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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. So Peter I want to see some fish pics from you .Forget the memory storage go out and fish and make a report with pics. No excuses
  2. Good to hear from you Lew nice torpedo.
  3. WTG Rich and Sugarpacket nice pics I always enjoy your reports. I know I have to lose the weight too or my Doctor will be letting me know to smarten up
  4. Nice fat bass boyz WTG
  5. Ah another fine report enjoyed that Cliff .Love the part about getting wifey sprayed by boat wake.He He. Can't wait to have a day like that one
  6. Week #2 was a visit to Mom's in a town called Bonfield 30kms from Northbay Ontario the 2nd week my wife had to work so it was just me and my 3 kids.After one week of fishing in the canoe being bounced around by disrespectful boaters I pulled my boat up to my moms. For many fishing was very slow due to a storm that passed through the area 2 weeks ago when 5 inches of rain fell in 2.5 hours washing out roads and creating many merkie waters but despite all that we did manage some fish for the little time that we were out.Wish I had fished more but always so much to do with family .Had a great visit with my 88 yr old grandmother who had broken her arm and back ,in May of this year. She made me laugh telling me she was one of 5 people who still had it all up there .She is on the ball at all times her memory is perfect always responding quckly.She told me she named one of the patients Tarzan because the man moans like him during the supper hour.Anyhow I have never seen such a good spirited person and positive person as her.Well hope I have it together like her at 88. Well on with the pics. First morning was absolutely gorgeous a bit chilly only 4 degrees during the night but a pleasure to see the sunshine after driving in the heavy rain on Monday August 18th.So we headed out onto Lake Nosbonsing 2 mins from mom's. First snot rocket of the day caught by Cody(foster child of mom's)Caught on a Red Devil. Next up was Gaetan with a 4 pounder (Red Devil) Not to be out done was my son Ryan with the next Pike.(Red Devil) Oh and me I did a great job driving the boat ,netting fish and taking pictures Well Ryan has a story about the one that got away. I lent him my Medium rod with a Shimano Sedona 2000 spooled with 30lb powerpro no match for what was on his line. He got a huge hit and the fish began peeling out lots of drag no matter how hard I tightened the drag the fish continued to pull out more line after a few minutes Ryan was spooled unbelievable power from this fish the light equipment was not up to the job. After being spooled I tried grabbing the line with my bare hands to avoid break off but the big brute got away my son was devastated he has been talking about it since.Thats fishing To give you an Idea how powerful the rain storm was 2 weeks ago I took this shot of the bridge that once covered this stream.Mother nature is powerful the bridge survived but must be put back in place along with some heavy labour. Another bridge this one survived but the road was completely washed out.More intensive labour will be required to rebuild. Another evening at a secret walleye location.Gaetan taught me a little about jigging and the very light bite we caught some dinkers but not worth taking a pic of.What a beatiful spot.I want to go back. Some ducks on Lake Nippissing. An evening out fishing with 4 noisy kids who brought some cd's to play on the stereo while we trolled no fishy action but we had a blast .Believe me the laughter was priceless. Thursday we planned a day on beautiful bay on Lake Talon. Here is a shot of Solopaddler in the canoe wheelie power. We spent the day at this great location another place I must go back to. Son Ryan with Gaetan trying to learn how to hold a pike .Not he dropped it. Lip grip time Pike and nudity sorry no tan due to lack of sun this summer and yes I am 4 months pregnant. Last morning fishing on Lake Nosbonsing.You cigar smokers think you look cool check out this shot of a chocolate fudge granolabar. Always bring the smaller net I had high expectations for a big one (did not happen)had a helluva time getting this guy untangled from the net. Another dinker. On the way home we saw a lady get out of this car it seems I was not the only one taking pics of this. We stopped in Renfrew at Timmies for lunch.Check out the fuzzy steering wheel and yes flowers inside. The peace and love years are coming back Well I hope you enjoyed my 2 weeks vacation pics I spent alot of time uploading pics for the 2 reports. MTP
  7. Hey folks back after 2 weeks of vacation and I must say overall the weather was quite nice, too bad many had bad weather this year but my late August vacation paid off just a little rain. After booking our Camping reservations too late this year there was slim pickins so we were able too book a site at Rideau River Provincial Park in Kempville Ontario about 25 minutes South of Ottawa. I enjoyed this park as well as my kids we had great sites very close to the water only downfall was the mosquitos were the worst I have ever seen out of all the camping I have done all my life.My whole family had thousands of bites despite heavy use of bug spray.To me Watkins bug spray is the best and you don't seem to notice you have sprayed yourself. The first couple of days were so so,light rain but nothing to complain about after that the weather improved and we enjoyed the improved weather despite 24/7 mosquito attacks. The worst day of thunderstorms we went to Ottawa while the wimmins shopped at the Mall my son and I found the new Le Barons in Ottawa which is much nicer than the original Montreal store. Bought some more stuff Idon't need Well on with the pics and story. Upon arrival the kiddies requested their frog nets and buckets and this is what they found......... A 3 legged frog.Either some fishy ate the leg or it must have to do with the many golf courses in the area that adds to the sloppy weed growth man no wonder Justin catches lots of bass its hundreds of miles of green slop. Finally got set up and this was our camp for the week. A little fun with the green slop my daughter in the blue life jacket. Nice thing about minivans is my oldest daughter invited a friend for the week.can't wait till they stay home so I can get a pick up lol Jump Ah children(priceless) the results of frog catching My 9 yr old son would put in 6 to 8 hours a day shore fishing .He made alot of friends including the older kids some teens who were afraid to take their fish off the hook.My boy was helping alot of them with the simple task. Father & Son We started to get rid of our garbage earlier after a 7pm visit from this guy one night. One morning we heard some objects dropping onto our tent trailer so my wife investigated and we caught this rodent dropping pine cone after pinecone onto our tent trailer I really think it thought it was funny. Junior fishing the locks .plenty of panfish .Thanks Jamie (crazyhook) for the location. Missed 2 nice bass on the surface A visit to Merrickville.Amazing how the locks work on the Rideau. First nite out in the canoe no fish but I tell ya alot of moron boaters who have no respect for people in canoes. One jerk in a jet boat who we saw on several occations would blow by I would guess 50 plus MPH within 20 feet of us and others in canoes including my daughter sending his huge wake at us.no respect I tell ya if I could catch him he would learn some respect. I took a boating course and it is against the law to do what this jerk did. One night he passed 6 times I tried to tell the %#!&^)*^$ the brain dead boater to back off the throttle and all he did was wave I tried to get his number but that boat was just too fast.People like that need to lose their boating privileage. I have a boat and always respect folks in canoes and kayaks . I want to thank the guys in the Triton white bass boat(with 175hp Mercury) for slowing down when passing.You guys are true gentleman. Its time the fines for this become more effective.Ok back to the pics. Well my son and I went out another afternoon but it wouldn't last a storm was blowing in we got back with only 5 mins to spare before the winds picked up big time.Man glad I knew when too go back. Time to get out with my 11 yr old Daughter she is getting to be pretty good with the net. had no time the first time I lost a nice smallie that bent my medium heavy rod almost in half under the canoe lost it. This Largie was caught on a top water Hedon Super Spook red head white body 4 inches long .a new favorite lure. Now my wife was happy to be goin home because she had thousands of mosquito bites. Here she is with the Freddie Kruger ,Edward Scissor Hand pose. Final stop on the way home Timmies in Cornwall Ontario. Now with added pics. I hope you enjoyed week#1 . Week #2 is in the making. Mike the Pike
  8. I don't spik raid nehck I am At one time Dog the MNR actually had the diagram and yes I like pictures and no I am not lazy
  9. Now now Roy I know you do alot of girth measuring but no thats not what I need to know. So is it to the fork of the tail in the middle of the V or to the very end of the upper tail .
  10. Hey folks I off to Northbay in the morning to visit my mom and will be doing a little fishing up in the great North. Many of you Lakair folks know the slot size as well as myself because I did read the regs. now I know I have seen it before in the Ontario fishing regulations in previous years but can't seem to find this in the new book So can some one tell me how the MNR wants me to properly measure a walleye. Just in case I catch something and we know there is a good possibility that junior will catch something. MTP
  11. Wow Dog 91 F I would welcome that here had a cool week camping. Thanks for the mini report. Mike
  12. Wow what a beat
  13. Wow nice pics Dan that fish is fatter than you too bad I won't see your new boat much because you will really leave me behind now
  14. Rob I will let you know I am bringing my muskie stuff hoping to get my first one. MTP
  15. I will be there next week not sure about the muskie fishing as I will be targetting walleye you can launch out of the town of Bonfield.MTP
  16. Oh just a reminder GCD that was a boat with a tiller that caught the winning salmon to win a side console boat
  17. Tubes ,spinner baits ,moss boss,rapala x-raps and always bring some mepps.
  18. I am going to Rideau River PP,today I will let you know how it is .Not alot available in other parks because we booked to late this year.Last year went to Samuel Provincial Park that place was awesome. Lots of bass in the Rideau River.Have a great vacation .MTP
  19. Thats one Helluva a report Dan beautiful specs you live in the right place for that . I appreciate the time you put into that report and the quality photography beautiful sunsets and great shots of nature. MTP
  20. Have a great vacation don't forget to make them tasty vegy meat thingys
  21. Welcome man remember never forget the camera ,talk to us if you need to catch some walleye cuz well I only saw Mike catch his first one last November MTP
  22. Well the time has finally come I am leaving in the morning first week I will be Camping at Rideau River Provincial Park. I will be doing lots of shore fishing and some fishing from my canoe. The 2nd week I will be visiting my mom in the Northbay area and wow do I have my choice of lakes up there I will have the boat the 2nd week .I should have some reports about how junior out fished me again Not sure about this wet weather does not look promising looks like a wet week ahead. The rain won't bother me but the Mosquitos are out of control this year. Just packing up the tent trailer tonight almost a dozen bites.Oh well I will make the best of it. Be back in 2 weeks with hopefully some nice fish to report. Wow this means I won't be tormented from a redneck for 2 weeks now that will be relaxing. I will miss ya all be back in 2 weeks. Mike the pike
  23. Well congrats cousin I must admit I was visiting that website a few times per day and my nails became a bit shorter. Well deserved prize Call you in a week we are leaving in the morning on vacation Mike
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