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John Bacon

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Everything posted by John Bacon

  1. 1. No, tiger muskies do not pose the same threat to young muskies as pike. It is not the adult pike that are a problem, it is the newly hatched pike. Pike spawn a few weeks earlier than muskie but spawn in the same locations. When the muskies hatch the pike that hatched a few weeks earlier will feed on the newly hatched muskies. Tiger muskies don't reproduce so they are not a problem. Muskies that co-exist with pike, such as those in Georgian Bay, are a different strain and spawn in deeper water than the Kawartha lake muskies; and thus, avoid the pike. 2. Probably, but I believe that you have to follow the muskie size limits when keeping tiger muskies. 3. I am not sure what a muskie tastes like, but I don't think that I would want to eat one that has attained legal keeping size. Most people who eat pike are probably not eating many four footers.
  2. Eagle / Lowrance sells a braket specifically for attaching a transducer to an electric motor. Be sure to leave enough slack for the motor to steer when you attach the cable to the motor.
  3. Walleye, zander, and suager are all members of the perch family. The walleye and sauger used to be considered to be a different genus than zander. They have now been re-classified as a member of the same genus as zander. Walleye are still a seperate species from zander; but they are in the same genus.
  4. If I try casting a large Suick with a spinning real, it will foul the lure on almost every cast. I don't have this problem when casing with a bait caster. The Suick will tumble through the air when I cast with a bait caster, the line will end up wrapped around the lure on almost every cast. With a bait caster the lure will fly backward through the air and not tumble; and thus avoid wrapping the line around the lure.
  5. Are you running the electric motor off its own battery? It is best not to run it off your main battery. If your boat is properly wired for an electic motor it should not be a problem to distinguish the electric motor wires from the other wires. The wire for the electric motor will be a much heavier gauge than the other wires. It is quite possible that wire are conntected to the plug incorrectly.
  6. I would assume that your wires are connected backwards. Most wires are colour coded, the red should be attached to the positive terminal, the black should be attached to the negative terminal. If you reverse this your motor will spin backwards.
  7. Running your fishfinder on same battery as your electric motor is not recommended. The motor can cause interference on the fish finder. I would have a battery dedicated to the motor. I haven't had any problems running a 42 lb thrust motor with 8 gauge wiring. I wouldn't go lighter than that, six gauge would be better.
  8. I believe that security deposits are illegal for residential rentals in Ontario. You can get first and last months rent but it must be used a rent, not as a security deposit.
  9. You should be playing summer hockey too. The more playing time you can get the better. It will also increase your chances of making it onto to a higher level team such as triple A where you can get better coaching and play at a higher caliber.
  10. I assume that the "tax exemption" that you are referring to is capital gains on a principle residence. If you are renting less than 50% of the house and you do not claim CCA (depreciation) on the building, then there is still no capital gains tax when you sell the property. I have rented in the past; it can be pain, but overall I think it was worth it. Check your tenants out carefully. It was quite a while ago that I rented my basement. I used a service that not only did a credit check but also checked rental history as well, I don't remember the name of the association that performed the check. If the rules have not changed, you have a choice of using square feet or number of rooms to allocated expenses between personal and rental. A portion of pretty well every expense associated with that house can be deducted from rental income. I was usually able to show a loss and reduce my income taxes. I am not sure if you will be able to show a loss with the low interest rates that we have. You may want to consider charging the tenants for a portion of the utilities. That gives them an incentive to conserve. I am not sure if it is legal to do this without seperate meters; however, that is what I did with my first tenant.
  11. According to the studies I have read, teenage pregnancy declined from the 50's to the 90's. I believe it has risen slightly since then, but is still not as high as it was in the 50's.
  12. I would argue that if you starting getting into trouble as soon as you were big enough not be afraid of your parent's it wasn' very effective. Things were not all so innocent back in the day. Teenage pregnancies were more common in the 50's than they are now. Drug problems were there, especially if you count alcohol. The mafia was quite active back then...
  13. If you are interested in salmon fishing, there is a pen project where Chinook salmon are raised in Whitby Harbour every spring. I believe that this year's salmon were released last week. I am sure that they would be happy to have your help next year.
  14. Weren't there already enough reasons to go to Mexico before the swince flu pandemic? They have major drug wars going, hotels confiscate guests passports and hold them hostage, cooks have been jailed because their employers were involved in fraud, I could go on.
  15. Rainbow do make it up to and past the Milne Dam. That is why they put the fish ladder there.
  16. They had a booth at the Toronto Sportsman Show. They are made in China. The guy at the booth claimed that they are the exact same motor as both Mercury and Yamaho motors. According to him, both Mercury and Yamaha outsource their production of smaller motors to China. It did look that same as a Merc on the outside. I didn't remove the cowling to see if they are the same on the inside.
  17. Where exacty are you? I need a new battery this year.
  18. Well water probably does not contain adequate oxygen. You would most likely need to aireate the water. ... after getting the proper permits for stocking of course. Try taking temperature readings at various depths through out the year. This will give you an idea of what fish the pond can support. Hopefully the MNR will allow you to stock that species.
  19. The original reason why boats were set up with the driver on the starboard side is because the rotation of the prop causes the boat to tilt towards the port side. Having the weight of the driver on the starboard side helps offset this. If you sit on the port side then both your weight and the rotational force of the prop will be combined instead of offsetting each other. Mondern boat hulls do perform better than the older ones so this may not be a problem for your boat. Also, as previously mentioned, clearance can be an issue if you are sitting on the same side as the tiller handle. If the two issues above do not cause a problem and you can get used to operating the throttle from the left side; then picking the side that is more comfortable should not be an issue.
  20. Wouldn't you be required to re-capture the water and either recycle it or treat it. I don't think that a commercial cleaner would just be allowed to let the water run into a store sewer. I know that Toronto had considered making it illegal to wash your car in your own driveway for that reason.
  21. Trillium Pontiac Buick charged my wife $50 for gas in her new car back 2007. And that's for a Pontiac Wave!!! I told her to go back and demand compensation, it doesn't even hold 50 worth of gas. She never bothered though.
  22. It was the executives that agreed to those contracts with the unions.
  23. I believe the top executives are closer to $10,000 per hour than $140 per hour. Does it still seem fair? It's not like GM's executives have done a good job.
  24. Cutting trees down eliminates shade and converts a cold water creek into a warm water one. Having strom sewers drain into creeks causes major floods. The same sewers reduce the flow during dry periods because the water that otherwise would have soaked into the ground has already drained into the creek during the rain storm. Salt from roads impact the creeks. That is a start.
  25. I stopped by LeBaron's today. The had an $800 kayak on sale for $450. It is a sit in model.
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