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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. One day I will hook into one of those . nice report awesome pics. MTP
  2. Very nice pictures Jen.Nice shots of the Salmon. Ever notice no matter how cold the weather is kids will go into the cold water in the spring. MTP
  3. Yes Cliff the time will come when young Ryan will come to the BOQ but 4 days of fishing 14 hours a day is too much for the young man. And yes it took me about 3 and half hours to upload size and make that report only to find out I had too many pics in my report. My whole family will be coming with me Canada day weekend to the BOQ I am staying with my cousin Percher.My son can't wait!!!!! MTP
  4. Here some more shots of the weekend I had too many pics in the first report so I had to scale it down. Party boat. Our Camp for the weekend. Arriving back home to Quebec 5 seconds from the worst roads in the country. Arrived home to these gas prices.My last fill up in Ontario cost a $1.04 per litre.
  5. Well this was our third spring trip for the May long weekend and it was our most successful BOQ trip in the spring. Not much boat traffic and Mother nature was in a great mood giving superb weather.An Awesome weekend looking forward to next year. Enough said on with the report. I left home friday 4:37am and 43 minutes later I arrived in Ontario. I arrived at Mohawk Bay at 8:37am taking exactly 4hrs to get there made my first launch solo get out 2kms already to troll and my phone rings and my fishing partner Ron, GlennK 's Dad for the day is waiting at the the dock.So back up goes the kicker motor shoot to the dock pick up Ron and back to the secret fishing grounds. 20 minutes later the first walleye of the weekend .Fish on ya baby Next Ron puts me in a new spot and I get this 21 inch eye for team#4 Not too long after that fish on and he starts peeling some line a 30 inch pike for team#4 Ron gets his first fish for the day. Not to long after that we got this one which had those red spots the locals say not to keep those not sure if this is the same virus we all read about on this board this winter. Well Glenn and Serge my fishing partner for the weekend arrived and he wanted to get out for the evening bite.We were just about to call it a night when Serge hooks into this little Eye at 9pm. Our walleye vessels. Met up with Easton and his dad right in front of Pickeral park. Not too long after that we see this young kid pull in at least a 3lb eye right on the dock. Serge says lets troll by some lady comes zipping into the dock area at Pickeral Park no respect drove 30 feet behind us, Well her prop grabbed both our lines now they had been fishing themselves.While undoing the mess not a word was exchanged. But everyone was mad got set back up and caught somemore walleyes. Back to fishing the next day. Can anyone tell me if this is a Hybrid Pike a mix breed between a Muskie and a Pike. check out the colours. A 12 inch Perch. A chunky Rock Bass. Perch and walleye for supper. Fried in fish crisp......... Can some one tell me what kind of fish this is!!!!!!!! Thats a shot of Glenn's train. Group photo the weekend had to end. Serge,GlennK,Ron and Mike the Pike. All in all it was one of our best fishing weekends.I looked everywhere for Lew stopping in front of many Cresliner boats but unfortunately I did not get to meet Lew this time. Mike the Pike
  6. WTG Billy boy nice pics. Good looking healthy Eyes.! I will have my report Tuesday too tired to make it.The BOQ was hot friday was the best. MTP
  7. Sorry to here about the bad luck Brian glad to hear you got back safely.Don't worry your time is coming MTP
  8. Darsky just to let you you know closed windows with airconditioning on saves more fuel than open windows. Have you ever seen the show Myth Busters on discovery. Adam and Jamie did a test with a ford explorer.first they drove around with closed windows and the air cond... on then with the windows open. The trip with the windows closed and air on got 2 more miles per gallon than the trip with the windows open and the air off. Windows down created more drag.Just thought you would like to know. MTP
  9. Nice looking chain saw Mattyk. Thanks for the pic great to see something different. MTP
  10. Nice Salmon Dan yours looks healthy but Pete's is really skinny and much better looking than he is . WTG guys MTP
  11. Good Morning to all.This getting up at Lew O'clock is hard on the body. But whoo hooo fishing is 4 hours away. MTP
  12. Looks like a good meal. MTP
  13. Welcome to the family Tinman remember we love pics. Enjoy the OFC Community. MTP
  14. Well I am leaving at 4am from Montreal if all goes well I should be launching the boat around 8 am in Deseronto at Mohawk Bay park campground.Looking forward to spending time with GlennK one of our members his Dad Ron and my Buddy Serge.Ron will be in at 10:30 am so I will have my partner for the day . It was a rough week my son Ryan(8) wiped out on his skateboard tuesday and now has a hairline fracture on his foot no cast but he is on crutches and should be OK in 3 weeks.Unfortunately no sports for a month.His soccer pratice starts this weekend.It was a stressful week and work so 4 days of fishing will clear my head. Well hopefully I will have some fish pics and a report when I return Monday. Good Luck to all who are fishing this weekend and please be safe. MTP
  15. I wish I was going back I will be at Mohawkbay Park this coming weekend.enjoy I just love the BOQ.MTP
  16. WTG Emile glad you had a good day.Did you have a partner from the looks of the pics you were solo .thanks for the pics and report.MTP
  17. Well Wayne have a great fishing trip enjoy the new boat remember that you are breaking in the motor so back off the throttle.Eventhough that many ponies will be dam tempting.Take some great pics as usual give us the shots of dinner. Imagine someone else may become the top poster of the day.Please turn the computer time into productive fishing. What are you targeting ?fish I hope.No rivets for how many days. I hope you don't plan on catching butterflies with the little net Have a safe and productive vacation MTP
  18. Nice little Brookie One of my best fishing experiences was fishing for those brookies 4yrs ago with my waiders not huge fish but the little wild trout could give a great fight for there size. MTP
  19. Squirrel Lake in the Temagami area lots of crown land to camp on .Half the distance MTP
  20. WTG nice walleye !!!!!!!!!
  21. Happy Birthday Joey and Happy Mothers Day.Go outfish Paul we want to see more pics. MTP
  22. I think that Walleye season opens too early here in Montreal each year is different. Some years when I fish my favorite spot in the Rapids of The St.Lawrence River I sometimes catch Walleyes with eggs and Males with sperm. Most years I have found them spawing I will find out monday evening if the Walleye are in spawn mode. Marc I think its time that government advance the date for opening day for Walleye. Our spring weather can sometimes prolong the spawn. Time to change our Regulations. The Bay of Quinte is the only place I have not reeled in a spawning Walleye .with an early opener it seems to be a safe date for the Quinte opener. Stangely the BOQ connects to the St.Lawrence which is only 3hours drive from Montreal.I guess a little more south makes a difference. MTP
  23. Hell of a report that place looks like paradise.WTG
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