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Everything posted by mercman

  1. only problem is the nurses at THIS clinic looked like they came from Jurasic park, if you get my drift
  2. ya......it was with that in mind that i proceeded to the little room.The nurse gave me a small plastic bottle. Ya dont have 6 packs i asked
  3. good point Speaking of wacked off,spent the morning with the wife at the IVF clinic.You shoulda seen all these guys in the waiting room looking like deer in a head light Hillarious. One would get up and leave, back in 5. This one guy, a big dude, was gone for 20 minutes.He was having a 'hard' time until the doctor told him of the alternate method of collection Something like a cattle prod and large sharp needle
  4. can i have the sheep. i wuv sheep.I can hug em and squeeze em and call them George!!!!
  5. bayliff........wack his peepee!!!!!!!
  6. its gonna be a lonnnngggggggggg winter.
  7. Is boneless chicken considered to be an invertebrate? Just askin......thats all.
  8. 18 years ago i lost my job, and the wife and i went on welfare and had to get food from the parish. i know there are people out there who need the help. Christmas is the saddest time of the year for these folks,I will always give back more than i receive.
  9. One of Kathy`s sons became a Urologist. Doctor Dick, the dick doctor
  10. they work with the same type of lite they use in restaurants to keep food warm while the waitress serves customers.they heat the air inside the box, causing air to circulate through the bottom,over the lites and out the top. maybe be good for damp fall days,but i cant see them working here in the arctic Wait till it gets down to -30. then let us know how warm you still are.
  11. the world lost and jewel of a man.......RIP John.
  12. oh thank god !!! another snow scrooge.I thought i was all alone in here I can live with the snow(barely) but not the stupid mentality of the city, saying because its still snowing they dont want to send out the plows more than they have to.What the hell do we do if it snows for a week !!!!!!!!!!!! And the plow guy......memory like a cheese cloth.Every year same thing.No houses on the other side of the road, so where does he put the snow IN MY BLOODY DRIVEWAY THATS WHERE. I told him this morning, you don't dump it in the end of my driveway, and i wont take a dump in yours. I feel so much better now,thanks
  13. Had a little old lady come to the store for a new bake element today.The element is $32.95 plus tax. The poor old soul left and came back an hour later with a $20 dollar bill, and 6 homemade chocolate chip cookies.She was in the middle of baking cookies for her daughter and grand kids when the element burnt and thats all the money she had.She was in such a panic and almost in tears.(so was i) Well, she is probably baking up a storm about now, compliments of The Appliance Parts Club No Charge Ma'am, Merry Christmas .She pushed the money at me and refused to take it back.I am spending it on food for the local food bank, and adding it to the 24 bags of groceries i've collected so far. Joy to the world !!!!!
  14. Nice fish and great report !!! Tell mike to pop in and let us know how he's doin.Thanks for sharing
  15. depends if his owner flushes.Its possible that he was trained by a non-flusher. we've all heard of these, but seldom actually see it
  16. snow doesn't stop them critters !!! Nice eyes !!! oh and the fish are nice too.
  17. RONNNN !!!!..........RONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE,RE COMMING TO GET YOU......HOLD ON BUDDY !!!!!
  18. CATS MAKE GREAT AIR GUITARISTS THOUGH. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/485682/
  19. 15511 FRIDAY 9.24PM........LIKE THE PRICE IS RIGHT
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