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Everything posted by mercman

  1. no arguements there Paul, i drove with a/s radials for 30 years, only had 1 accident caused by someone else with a/s radials. It took a law forcing me to buy winter radials for me to really see the difference.and I DO really see the diference in traction and ability to manouver safely.It really is like night and day.If you have never tried both, you can not know the dif i'm talking about.
  2. I CONCUR everyone i know who has tried dedicated snow tires never go back to a/s. The difference is amazing Like i perdicted before, soon your Provincial Gov will pass laws obliging all winter drivers to have 4 snow tires. It will be impossible to enforce, but get into an accident with a/s on your car, and insurance companies will refuse to pay, and you will get fined on top of that.
  3. Awesome site, but what morons those people were.
  4. yup were the men are men and the sheep are scared
  5. my uncle has them but he is still my aunt
  6. OH YA !!! i like that one.I can almost smell that campfire smell.Thanks
  7. HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you really care if the Doc sees things your way?His opinion is just as valid as anyone elses. Anyway, he is just pulling your crank KF, so take it as it is meant.
  8. The alternative is sand.You ever seen what sand does to your windshield as your wipers drag it back and forth for a few months?
  9. STUDS are legal here in quebec from Dec to April1. They give people a false sense of security, and when they fly off and hit your car, its like a bloody bullet hitting you.They are a pain in the
  10. Just remember, its not the grip of the tire thats the most important. its the tire structure.Winter tires are constructed for winter conditions specifically.Softer rubber, deeper more jagged tread patern steel belts in different configuration.All season are ok for temps above 5C.
  11. Do You know what we have done here ??? Do you have any idea the impact we have on the scientific community !!!we have solved one of the worlds most mysterious occurances. reminds me of when i discovered the HOSEONE LAYER. Where all the mismatched socks from our dryers go....
  12. Hey This is an excellent site Bernie. I like it.Thanks
  13. i have an aunt Norman BB, maybe you could introduce your uncle to 'her' Now back to the Canal The economic impact of a new canal probably far out weighs the economic impact of the Peace Bridge. Simple as that. Morning Bob, BTW !!!
  14. thats like saying lower the price of gas. they would sell more then they would drop the price even more. Anything 'car' related has become a necessity in this world, so they dont have to lower the price at all. we are slaves to our vehicules. Dont get me wrong, loads of us abolutely need a car or truck to make a living, but why do people living in dowtown major cities use a car to get to work? They could walk faster then the traffic they cause doing this. in Canada, we LOVE our cars, and will defend our choices of vehicules, tires, gas, DRIVING SKILLS, and even the types of fluids they use. Like the commercials says Hold on there....this aint no romance novel. It's just a sweet potatoe !!!! A car is a car is a car. Transportation, not an extension of our peepees IMHO
  15. i got a good deal at CT for goodyear nordic tracks.Check them out, they have a good warranty and they will even stor your summer tires for a small fee.
  16. gotta do this fast before they lock it again 4 winter tires.get em they save lives.The Ontarion Gov is looking at the results from us here in Quebec, and they ar very positive.Soon the ONT Gov will be following our lead and removing the choice for you guys too. They save lives and reduce accidents .PERIOD
  17. Thanks for th update my friend.One day at a time, and even one second at a time if you have to.good that she is eating and gaining weight you ar all in my thoughts and prayers. Paul
  18. http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/planetarium/Information/Documents/PDF/PocketPlanetariumV14N4.pdf should be Venus Roy maybe this will help Marnin btw
  19. to continue........................ i think everyone has thier own ideas.Here i Quebec, the Gov took away the choice.We MUST have 4 winter tires on our vehicules. No ifs ands or buts.I used to feel safe with all season, but now, i wonder how i lived without winter tires.They grip in snow, they hold the road on black ice, and the new technology today results in tires as quiet as a/s radials.Winter tires alone however would have done nothing to help the people trapped on the highway though.The only thing that would have helped is if the dept of transport had reacted quicker to remove the snow.They KNEW it was coming, and they KNEW how bad it was hours before it happened, but they waited for accumulation before sending the trucks out.All to save money on the snow removal budget.It was a cost versus risk decission as always. winter tires far out perform a/s radials in snow and ice conditions at temperatures below -10C Do some research and you will see this..Once the Ontario Gov and Insurance companies have finished studying the results from Quebec, your Gov will remove the choice for Ontario residents also, wait and see.
  20. ya but how do you explain one shoe and it happens all over the world !!!
  21. ya gotta wonder what that bear said to himself !!!!! of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf6JLqcbF_g Watched this guy alot when i was a wee sprout
  23. BB are you stirrin up the poopoo again ? When ever im havin a bad day, i open OFC and look for Posted by Billy Bob, and it always gives me a chuckle
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