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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. You make salmon fishing look so easy shawn. MTP nice bows too.
  2. Very funny way to Beans MTP
  3. Well said Peter if you read my report I was solo this weekend and was wearing my PFD when I flipped my 12 ft tinny.Maybe I wouldn't be here if I had not put it on .Just a note my head never went under water. ya it was hot at times but I grinned and beared it.When I was hot I went for a boat ride this cooled me down.Beleive me folks it happened very fast I did not have my kill switch on my wrist and for now on I will.My boat sped up as I was falling circling me at one point I thought of the prop cutting me.Luckily I managed to grab the kill switch witch is now at the bottom of the lake.I also wear my PFD in my 18ft boat at all times big boat small boat as Peter says please wear your PFD.This weekends experience opened my eyes to the danger of water.There is a new self inflating automatic model if comfort is a problem. Thanks for this thread Peter. Michael
  4. Yes Brian I am pretty loaded but the van is parked on an incline so its not as bad as it looks.The Odessey is a very powerful minivan./Have a good day. Mike.
  5. Way to go Brian a nice addition to our team #4. MTP
  6. Here we go part 2. My son's first ever walleye 11:15am. I told my son if he catches a Walleye at this time of day I would give him 5$.You guessed it pay up Dad Pink rapala x-rap again. pink Rapala X-Rap again.Dad how come you can't catch walleye? This pic is for Solopadaller(Mike) 1 am Scrabble my wife Lisa on the left and Friend Rosa. coffee after another late night of scrabble. This is the life.vacation The view from my campsite. This pic is for Greencoachdog.Hey Redneck its hot in Northern Ontario. Pictures at the museum at the Provincial Park. Alot of people went tubing down this river I will try it next time. Brother and sister evening fishing. Another fish caught with the Pink Rapala X-Rap. Another walleye in the slot .All fish this week were released to swim another day. Canoeing with gramps. Me and the kids cleaning out my soaked tacklebox.After I arrived back from my ordeal with the flipped boat.I had to row about 3kms. My OFC sign survived but I through out alot of stuff including alot of berkley gulp. I had to dry out all of this tackle. Flipping a boat can really tire you out.Man I was tired. time to go home I will go back. Despite my unlucky week I really enjoyed my vacation. Mike the Pike
  7. This year the wife and I chose to go to Northern Ontario to do some camping at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park just 11 minutes drive North of Mattawa Ontario.At the same time it was a visit to my Mom's 20 minutes away in Bonfield.We arrived with another couple Michel and Rosa and their 2 Daughters on Saturday August 4th after a 6 1/2 hour drive. My week was almost perfect the weather was most pleasant 7 days of sunshine and one thunderstorm during the night. This Park is now by far the best campsite I have ever visited and I highly recommend it to anyone. A couple of mishaps but nothing major. One Morning we had to bring my son Ryan to the Hospital because he woke up in the tent with the krupe cough oddly this is what he sometimes gets in the winter not summer.Pics later. We were supposed to leave the following Saturday but we liked it so much we booked another night and we came home yesterday sunday. On the last saturday evening I could not get the kids to go fishing so I jumped in my 12 foot tinny and away I went. All was going well I lost a nice sized fish and was determined to get another.Now my 12 foot is just fine for where I was but I should have been more carefull. I was 3kms up the Amable Du Fond River .As I was trolling I was changing lures while moving slowly I snapped on a blue Rapala Husky jerk and all of a sudden I lost my grip on the tiller handle which went far left I then rolled backwards out the boat but I did not have the kill switch wrapped around my wrist.Now I am in the water the boat is sideways filling up with water motor running fast coming right at me so I quickly grap the gunwale of the boat reach for the kill switch and stop the motor as I do this the boat flips upside down. Now at this point I can't believe I just flipped my boat of course I was wearing my lifejacket . For 10 seconds I am stairing at my capsized boat in SHOCK I calm down and I start thinking of all the stuff I may no longer have. As I am swimming over to the boat I see my Cotten cordel lure floating on the surface I grap it and hook it into my floating boat cusion. Now I am freaking and thinking about my camera.When I arrive at my boat I notice my rod and reel under the boat somehow my Rapala hooked onto one of the oars.A shimano stradic rod and reel combo.Ok I was releived for one minute then I see my portable sonar hanging from the back of the boat oh no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I think .My motor is up side down and I can't do a dam thing about it .2 guys in a canoe come to my rescue.I was 40 feet from shore when I notice I have a huge audience about 50 teenagers from a Ukranian scout camp.The guys in the canoe helped me get my boat to shore at the scout camp and when I arrive at shore all these kids began helping me.Well I was jsut overwhelmed.They bailed my boat in no time. I start to count the damage .I lost a pair of rapala pliers ,a red devil and my net.My extra boat seat with the backrest stayed a float anchor and boat safety kit still in boat.I look at my rod and a loose mepps is hanging on my line by one trebble hook.I look down at my feet and I have a green Yozuri lure stuck in my water shoes.I manage to save a small storage container. Now at this point I am missing my tackle box and a bag full of spinner baits.Oh crap my camera was in the tackle box. 2 of the scout leaders offered to go and find my box and spinner pack and the guys in the canoe stick around to help.Luckily I was in 6 feet of water.So the leaders go and get changed slip on some goggles and retreive my tackle box and spinner pac in about 15 minutes.I don't care about the camera anymore at this point it was the pictures that I did not want to lose.My son caught his first eye this week.I opened my box which was filled with water and quickly retrieved the memory card which is still in tac for my fishing report. It's amazing how much help I had .I have to thank all from the ukranian scout camp and the 2 wonderful guys in the canoe from Hamilton Ontario. I am alive maybe because I wore My PFD who knows.Now I have a report for you all.Enjoy the pics First evening setting up camp. An early Morning shot of Lake Moore as the fog lifts. Morning walk with the wife. On the way to the Hospital Ryan was not breathing well due to a Krupe cough.5:30am Shot this fireball on the way to the hospital. Ah ventilin. 4 hours later we are good to go First Day fishing and my friend Michel breaks the ice with the first fish of the week. No fish yet. Caught this clam on a Lindy Rig.I haver never had this happen before. The clam met my friend Pliers. finally it was my turn not much but hell is something right? Robin my 10 year old daughter trying to meet the handsome Prince.NOT!!!!!! I am not ready for that yet! A view of the smaller beach. Kids found this little guy during a visit to Grandma and Gramps. Oh no they are getting smaller. My son quit fishing with me in the boat after 45 minutes. I took my friend Michel's 12 yr old Daughter Alexandra fishing She wanted to know what a Pike looked like.Before this day she had never caught more than a sunfish. This Pike weighed 5lbs.Yup out fished by the kids again but I am a good coach. I had to take this picture of the fishing Dad .I don't know this guy but had to share it with you. Bernie's(Nippissing) Jigs working well. A guy named Rich showed me how to do this While I was getting skunked in the boat.The youngsters were catching Walleye from shore.Once again the pink X-rap from Rapala what a lure.HOT HOT HOT. Pink X-Rap again Stupid sunfish Don't go away part 2 to come.Mike
  8. Hi folks just got back from a week camping I had a great week until I flipped the 12 foot tinny.It happened real fast and next thing I knew I was in the water.I am OK I was wearing my PFD I was able to get the boat upright thanks to some kind folks.My digital camera is toast but I was able to retrieve my weeks pictures from the memory card so I should have a full report in the morning.I lost my net a red devil and a pair of rapala pliers.My sonar still works but the screen shows a light image my rapala digital scale is working. Percher has given me some tips to try and start the motor which I will try tomorrow .The motor was upside down for about 15 minutes under water I managed to pull the kill switch before it went under .Should I worry about $$$$$$$$ or should it be easy to revive .Please let me know your experiences .After all this I am glad just to be alive .I will give all the details in my report. Later Mike
  9. WTG Scott its about time you gave us a report.Take a day off work and send us some more reports.MTP
  10. Well uh maybe I feel safer now when I come down for Salmon you better be quick if we need you .Congrats Pete I am sure you are proud. MTP
  11. Ok guys I will try and out fish the kids.Jus t going to bed now .I was delayed for an hour due to thunder storms.It took a while to strap the 12 foot tinny to my tent trailer just finished packing.I will take lots of pics.I will be back next week.MTP
  12. Now thats what I call red neck fishing MTP
  13. Hey PP don't overlook east lake the smallie fishing is excellent and you can find quite a few walleye in the outlet river and east lake. Have a good vacation.When west lake gets choppy east lake will be calmer. MTP
  14. Great report 007.I always enjoy the talent you have with the camera.MTP
  15. Can't wait to see the next sedated canoe and fishing report.Cool MTP
  16. Welcome to the ZOO.We love fish pics!!!!!!!!!! MTP
  17. Roy everyone is smiling but you and Marc.Are you sure you had a good time. Did you put Marc asleep or did he get blinded by the flash of the camera. Next time you have a good time try and show it will ya MTP
  18. Well folks its that time of year to go on vacation. I am going camping with my family in Northern Ontario at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park near Mattawa ontario (2hrs from Lakair). We have a site close to the water.The Tent Trailer is packed and ready to go.Bringing the 12 foot tinny I hope to have a nice report when I get back. I borrowed Greencoachdog's fish finder just in case the fishing is tough . I will be back in one week with a full report.Sure gonna miss this website.Leaving Saturday am. Mike the Pike.
  19. Congrats to you both looking forward to more reports.Its a nice addition when you go camping it helps you get closer to the wildlife too. Cliff pic up 2 rachet straps at CDN tire throw the straps over the canoe pass one strap threw the open front doors of your CRV tighten the straps on the inside next open the back doors and to the same through the back doors.Be sure to put a piece of sponge between any strap and the paint from your suv to prevent stratching and rub marks.Continue to tie the front and back with rope beleive me it will not move.Enjoy the new ride. MTP
  20. Last time I lifted weights it was to get in shape to lift your heavy ass onto the couch after you had to much Rum in Quinte Peter when was the last time you posted some fish pics We are yet to see you with a pic in your boat.Don't worry I will be ready. Don't worry my arms are already pretty big. See ya soon.Mike
  21. I will be in the chat room if someone feels like typing
  22. Thanks for posting that GCD I really enjoyed it.Now which people in the video are you related to MTP
  23. Congrats on the PB Cliff .Somehow I missed this report.Good collection of buckets. MTP
  24. I see you boys got your excercise MTP
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