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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Just another branch of a tree riddled with rot from the trunk outward.
  2. Serenity at sunset. Sweet pic Joey.
  3. And it seems it never will. Even when all is lost. Shameful indeed.
  4. Drove from Whitby to Hamilton and back today and the amount of twisted metal strewn along the highways alone was mind boggling. Was a hairy trip for sure.
  5. Understood Randy. Let me ask this. Politicians are chosen for their vision concerning many facets of society and as a collective group are entrusted to bring their individual strengths along with that vision to help serve the public good going forward. When are they going to stop speaking out their a$$es and deliver? The sorry truth is Randy, the money you would like the governors to show you belongs to us, the taxpayer and they spent that 30+ years ago when they had golden opportunities to do so. That ship has long since sailed. There ain't no more to give, nor would I volounteer it if I had a choice. There are more important things for it to be spent on instead of retread issues. Ask the indians if they have any of the hard earned dough that was extorted from the previous generations and thrown into the pit known as Native affairs tucked away in a sock drawer somewhere. That money alone along with proper management would have been enough to correct many wrongs and ills of an era gone by.
  6. WoW! Truly awful. Add two more zeros to the end of that cheque.
  7. Science. You have 5 fish in a pond and take 5 fish out. How many fish do you have left? hmmmm. Wait a minute, thats mathematics. hehehe. Someone nailed it with the, "The only good politician is a d_ _d politician" motto. Lump them in with lawyers. Sick of the whole lot of them and the nothingness they provide us with every day.
  8. There probably are and I bet you are well versed in all the facts but I've heard the same story so many times from so many angles in this and so many other places I frankly DO NOT CARE!! How many times do we have to keep chasing that same piece of tail? Great idea. Lets blame the birds so we don't offend anyone, then give the commercial fishers and the indian poachers a boat load of money to cull the cormorant flocks. Last time I checked cormorants don't selectively target and fly away with brood stock. Commercial fishers and indian poachers do along with everything else that swims. Pay them off like the feds and provincial counterparts do when theres a problem with a special interest? What the hell?!?!?! There are always mitigating factors but when the wheel stops in the same spot time and time again its either time to fix the wheel or throw it in the trash, walk away and move on. Why do we constantly have to pick up the same damn pieces of the same damn puzzles? Bandaid after bandaid after bandaid without curing the infection or amputating the appendage, treating the symptoms and not the cause. Why do we continue to allow this to happen? Why? Heres a fact I'd like to come to fruition. Stop writing cheques to all up there and see how fast they come running to the table to resolve any and every fact(or)(s) there might be. Seems like a sure fire way to initiate some serious dialogue instead of this "Woe is me" crap we usually hear.
  9. Don't be sorry. It's often necessary to question as well as keep banging the drum on certain topics as our governors seem to weak and afraid to rectify the problem once and for all. It seems to be the only recourse we have at this point. Two sides to every story and then there is the truth somewhere in the middle. Its plain to see over harvesting is the main and only probable cause in this case. Commercial fishers and Indian poachers are the main culprits. Once the stocks dwindle the commercial fishers and the Indians will whine and moan that their livelyhood/way of life is threatened and our scaredy pant governors will throw more of our hard earned money at the problem to shut them up and pat themselves on the back while running the photo op circuit. A tad cynical perhaps? Naw. Thats the middle I was talkin' about.
  10. When money is tight discretion usually takes a back seat.
  11. Good to know no one was seriously hurt but what great footage.
  12. We have to point fingers Lew. Whenever something happens there is always a hew and cry to find someone culpable, even if its a stretch. Fingers need to be pointed and voices need to be heard loud and clear. The guilt game doesn't work for me. Its failure of successive governmental inaction and pandering that continues to chip away at our way of life as it does theirs. Point a finger and not just any finger. A large foam finger like the ones fans use at sporting events. It might not be deemed polite to some but who cares. Everyone knows chickens don't have the ability to point nor do they have fingers.
  13. If you are familiar with the body of water a few trips can indeed be a telling snap shot of how the fishery is doing. Rice lake isn't as large as Nip but being our home lake we noticed something had changed with the Walleye fishery there right away just as we noticed the rebound a couple of seasons after the 2010 slot size introduction. Nip is doomed simply because of two main factors and neither of them include honest, ethical anglers who keep a couple fish per table. As long as commercial nets and illegal the illegal Indian slaughter continues the Walleye fishery is doomed. It pains me to see and hear of all the money we as sportsmen and women dump into the system and private associations have still have to do all the heavy lifting in an effort to keep the systems afloat instead of enhancing them. Commendable for sure but isn't there something wrong with that picture?
  14. No there aren't enough of them but don't be fooled in the belief they are protecting anything other than their own jobs. If the ministry really cared about the resource they would man up and be done with the mess that is the commercial and indian slaughter.....er... i mean.... harvest of "OUR" resource. Simply put, we are just easy targets.
  15. True but if we all stop abiding by the regs they would have everything to worry about and how would they deal with the power of the populous then? Just a thought. Cherry picking with all the other infractions in plain sight irks me to no end. Do the job right or stay out of my face.
  16. Don't own any BPS spinning reels so can't comment on those but a cousin of mine is an avid angler and a long time supporter of Shimano but bought an ABU Orra S a couple of seasons ago and liked it so much he bought another one last season. I myself really like my Pfleuger President, President XT and Supreme MGX. Value for dollar my money is on the President or President XT. As mentioned scan Lebarons for prices as they are almost always a few bucks cheaper and either buy there or use the price match angle if you purchase at BPS. Good luck.
  17. Was on the ice today so I didn't get to watch it live but from the sounds of it they played like the champions many hoped they would be. Not just any heart folks. This team displayed the "Heart" of a Lion on the day when it mattered the most. :clapping: :clapping:
  18. Hopeful for a well played and fairly officiated game. A gold medal defence would be nice.
  19. Nope. Another important factor I pointed out in a previous post. Hot goaltender.
  20. Sure can. Lets not confuse arrogance with heart Bill.
  21. It isn't a suggestion. It is truth. Talent can only get you so far. Embarrassing is considering it merely a suggestion.
  22. Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump........... The heart still beats.
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