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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. My Lund dealer has demos that he takes clients out in right now he has a 1625 classic with a 40hp Honda and they are selling alot of them. Good bang for the buck I am located a little too far from you though.
  2. Thats what they say love to hook into it would be fun
  3. No need for a those useless sideconsole windshields that only change your hairstyle. This is a pic from November.
  4. Now you you've just opened a can of worms. Yes me its Tiller for life .My last 3 boats have all been tillers. Now if I was to go over 90HP then I must admit I would go for a full wrap widsheild and that is not about to happen anytime soon. This is my first boat had a wheel trolled with the sterring wheel and did not like it. This is my current boat notice how the tiller has more floor space. Had this boat 4 years the motor is on my new boat. Had this one 5 years and it is the vessel that turned me on to tillers. Now don't be influenced by this OFC member from down south who spends most of his time still fishin where how your boat is steered should not matter. He was kidnapped by the Sabiki Aliens and brainwashed to drive his boat like a car Stay with a tiller boat control is done with an instant response when trolling. MTP
  5. Very good lure Mike I have caught many pike on the same colour with its brother the huskie jerk It is a good colour for water that is not clear or stained. Actually the X-raps have become some of my favorite lures . If you think thats hot you need the brite pink. Now go catch some fish with it
  6. Excellent report and photos!!!!!!!!! Love the shot of the doc at night with the green tint to it. Also those purple sunsets just spectacular
  7. Excellent report and Photos Cliff thanks for taking the time to throw that together Now I have to know what happened to Carole's wrist????
  8. WTG young man
  9. Wow good workout
  10. Excellent pics TJ thank you so much for taking all that time to upload those pics
  11. Went to a Lake called Memphre Magog in the Easter Townships of Quebec.It is a Holiday here in Quebec while others had to work We fished right in front of the popular ski resort Owls head. Went with good friends Mike and GlennK. Mike had invited us to try for some Lake Trout ,Atlantic Salmon and Rainbows. Conditions were tough we tried jigging with dead smelt and trolling spoons I used lead core while Mike and Glennk used dipsie divers.It has been cold lately and we knew that thunderstorms would be possible. After five hours of dissapointment we move into an Island and caught some bass ,perch and rock Bass. Now one guy got skunked a newly more active member of our community but I won't mention any names Anyhoo here some pics Mike and GlennK All the way out in the middle of the lake and this begger shows up yes he was snacking well. Only decent fish caught today. We had to call it a Day around 2:30 as the thunder was getting louder and the skies were getting Darker. Better to be safe unfortunately when we got the boat on the trailer it seemed to have cleared up. Not a bad day wish we could have stayed for the evening bite but as much as I would like to have my grey hair change colour being fried by lighting was not what I wanted to test out. Can't wait to get out again. Had a great day with GlennK and Mike.Hope to do it again guys. People who have not been fishing in awhile this is what happens on the way home. Looking forward to Quinte in 3 weeks, Hey Glenn I know you miss my old boat MTP
  12. Don where you get that I used to buy a no name brand of beer batter and the only thing we can now find here in Quebec is fish crisp. I will drive to Ontario to get some if you say its good
  13. Thanks for the shot TJ I will be there next year. It looks like GCD put on some weight must be the canadian beer its about time he started with ale
  14. Ah drewl that looks so good . Excellent report man nice to hear the fish were hungry thanks for the detailed report and I like the shots of the catfish
  15. Your welcome you won't regret them to me they are the best now if only I could mount them on the new boat. Make sure you tighten them with pliers this way they won't come lose. Hope to see some fish pics come from those new rod holders
  16. can't see anything here Mike.just get the link to photobucket thats it
  17. WTG Richy and thanks for upgrading our Pike for the reel screamers I knew my 25 incher would not stand. BTW If i ever meet you I would like to know how to fillet a pike boneless. Nice report young manlooks like a great day on the water
  18. Ah the salty to me they are the best had em on my last boat .I will miss them. Nice thing about them I used them on my old 18ft tinny 12 ft tinny and to this day they work well on my canoe I now have the Scotty's with my Lund sporttraks.What worries me is plastic will where out.I guess metal is where you should look if you plan on muskie fishing.
  19. Gerritt go to the grocerie store and buy some VIM I used it to take black grime of the vinyl on my tent trailer today.Good stuff
  20. Very nice fish wow. I am hoping to get on the Ottawa River some time this summer have no idea where to start but I will figure it out. I am yet to catch my first muskie.
  21. I am not sure of the process but car batteries have been recycled for years in scrap yards its the acid in them that worries me. I am sure that if electric cars caught on there would be a way to recycle most of the batteries. Bottom line is gas powered vehicles will do much more damage to the enviroment than the electric cars also the way Alberta produces oil is demanding on the enviroment they need to burn natural gas and they use enormous amounts of water to produce the oil extracted from the tar sands. And yes its high time the truck companies produce more fuel saving trucks. I can't give up my minivan it pulls my boat and my 2600lb tent trailer. MTP
  22. Yes Paul they may not hold up that well in an accident but one thing is for sure they have to be safer than driving a scooter,motorcycle or bicycle Our government has to be the slowest moving in the western world Time will tell but you can be sure public pressure will put these vehicles on the road.
  23. I caught one of those when I was a kid which almost pulled me had it not been for a man close by I would have lost rod reel and gone for a swim. ya never know what you may catch eh.
  24. Let us know how it works. BTW did you hook a new sterring bar yet?
  25. Excellent report JWL I always enjoy kid reports when the young ones have an ear to ear smile
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