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Everything posted by snag

  1. I'm still drooling! Can't wait to see the "improvements" on your already fantastic spinners! You 2 are SuperStylin'
  2. Excellent report! I appreciate the gear talk because I have some of the same gear. I still see the camera phone pics! What's up with the new camera?
  3. Power drinks are the key!
  4. Outstanding!
  5. I had an invite up there from friends who live in Rockwood, Looks like I should go! Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Great shots! Next year I'll bring the guitar and harp too!
  7. Hey Wolfy, Some people are just selfish or ignorant, or both. Glad you tried to make a change. Thanks
  8. You shut up. You will be converted. Toober Goober.
  9. Actually, the musky was on the Mepps spinner. The Rapala rip-off might be strong enough (change the hooks) but I wouldn't risk that. It seems that different Dollaramas have varied selection.
  10. Had my best Musky fishing day on Scugog. I had a few hours in the morning on my way back from business in the area. Love my inflatable kayak. The crapper is that my camera died but I did get one water shot. Caught 3 'ski's from 34"-38" and had a slowwwwwww follow from a very brave 45" approx. It's gills were flaring, mouth opening. I figure 8'd but no deal closer. My legs dangling in the water may have spooked it!? The action was fantastic from 8:30-11am. I stopped around 1pm. Nobody around and I split due to wind pick-up Loads of bass too. Oh ya, DEAD CARP EVERYWHERE! No exaggeration. It stank. I only saw one living carp (barely). Really wonder if it will spread elsewhere.......... I had all my other Musky lures with new and sharpened hooks ready to go, but the weed situation was too much for them. Any lure with more than 1 treble were just raking weeds. Yes, that's Clives (Mepps) homemade spinner again! WHAT FIGHTERS!!! I FORGOT WHY THEY ARE SOOO ADDICTIVE! With the inflatable kayak, your heart is coming out of your mouth. Back to Toronto Went out for lunch. This was a very weird fish to see in the darker water. It literally looked half white and half black! Dollarama slama Is it just me that see's this?? The fishing is hot right now! Happy bassin' y'all!
  11. Funny story about that. Apparently, the Big Apple operation didn't keep the bunnies under control and the bunnies did what bunnies do best. The neighbours are eating a lot of rabbit and the road kill is epic. I stopped off there one night and they were EVERYWHERE! From the highway to the gas station you could see dozens of them at the side of the road.
  12. Wow, that was brilliant! What a great read. What are the GPS co-ordinates for that gold!
  13. Agreed, It will probably (partially) sindicate to national too.
  14. Doesn't the PC fishing seem like smallsville now! I would love to see the scenary that you've worked in! Congrats on the new job Ryan!
  15. Oooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
  16. were the bunnies out at the apple?
  17. What a cutey. He's, uh, got your feet. Maybe our dudes will fish together in the future?
  18. I disagree, I have recently profited from some lucrative ventures out of Nigeria.
  19. Outstanding! Balsom seems hot Thanks
  20. Good golly Roy! Is today a 1st poster free-for-all????
  21. The "couldn't catch the biggest fish due to divine electrocution" excuses have started
  22. It's actually ROY, LOL
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