for you!! .
  6. I use the Explorer full ones.Not to good for bushwacking I would think.So far so good.
  7. So much to choose from.This should be a interesting thread.With only a month or so till the fall fish!
  8. I find myself still watching,for what reason?,not sure.Houston is in town,worst team in the whole league.Wonder in which inning the jays will blow it? . We'll find out soon enough.lol.A lot of good that players only meeting did.Maybe todays the start of something better ..
  9. Sail,haven't really liked them personally,BPS ,take it or leave it,depending what I need .CT,gets most of my bussiness.More than welcome a new kid in town,especially Barrie!!!.As said hope there prices are at least competitive.Will defineatly check them out when they open.Thanks for the announcement!!
  10. Mike,great report,kinda remindes me of when I was young and my gramps use to take me away 3 times a year fishing.No fly ins.He would always say he would never fly with a member of the family incase something went wrong.Mind you that was 40 odd years ago.Great to see your son getting the itch big time !!!!
  11. City Wide best place around.He even changed my pitch from a 19 to a 17.
  12. I also buy mostly from CT north Barrie.I return as well with no problems.Money back,what ever.Must of had a bad bunch of stores?,hard to believe,but I guess it happens.
  13. 3rd on city wide,he still owes me one more fix when I need it.I gave him a prop that was no good to me.Gave me three free repairs/rebuilds Great guy!
  14. I think a bait caster is far better to float fish because of the free spool as compared to a spinning reel.A longer rod would be the ticket!At least for starting off.
  15. Good to hear it worked out for you.IMO they are hit and miss. Personally I have not had any issues that couldn't be resolved,but many here have had otherwise.
  16. I had decent expectations this year,maybe give it a good run at least. I also think they have given up.Looks like a few guys may be on the chopping block come trade deadline.Whatever they were suppose to have is not working very well.
  17. Brian,you need a fishin buddy II,Really, best portable fish finder you can get for trolling,still,or ice fishing.Three weeks now with the side and down imaging Sweeet. 20 hours and still showing full battery.Check them out if you have a spot to attach a holder. Watched a pike come in on the side finder at 24',coming towards the boat and picked up the lure at 17'out.Wow is all I can say,weighed in at 7lbs.Many bass caught with that feature.Just sayin lol. Good to see it's workin out well for you!!
  18. Brian,that sounds like a blast as you say. That paddle recommendation sounds like a great idea
  19. The boat looks like new!,great job!and the fish well .
  20. What's with all the big fish?????????????Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
  21. Where I knot the braid on the spool is where I attach the electrical tape.Haven't had one rod slip yet.
  22. Smallies like structure,lots of structure around Toronto shores. Good luck!!!!
  23. Good show Aaron,waiting patiently for the new series.Lookin good!!!
  24. No rattle that I can see. They see you before you see them,I'm sure he would of heard a rattle if that was the case.Interested to know as well.
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