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Everything posted by snag

  1. Very wise! Shop till you drop! Justifying purchases becomes a part-time job.
  2. Love your reports. About your sunburn, "V" is for Victory!
  3. Very nice! I can't wait to try for musky soon too!
  4. Sweet Jiggs! Now you've got me wanting to go boggin'
  5. Lethal weapon!
  6. Kevin, Just to compare prices I looked at the LeBarons Catalogue, Get this, THEY SELL IT FOR $218.00 - NOT ON SALE!!!! I was/am in shock!!!! I still can't believe it!!
  7. You might find carp here
  8. Drool, Look at this prospective bassin' hole!
  9. Look forward to a report
  10. Both city and suburbia should be free of (poser suburban bred punk) panhandlers. My cousin is disabled and it burns me and her to see these idiots take physical aptitude for granted. Most do not have a mental disability either.
  11. That's great! You forgot to use the bones for sewing needles though. P.s. Don't take so long to report again.
  12. Dunno? Just bring some to Lakair?
  13. Good to see a report! I believe I can see the points on the jaw spreader sticking out of it's jaw and snout. Ouch. Try putting duct tape on the sharp ends. It is easier to remove the spreaders and the snotty won't get damaged. The others here are just jealous of you!
  14. Here it is: www.Ididn'tknowwhentoshut-up.com If the link doesn't work just keep an eye open if you own a pool, they may be fishing it! Actually, I'd love to know how they are doing!
  16. Nice one! Great post! Not a carp guy myself,(I think they should be culled by the thousands) but there are definately choice spots for better-than-average carp. Good to preserve spots and share with friends. (but maybe humanely kill the odd one) This is another successful example where 2 members felt comfortable to share spots. DSN is holding the fish. Stop harrasing Alex. The mystery of the spot is the alure.
  17. If I could type fast I'd love to harass yer redneck butt! BTW, (other side of the country) Arnie (da' Governator) stopped by here to sell wine and good environmental stuff When are you comin' up??
  18. I fish to escape. Always aware of what I'm return for.
  19. The more the merrier! Good luck!
  20. Doug, You have completed me. I had it's head but no body or history. A new day has dawned. Thank you brother, Thank you
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA Your the man! I've never seen that!! I actually got my avatar from some site that's no more That was great Doug! Thanks!
  22. Mam? Yeah, you can see his girth. I'm still upset. Those bass are calling You are right. I'd like to think my skill helped out-fish 4 other guys, but luck was a big issue for sure! If I catch a big one in T.O. while in the kayak, I'll see if it can take me to Hamilton or Niagara to meet up with you! A big ol' carp should do the trick!
  23. Her? Why Douglas, You naughty, naughty man!
  24. Yup, Wish I went earlier though. Caught a 4-5lbs. OOS LM bass. It was followed by 3 other bass with one that looked bigger! I am sooooo going back to that spot. There were tons of Gar there (well I saw 5 in one day) Thanks again for the info
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