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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. lol Congrats to ya Wayne. May you make many more in good health
  2. Nice fish, looks like an enjoyable way to spend your weekend
  3. WTG Ryan! looks like you sure did have a great time on Simcoe, Thanks for sharing
  4. Nice lakers Tjsa... looks like a great time on the water
  5. looks like ya had a good time there with the fishing and a meal no fisherman could turn down.... Thanks for the report
  6. Thanks boys... Funny thing Joe... I was looking at that same knife, except in medium, not two days ago and asked the guy to pull a new one out after I saw the display, ready to buy it, and he looked for 30 mins with no success, so I figured maybe I should ask here before I get one... looks like I am looking in the right direction.
  7. Hey all... Just looking at getting a new pocket knife... I have Alot of em right now with 4 of em being swiss army, and several gerbers and others. I have been looking at the Case Knives and really like the look and feel of em. I want a simple one with 1-3 blades max, no tools. Palm Sizes so a 3.5 min inch handle up to maybe 5" or so. I like Stag handle but would consider anything except synthetic. So if anyone has any input and quality reports on what you have used, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  8. Money can go along way to rehabilitate our resources... Glad to see the state is putting the money to good use there. Hopefully at some point we too in Canada will be able to see the same improvements... the MNR sure does need a few more bucks thats forsure
  9. Good On ya for getting another kid hooked on the sport we all enjoy so much... looks like ya have a new fishing buddy now eh
  10. Yup... Gotta love Goretex! Thats my vote too... If it says Gore-tex I would trust it
  11. All the best to him and my wishes for a safe return
  12. Definitely thats gonna be the topic Joe... Me and Glen have been waiting...
  13. Hey congrats Jen, Glad to hear ya got a nice eye through the hard stuff
  14. Congrats Mike... Hope ya can catch your share of fish in her...
  15. I would have to say fox too... long slender body close to the ground... and a long tail.
  16. Well all, It takes all of 3 minutes to register your hut... Might as well, Just have your outdoors card on hand and know your address, DOB, and name. To make it easy for ya here is the number (I am pretty sure you can call any office) to Aurora (905) 713-7400. The lady said the # is good for all of Ontario, and that if it is taken off the ice no registration is necessary but there is a lack of communication between the CO's and the district offices. But to be safe I registered mine.
  17. Guys... This thread is not meant to see dollarama baits... Ryan began the thread to show us his great looking new product, I figure you might as well respect him and keep your clutter out of here... nothing wrong with the content just maybe start a new thread or PM each other... Please take no offense, I am just putting myself in his position... And BTW you going to bring some of those lures to the fishing for Tyler G2G, Ryan?
  18. Well it may not be enforced and it may not be the brightest of all laws but I was told by a CO that it should be registered this was on saturday on Simcoe
  19. Glad to hear you made out good too... I was trying tubes a little but didn't give much of a chance, considering what I was using was doing just great. Guess I will be trying that next time, Thanks
  20. Can't agree more Badger Shark. They could definitely make good BOQ eye lures... Really cool colours you have too!
  21. Hey Ryan do the K-9's have rattles in them? If not do you plan to add that to them? Liking the last colour... can almost feel a big toad eatin' it now
  22. Hey all! hopefully you all had an enjoyable weekend and I see many of you were lucky enough to hit the hard water so good on yas. I too was fortunate enough to make it out onto cooks Saturday and had a great time. 60+ perch keeping 35 for a big 'ol fish fry with my buddy. Although we did fairly well took a fair amount of moving to get on the fish. Probably moved 8 times min.. and went a minimum of 100 yards or more in any direction each time whether following weeds or going deeper. One bit of advice I would have to say is give your spot a chance but don't spend too much time there. I have returned to previously productive spots and gotten nothing (although sometimes I do very well returning) and then move on. we spent approx 1/2 - 1 hr fishing a spot unless we got a bite or a fish. after that we would move... we found several productive spots and would fish them untlil the school moved. then give it 1/2-1 hr to see if they will return, if not we move. eventually we got to our final spot (not that we knew this of course) and had steady action for the rest of the day (3 or so hours) until we left at approx 430. Hopefully ya all have a chance to get out and do some fishing soon and I hope to read more and more of these successful reports. Ohh and I had a member recognize my hut this time out too... Bitsmith2k... Nice seeing ya out there, hope ya made out well! There were CO's out there on their sleds today checking for registration numbers and I have yet to register mine because I was unsure and still awaiting a response from the offices, so had a quick drop by where he checked our licenses and told us that because its pushing the size limit to get the Reg. #'s for it. (mine is a small collapsible hut) So looks like its time to register for those of you who are unsure... the CO's are saying we need to do so... I respect them and believe that this is obviously what we need to do to make their jobs easier. So unless something changes I will be registering my hut or not fishing out in it anytime soon... Have a good one all and play it safe Bill
  23. Awesome looking lures and great gesture... Glad to hear they are affordable too... guess ya were trying to hit right under many competitors prices... looks like an excellent product to me. K-9 will definately be on my list of to-buy lures... are you going to be in stores or off the net only?
  24. looks like the bite was on eh... glad to hear you enjoyed your day on the ice
  25. Nice Fish! looks like ya had a great time on the Ice
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