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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Way to go Champ !!! Zen when iz ze fish fry ??? Good thing you posted a picture or it would have been just another story...
  2. This should get Brian's toes a'tappin'...one of my favorite fishing songs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuoK0ialEY0
  3. Just read this on Facebook: So exciting!!! Driving into Alcona this afternoon (with Tyler) and right in front of Sobeys is a HUGE sign Winterfest Feb. 25,26,27 TYLER's FISHING DERBY is the main event!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!! Posted by Tyler's mom... She also posted this on Facebook but I can't find the article she mentions...can anybody post it? I sat down and opened up the Innisfil Examiner and there is an article about Tyler's Fishing Tournament!!! They rock!
  4. Hey Vince...I just realized I need to withdraw from your contest...The pictures I entered were from former years not last year... Cheers Mate Beans
  5. It's too bad there is no slot size on perch...say keep only between 8 to 12 inches and those big mothers would go back to breed... My buddy and I only keep perch between 10 to 12 inches...the rest go back and rarely do we keep more than a dozen each...
  6. Peninsula Motel at Pefferlaw... Great brekkie in the dining room...yummy burgers with hot coffee...order in advance... Hut rentals/minnows and Jerry does his best to put you on fish... Mind you, this was back about 15 years ago
  7. Hey...We drove by Peter's Buns Shop and it ain't there no more!!!...Damn !!! They made great roast beef g'weeeches with sauce au jus, and a bunch of other great stuff besides bread and buns... Will have to give the new place a try next time I have fasting lab work done in Lindsay...
  8. hi, thank you for sending the messages from the board, I managed to open it o.k. please do me a favour norm, and thank all of those people who sent the messages, I have no way of doing it, dont know how either, and yes it was a lovely celebration yesterday, nicely done by the Buckhorn Community Centre and so great to see all of those people saying such lovely things about my Jack, time heals I guess, but he can rest in peace now, knowing how we all thought about him, and Im sure he was watching us all, and grinning from ear to ear, he can fish all day and carve all night now, wherever he is bless him. Love jackie So...Thanks guys and gals Beans
  9. It just started snowing again (05:00pm) up this way... Stopped around 02:00pm and Maribeth and I cleared the driveway... It just started snowing again (05:00pm) up this way...GRRRRRRR
  10. Some of us are reminded of you when we are at the "Manor" and see your old boathouse... Good to see you posting and doing well...
  11. Can't remember who posted this on OFC many years ago...I saved it as it reminded me of my daughter when she was little and just loved to go fishing with her dad... It got away ...Dad !!!
  12. Done and did...now edit your reply...LOL
  13. Another one of Photoz's gems Hey !!!...I think you got a bite !
  14. Yep...especially if'n you likes PAELLA !!! Sorry Roy...I couldn't resist...
  15. Hey you old fart...who you calling an old fart ??? Did you get your senior citizen card from Ottawa yet ? Nice of them to let us know we are getting old...
  16. Not a chance with my hemmeroids...besides if you met the great women we married there would be no doubt we were heterosexuals...
  17. Don't know if this is the same place Cliff... Just before we moved up this way, my old Chrysler station wagon blew a head gasket in Omemee...Maribeth got a ride back to Richmond Hill (dog needed food etc) and I stayed at my bro and sis-in-law's place in Lindsay for three days...I offered to buy a Chinese take-out for supper one night for their family and I went to the buffet place on Hwy 35 just below Hwy 7...Everything looked very good on the buffet and our take-out was great... Fast forward a couple of years and for our anniversary that year we went to the same place for their buffet...BIG mistake...everything with any meat (wings,ribs) were hard and dried out...even the chicken balls and shrimp spring rolls...veggie dishes were soggy and mushy...Dessert was good...(had to say sumpin' nice) I doubt we will ever go back there again but if you do...order off the menu... If I couldn't cook Chinese better than that (and I can...ask Meely and CPH)(my first father-in-law was a graduate Chef of Hong Kong University) I would close up shop... Too bad this happened as we don't get to eat out very often...usually just anniversaries and birthdays ...
  18. I use an aquarium net from the pet store for removing ice chips from the hole and keep it in my minnow pail to keep from freezing up and for scooping out a minnow...they are much stronger than the nets they sell in tackle stores and do a much cleaner job than the plastic scoops... Keep your reel off of snow...
  19. Like Steve sez...this stool like chair is much easier to get off of when your alarm goes off rather than struggling out of a camp chair...I've gone through 3 camp chairs the past few years no matter how strong they say they are but this one keeps on ticking... Folds down for easier carrying...
  20. Even I drive an Ford F150 (Enforcer) 1995...over 400,000 Kliks...LOL She's a bugger on gas though...6.5 kilometers per litre (18 miles per impl. gallon)
  21. Brrrrrrr...that's not good ! I use my wood stove for just such emergencies and the odd recreational fire...
  22. The 16th of January 2011, Jackie Gomersall will be hosting the Celebration of Jack's (Nanook's) Life at the Buckhorn Community Centre, 1801 Lakehurst Road, Buckhorn Ontario...from 2 to 4 pm... For those not familiar with the area, The Centre is located about a mile or so west of the stop lights at the north end of the bridges where hwy 23, hwy 36 and Lakehurst Road meet The Centre is on the south side of Lakehurst Road (there is a school on the north side)...lots of parking available... Hope to see some OFNers there...
  23. WOW !!!...No more fishing licenses and the federalies send you a cheque every month just for being old...LOL Have a good one my friend...
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