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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Hey Congrats and remember we want to see lots of pics of nice fish and we know your wife is good at fishing also. Have a good Honeymoon. MTP
  2. Good stuff Evster and so what about the matching hat and PFD at least you are wearing your PFD we often read about the people who didn't wear there's unfortunately its usually too late.Nice bass. MTP
  3. Here are my 3 vessels when camping I have 2 other options to go fishing with. This is my main Boat for the bigger Lakes my 18 foot Lund the big tinny. This is what I use when camping when I have a water sight. When I can't get a campsite near the water one can always portage the canoe to the Lake. Be careful when posting pics of tiller models some southern folks are sometimes offended MTP
  4. Have to agree with you Johnny alot of folks over harvesting and many sell there catch to restaurants.I have known people to catch the quota sell the catch and get right back to fishing.Then there are the folks who love to stuff the freezer and you can bet that some have caught more than allowed.This is really out of control in the winter months.I think 25 perch is plenty 50 perch is not needed.Unfortunately the bad apples spoil it for the honest folks.Don't forget commercial fishing is affecting the bite.Its only going to get worse unless there is more $$$$$$$$ given to the MNR.Mike
  5. Nice fish Brian.Ya I know I should have been there but just too much work to do at Home and if I want to do some more fishing I must update my to do list.I may sneak off to Quinte this month for the day if I get my work done. Thnaks for helping team#4 Mike
  6. Ok folks refer to the hookups thread Gerritt and I are trying to get as many people paired up for the double digits in Quinte in November .I have sent many PM's and I am waitng for some replies.Hopefully we can do it.Any help from others on the board would be appreciated. I have asked some questions in the hookups thread so hopefully we can move forward and get the boatless people on the water.As for cottages lets get them booked. Looking forward to a successfull weekend.Now lets get updated. Mike
  7. Looking good bud so good I am going to have to make a casting deck myself on my boat.Now its time to slime the boat. MTP
  8. Nice pair of skis boys .Ya like Cliff says were you near a nuclear plant or did you all puke in the Lake MTP
  9. Ah another fine report lots of action for sure.Wish I knew what the beep beep was.A road runner lure perhaps Nice wack of pictures thanks for taking the time to post all that. Keep up the fine work .I mean fishing pleasure MTP
  10. I was always a mono guy before this year .I have fished with Braid most of this season and I am not going back to mono.I will only use Mono for trout fishing.No more twisty tangles.I caught a 6lb pike this spring deeply hooked with braid no leader.If that had of been mono my Rapala would have been history .The line was fraid but not broken.I use stren super braid 30lb test with 9lb diameter.For Muskie I use 65lb braid but I must catch my first Muskie.Ask Lew he swears by power pro braid for muskie.Mono to me is old technology. MTP
  11. Congrats on 30 years of marriage.All those years of folding your laundry I hope she doesn't have to fold your boat LOL . MTP
  12. That was one Helluva report lots of fish thanks for taking the time to throw it together a girlfriend who goes fishing PRICELESS you should marry the women.I have fished east lake with alot of success also but I would like to try westlake. MTP
  13. Yup i want to go there beauty muskie eh MTP
  14. 4 hours of casting paid off and thats one helluva first ever Salmon . Good for you MTP
  15. Nice mini report Rich good on you for wearing your PFD which I prefer to do full time but thats just me. What ever happened to your funny face fish pics and kisses saving those for your new baby. Hope to see your funny fish faces in the next report.too bad the old man got skunked. MTP
  16. Beauty pics Brandon keep the shots coming .I have been to BC a few times.Despite the crowds you should get up to whistler on Blackomb mountain 7400 vertical feet to 7th heaven.Grouse Mountain is worth the visit some awesome views of the city.If you have the time cross the border in to Washington state Mount Baker is a great place to visit minus the crowds.Get over to Nanaimo the trees are spectacular.Oh and in the bars the women ask you to dance and they out number the men 5 to 1.Oh you gotta love the scenery in BC. MTP
  17. Emile absolutely awesome report thanks for taking the time to post that one.The shots of the boys priceless .Driving the boat priceless. MTP
  18. Wow now thats a fat Salmon. MTP
  19. I knew the tiller sheet was for me Dog you knew I coudn't resist So dog are you coming to Quinte or what? You could have a chance at changing the wall-ice in your Avatar. Oh and thanks for the laughs as usual MTP
  20. Ya its too bad Don the wife wants you to get rid of it to make room for the new boat.
  21. Glen are you trying to open a can of worms again its bad enough you can't find shiner minnows.Come to think of it you could save alot of time driving by calling all those bait shops before setting out.Trackers are for guys who make tracks all over hells achres looking for shiners Tiller is the best way to catch a wall-ice.The Walleye in you avatar was caught in a tiller boat EH Glen By By Glen
  22. Ya really nice bass.MTP
  23. Ya pretty dam scary.Please where your PFD.Glad to hear everyone is A OK.MTP
  24. Thanks for doing that Arron .This website just gets better all the time.Now Arron we want to see the pics and when are you having kids MTP
  25. We will have to get wet first. Peter
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