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Everything posted by snag

  1. Corey, In respose to your reply. Here is why I know POPULATION will have an affect on Lake Simcoe and other fisheries 1. There are more people fishing in Ontario and Lake Simcoe today. I find it odd that that is not obvious. In my line of work our company did a study of local demographics and population growth. We follow the trends that are monitored by our main competitors (mostly big box stores) I had to plow through papers of why Bass pro (1 store for now) and Walmart decided to open store(s) across Ontario. (There are other stores but you'll see where I'm going) These stores only open for 2 reason. 1. An existing population density to support sales 2. Expected population growth through rapid urbanization to support sales Walmart is particularily interesting because they sponsor many fishing events in the U.S. The fact that they dedicate a fishing area in their highly calculated and valuable floor space should be indicative of some serious research into the viability of the sports economic return. Do a short google search on recreational fishing pressure in Ontario and you will not find the opposite is true. In addition, population is increasing in Ontario. Barrie is one of the fastest growth areas due to it's proximity to Toronto and Cottage country. It's real estate is still affordable and it's transportation route is ideal. Please let me know why you believe that less people are fishing. Here is a quote from THE LAKE SIMCOE REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY study: What is the problem? Impacts associated with continued urbanization and changes in rural land use activities within the Lake Simcoe watershed have been contributing an excessive amount of sediment and nutrients (especially phosphorus) into Lake Simcoe. These activities have contributed to a significant change in the ecosytem health – the lake no longer supports a self--sustaining coldwater fishery, excessive amounts of aquatic plants are choking local beaches, marinas and waterfronts properties and the recreational industry is being threatened. Here is the link: Simcoe region CA Here is another quote by the Lake Simcoe Fisheries Assessment Unit (LSFAU) that adds itself to the above and your second comment: Why is there a lake trout natural reproduction problem? Natural recruitment failure affects a number of coldwater fish species in Lake Simcoe. Lake trout, lake whitefish and lake herring populations have all suffered drastically such that lake herring are now virtually gone from the lake while lake trout and lake whitefish populations are being maintained only through fish stocking. The problem stems from excessive nutrient loading into Lake Simcoe, which in turn, is adversely affecting the habitat of the coldwater fish species. Efforts to combat this problem are coordinated through the Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS). LSEMS is a multi-agency partnership whose goal is to protect, maintain and improve the health of the Lake Simcoe ecosystem by reducing nutrient loading and restoring a naturally reproducing coldwater fishery. 2. Ice fishing? neither Brian or I mentioned it in the original thread The quote above also caters to the reply you gave. Most of the fish species (whites, trout) that are being harvested are stocked, otherwise, they would not exist with the current fishing pressure and environmental degredation. In addition, could you provide information that concludes that the majority of fish are taken during ice-fishing? I have more to say but work calls. Brian is talking about Conservation through PREVENTION. And I agree with him.
  2. Nice Alex, How'd it taste?
  3. Was gonna PM you on that spot. Saw the same pike cruising the different pens down there. Bizarre!
  4. You definately have a great eye for the camera!
  5. I have to agree with Brian. We all need to take into consideration the biggest upcoming threat. POPULATION. Our numbers are steadily growing, Fishing is gaining more popularity, and fish populations may be negatively affected by Climate change. More conservation is required in areas threatened by high usage.
  6. OMG, That poor, poor man. My heart goes out to him.
  7. snag


    lol Doug! CLIFFORD! Never understood why he was red??? Radiation is the usual supect.
  8. Funny, I thought you were about to tell people to mind their words in chat. I only went to chat once. Realized how slow I type! Love to see ROY UNCUT! RATED R
  9. Ya ya Just bring your game.
  10. P.S. Newbie. It's considered good etiquette to introduce yourself. Welcome aboard Lucid Nice 1st post Lots of good folks here. Lots of good information here We like pics
  11. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. Here is the defining moment with Doug helping me with my First T.O. Pike: SQUEEEEEEEEEEL.
  12. Intense image Pete. Almost surreal. Sad
  13. Snog is what the British do while snogging. Snog is also the correct pronounciation of Snag with a British accent. Hey BBR, Fancy a snog?
  14. Sigh, The daycare gig never ends. sheesh! May is just around the corner Roy.
  15. Maybe you could shave a few minutes off your fishing time and wash that thermos. Do you ever eat those cats?
  16. Sound advice.
  17. Oh man, Not sure if I'm inspired or want to give up!! Awesome
  18. Not sure, What kind of rod is it?
  19. Ask Chuck Norris
  20. Here's the picture of my spa day experience. Cliff spent a bit more money: Bly said she would teach us how to fish if we stopped this.
  21. I'm 99% Floro. Since I target local pike, I use 80#. I make all my own leaders usually while watching T.V. I can make 20 leaders in about 20 min. Wire is too visible. It kinks easily. It can cut you and the fish. Expensive too. You can get the basics for making your own at BPS. (they sell out of the 60-90# black crimps quickly) Like Taper, Lew and Raf, bigger fish will mean heavier floro.
  22. Yup
  23. I know more about him from his bloopers than his actual show! P.s. Love Roy
  24. Son, you got to stop listening to rap
  25. That's funny. Now, I remember back in the day when we used to catch fish with our bare hands and teeth. Then we used spears. When the piano was invented, my paw would take us to the crick with some piano wire and a rusty nail to catch dinner. Now these kids with there Rock and Roll. Got no respect. Dagnamit! there I go! Forgive me. Now where wuz I? Oh Ya. (scratches head, fingers caress beard) I reckon I was gonna bump Snag/Snog up a notch in the Mod que. He's good seed, that one. Best be gettin' on now.
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