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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. any room uot there 4 salty? dindnt make it out today. ???
  2. dont mess with me. i like good stuff 4 my money. its a real question. who are you fishing for?
  3. started out to simcoe early this morning looking foward to a good day. at 7am i did something stupid/ ansured my cell!/off to work i go. so once i settled down .i started thinking/ what to do with the money i earned today instead of fishing? i am now looking for electronics. i was thinking it woud be nice to have a fish finder equiped with gps and maby even hydrographical maps of lakes in central ontario. simalar to what i have seen in a few boats . it has to be portable i would like to use it ice fishing . thinking it coud be mounted on the dash of my sled/ as well as soft water in another persons boat or even my little rinkydink pond boat? any sudjestions/ welcome along with todays wages i have the slush fund .about 550 buxs total.
  4. awesum. still got the RUSH going on eh?
  5. looks like another young one hooked. nothing like it eh?
  6. feeling much better. thanks. couldnt make it out last week or weekend./daughter wasnt feeling well last wkend. your pics got me debating weather or not to go out 2moro??? probably will! nice job !! nothing like fresh whitey!! hopefully we can get together again under better circumstances and go for them ??!! maby i can help you get the hang of cleaning them.? NICE JOB PS i heard their pretty good in the summer(dont know first hand) stay in touch.. congrats!!!
  7. nice job awesum fish !!!
  8. nice pics. brings back times of sitting in the boat bourd out of my mind as a child checking out my dads stuf. when i get my picture problem worked out ill post some of his tackle. i could use some help with posting pics. kinda new at this. nice mercman very nice!
  9. it seems to me that if a new owner is in the picture there still wouldnt be much of a change other than perhaps management. sallery cap is the problem. it just doesnt seem rite to me that a team like chicogo made it through the rebuilding proces to win the cup only to have the team diismantled because of salery caps. what ever happened to building a dynisty? that can never happen under the current system. its only human nature to demand more money once you have achieved the goal set before you. my own solution to this would be to let the cup winning team for that year be exempt from salry caps/depending on what thier own market or management can afford. this would help keep teams together and promote the drive for five mantality and rekindle the true spirit of hockey. TO BE THE BEST TEAM AND PROVE IT ????
  10. sounds like fun. i can bring pike minnows up. i will double check that 2moro.
  11. thanks. any fish out there? thinking of trying north side /oro
  12. i herd that shrimp work well for chanle cats? is this true ? never realy fished for them .but thinking about it.
  13. looking to go out mon/tues. any good info on shoerline and ice conditions would be very much welcomed. havent been able to get out last week or this weekend(flue bug going around) one last kick at whitey.
  14. i also use 6 poud test for the soft bite and 8 for the full on bite and yes i do fish heavy weeds and moderate hard cover.. i like to keep it simple/no swivels /streight tie in to lure or live bait. i just hope the pike are sleeping.
  15. ya hows lake simcoe???? fishing is a great sport!!
  16. for bass i have found that 6.6 works very well one with a soft tip (lite to med) one (med to heavy) versitile and worth the money! once you you get the feel of them your ready .. for the gentle touch/ or the full on bite!
  17. dont forget about le barron. i have been checking them out lately. there not as big as BPS but looks like some good stuff!? i have found BPS is more like walking into walmart./ alot of stuff but nothing i feel good about spending my money on (disposable) not to say that idont still buy gear from bps . i have just become more selective about where i spend my money. 150 for a good rain siut deserves some resurch? my siut cost me 115 23yrs ago still had it up until last year(lost it) it was actuly made for motorcycles! served me well year round! food for thought...
  18. more time to fish simcoe monday or tuesday? salty is in!
  19. looking to go out monday. let me know if your intrested?
  20. sleds should be good on the ice now. i wouldnt think of taking any thing els. lots of water and slush to keep it cool not to mention speed and power.! good luck out there. look foward to your report
  21. thanks for the great report. thinking of going out mon or tues hey governator sunday sounds cold enough to tighten things up enough to go out monday?
  22. glad your here but WHAT???
  23. SALTY HERE gut piles atract the animals we dont want! oppertunist vultures ..the topic here mainly refures to over population of coyotes and thier oppertunistic behaviour/not withstanding birds that eat gut piles! that simple!!
  24. we burn any thing we dont plan on using just to keep vultuers away/ birds /coyotes /parrisites. GET IT!!!!
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