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Everything posted by 206

  1. try'n to catch up on the last 2 episodes Spoiler Alert the show is brought to you by "Travel Manitoba".....one can only assume they win lol
  2. If that doesn't move ya a lil, you aint a hockey player/fan or Canadian!! Great Read Go John Scott...Have a Blast at the "ALL-STAR" Game!!
  3. Not sure why people think this guy shouldn't be there.....I mean really cracking an NHL lineup is very hard to do. He's in the NHL because he has(had) a skill that most players don't have or display. The All star game has always been a Joke! Have you ever seen one of these "stars" go out and put in an effort? It's just a parade to make the nhl some money! Long Live the Goons!! Good luck John Scott and have fun!!
  4. One of the last goons standing...hate to see it unfold this way this guy was going for all those guys that did a job most wouldn't want and really never were compensated for...I'm sure there were more than a few banged up concussed guys rooting for him. I hate that the league has got rid of the enforcers, hence the injury escalations to key players that may have other wise been protected.
  5. I just use a cooler in my tinny fitted with a Super Saver Aeration Kit from Marine Metal Products
  6. Just wondered if anyone heard any news on this? Family member sent me this on facebook knowing I fish here. Hope it didn't involve our GBW from the forums or his family? Hope they all are OK Peterborough Northumberland and Kawartha Lakes scanner feed. January 8 at 10:22pm · EMS are responding to a propane explosion at Four Mile Lake near Burnt River, caller is stating nothing is left of the house, that it has been levelled. 3 patients are being reported, a women was blown from the house landing underneath a truck and has been impaled by a stick, a repair man on sight has received extensive leg injuries and unknown about the third patient. Ornge has been notified, unfortunately they are checking on incoming weather. UPDATE: As of the last update there are 3 patients luckily no fatalities. Ornge Air Ambulance had to decline due to the weather, but are preparing their land ambulances. Paramedics are requesting they transport the patients to Ross Memorial instead of Minden Hospital. OPP have said the home owners smelt a strange odour prior to calling a gas technician. A gas technician was onsite working at the time of the explosion. The ministry of Labour is being notified.
  7. Ha any of these you....I always get a kick outa these guys when I'm fishing. The only question I have is how fast can you stop? there are some corners i'd rather not meet you on lol
  8. Well did ya pull the trigger and what was the total bill?
  9. Take dog to see him! Ever watch Hachi: A Dog's Tale
  10. Fins and sweds look to be tops, where Canada will fall I hate to see....their passing is brutal for the most part. They definitely lack the depth they've had most previous years. I Hope they prove me wrong but ya can't win them all
  11. Jeff Dunham tix from my wife :)

  12. these photo's are tragic....December and you have to have your beer in a cooler on ice
  13. DSI ? I have a Mark4 and it works great for my lil boat. Crappy tire used to have them on sale 279 with hot maps
  14. Yup, just went to a pair of PA LED tails, so much brighter and dependable then old bulbs so far.
  15. Maybe it was a fishing trip and they knew you'd school them....Take it as a compliment. Don't over react, thats kinda girl drama lol
  16. No there were other boats they coulda chose to run into.
  17. If boat moves 5feet off spot it returns. 5 foot was all they needed to jump in lol Still shaking my head only I seem to find it more humorous than i did that day
  18. This boat had 4 guys...the second boat had 3 2 in orange one in grey. It did rain that morn. What kinda boat you fishing in? maybe we passed?
  19. LOL i guess we were both in the wrong... “the operator of pleasure power driven craft shall take early and substantial action to keep well clear of a vessel engaged in fishing, or a sailing vessel. he clearly didn't lol
  20. LOL
  21. Thanks guys, I'm not the violent type...way to passive most would say. I honestly was in shock at the moment it happened. It wasn't like there was any damage done other then making my lovely outing a lil off kilter. The only thing other then yelling i could do was pull my cell outa my pocket and snap this pic...I mean who would ever believe me that this could actually happen? Thanks for all the comments. I won't dare post the pic of the second group of guys....rolled up past me fairly to find there spot. 3 guys 4 lines in the water. Yelled at them to get extra line in. Guy told me it was "only a short line" after i told them I'd hate to see them fined one guy quickly jump up and reeled the line in. On the other hand the fishing was decent.
  22. Was out wed for what may have been my last outing for the year only 2 boats in eye sight on the whole lake....until these clowns roll up. It was ok til they seen me land a 4lbs smallie then it was game on.... I have never seen anything like it, the reason i stay off the river banks is to get my own space on the lake. These guys rushed over by the time i had the fish into the livewell and made my next cast i almost hit their boat. Then they proceed to position right off my bow. Now i got the spot lock on so the boat does move a few feet and apparently that was all they needed to try and push me off the spot! next thing i know they are crashing into the front of my boat and the guy in back is looking at me like its my fault!. I snap and yelled "the whole F'n lake and you have to run into me? Really?" As far as i know they never apologized unless it was in their own language because i never heard a word of ingresh out of them. Here is a pic from my phone...wish I had have had the action cam rolling, I'm still kicking my own but for that lol
  23. 206


    i figured someone didn't pay the bills
  24. bought my wife a Shimano Symetre FL......I think it works smoother then most of my own reels.
  25. I think social media has just been used to advertise and exploit these area's further adding problems
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