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Everything posted by Lip-ripper

  1. I haven't heard anything about them removing the slot. Just lowering the limit to 2.
  2. Of the 2 models you listed, personally I'd go with the Lund. I have driven both and find that the Lund's handle better. I found that the design of the Naden had a little too blunt of a nose and wouldn't handle driving in the direction of the waves as good as the Lund did. It would almost seem to plow too much and I found it tough to handle and keep straight. If you bring up photos of the 2 models, you'll see what I mean by a blunter design and the front. As for addressing the specs you are interested in, I believe the aluminum thicknesses are the same, with the Lund being the deeper and wider boat.
  3. Here's my ice fishing set-up. 1998 Touring SLE pulling a Ice armor BP2 Thermal.
  4. Very cool! I watched the video on the website. No priming, no choke, 99% less pollutants and using a cheaper fuel source... seems like a solid idea!
  5. Sounds good to me, I'm gonna try to get out alot more this winter
  6. Looks like you're ready to go! Your tipup pic reminded me that i have to make a few... Time to hit home depot P.s. Looks like you're right around the corner from me.
  7. Wow! I guess it was a terrific deal after all! Glad I was able to help you guys out. Here's hoping your new toys help put some trophy fish in your hands!
  8. Darn, I should be getting a cut for all the business I've sent their way!
  9. this is the best deal I've come across... a $375 Lowrance fishfinder for $99. Too bad I just bought a humminbird... http://radioworld.ca...ble-p-8005.html
  10. They aren't for everyone, but cooked properly they are actually quite good and in jerky form they would really surprise you.
  11. I usually do one of 3 things... -sliced, battered and fried -breasted, wrapped in bacon and baked -jerky (really good!)
  12. Nope, just hunting and fishing license, and ID.
  13. A buddy and I headed out to one of my favorite little places on earth for a day of grouse hunting and speckled trout fishing. Fall is my favorite time to target specks and with the lake being in a grouse habitat, the 2 go hand in hand. I hadn't been back there for quite some time and it was an evening of anticipation the night before. Armed with guns, rods, the canoe and a cooler of snacks we headed off around 7:30 am. We decided on doing a little hunt prior to fishing, as morning is usually the better time for birds. By 9 we were well into hunting but had nothing to show for our efforts other than a couple birds that flushed into the still thick, colorful northern foliage. A couple kilometers later, and around a sharp corner of the trail, 3 grouse pop out in front of us. Then another, and another. Armageddon ensues and at the end of the mayhem, 3 Grouse are down with 2 escapees. We continued further but ran into nothing more and the trail ended. On our way back, exactly where the first three were shot, we ran into another 4! With the bush in this area being so thick, it's so easy to miss seeing birds. We ended up harvesting another 3 and decided to head for the lake. The little lake that I love so much and hadn't seen in what seemed like so long was reached after a short drive. We carried the canoe down to the water, hopped in and set out to try for some delicious little specks. I didn't even have my first lure choice tied on when my partner cries out "fish on". First cast, using a spinner with no bait he lands a sweet little 10 incher. With the regs stating that only one >12 inches can be kept, we each planned on keeping a feed of little ones, then targeting our one bigger one later. I have never seen the fishing better than I did on Saturday. Not sure if it was the temperature, moonphase, overcast weather, or perfect alignment of all of them, but it was truly unreal. Every lure we tried caught fish. Every colour caught fish. It didn't matter if there was bait on it or not. We would get hits on nearly every cast, and follow-ups everytime of usually 2-3 fish at a time. Sometimes even getting fish jumping out of the water at our offerings as we lifted them out to reload and cast again. After a few hours of this, we happily had our fill. We both ended up keeping our five, however aside from a few swipes by some of the larger fish and a few long range sightings, nothing of any bigger sizes were caught. Personally, I don't think the hungry little ones gave them a chance! The fish we did keep were all around that 10-11 inch mark, and had beauty colourings. One more Grouse was harvested on the drive out, a single that was huddled by the side of the road. We were also checked by the MNR as well. He checked our guns (to see if they were loaded), our licenses, and our bounty from the day. Very nice guy that took down some info, chatted with us then headed off to check more sportsmen. All in all a great little Saturday in a little piece of heaven...
  14. nice Rainbow! now you'll be hooked. After I got my first Inland bow it was pretty much all I fished for a year and got it down to a science. The jumps are unbelievable! I love how they slap the hook with their tail while they are airborne!
  15. Thanks guys, I'll be testing them out this weekend. I'm gonna bounce them down a few shoals, try them in a river mouth and even chuck them off my dock. We'll see what transpires...
  16. I came across these lures and picked a few up in 2 different colours. They are a hybrid between a jig and a spinner, made by Mepps, called the Spinflex. They should be decent for most applications - casting, trolling, drifting, even should be okay for ice fishing. I figure tipped with a worm, minnow or soft plastic they should produce... However, a quick scan of the Mepps website shows them as a discontinued product... I wonder why? Seems they should by dynamite... What do you think? Have you ever used or even seen these before?
  17. Simple... Take the skin off. Throw it on the dehydrator and let it dry out really good until its completely brittle. Grind it up and snort it...
  18. Sounds good to me... I don't really fish nipissing in the winter.
  19. Nope
  20. On a hot grill. We put it on the top rack and let it cook up there. It took a little longer, but came out beautiful.
  21. We bbq'ed pickerel last weekend... yep... pickerel. Slice lemons and a large onion. Alternate laying them on the grill, make sure they touching each other so there are no spaces. Lay the fish on the bed of lemon/onion, and season it with whatever you want. ...a little dab of butter on top won't hurt either. Close the lid and let it cook. The fish really absorbed the flavours. It would easily work with a trout filet.
  22. Add a flyswatter to the end!
  23. http://www.atvandtrailersales.com/Inventory.aspx
  24. First Lakers, then pickerel, now this... Went back to the cottage this past weekend and caught this beauty trolling in 25 FOW. Awesome fight that included a couple muskie style launches out of the water, and 2 long runs from the side of the boat straight down to bottom. I want to catch him again when he gets even bigger! He was 9 lbs 14 oz on the digital scale and was longer than my 32" fish measuring sticker on the boat. Probably 33-34ish.
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