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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Halloween brings the kid outta all of us I only have $120 dollars worth of candy left to eat now 8-(
  2. nope.I just stuck it in the basement and left it there.
  3. Not really sure, but i dont think so
  4. Sautee it and let us know.If you get the galloping trots, then its Ney
  5. Hey Rocky !!! Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat !!!!!
  6. You guys are killin me over here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Sorry Mike, but after reading your fishing stories and excellent adventures, i was not ready for the Squirel.I almost swallowed my tongue i laffed so hard.
  8. You married to my ex`s sister???? NO WAY !!!!!
  9. Well, while yer at it
  10. WOW !!! I am in the presence of fishing greatness:worthy: Awesome season dude !!!
  11. I have been useing Pentax cameras since back in the late 80s. My original se1000 still worls like new. I use it occasionally for b&w...I own a Pentax DSLR and love it. Try looking outside the box. Canon makes fine cameras, but there are so many others as good or better.
  12. Awesome find Mike !!! Pops used those lures for Pike and Walleye when i was a kid.
  13. My deepest heartfelt thanks to you all, for the kind words of sympathy and PM's of supprt and consolation. The wake and funeral are over, and Mom and Dad have been reunited. I reconnected with familly i haven't seen in years, and we all celibrated her life, the way she would have wanted us too, with love and fond memories. As i sat there and listened at the church, as her pastor talked about her love of life, and her love for friends and familly, a gentle breeze touched my face, and for an instant, i smelled her perfume.No one else noticed, but i did, and thats all that counts. Thanks from my familly to you and yours. Paul
  14. Awesome job
  15. Awesome fish !!! Congrats That first pic gives me the creeps though
  16. My deepest heartfelt thanks to you all, for the kind words of sympathy and PM's of supprt and consolation. The wake and funeral are over, and Mom and Dad have been reunited. I reconnected with familly i haven't seen in years, and we all celibrated her life, the way she would have wanted us too, with love and fond memories. As i sat there and listened at the church, as her pastor talked about her love of life, and her love for friends and familly, a gentle breeze touched my face, and for an instant, i smelled her perfume.No one else noticed, but i did, and thats all that counts. Thanks from my familly to you and yours. Paul
  17. I can't believe the attention to detail on these rods. From the thread and Laquer to the cork and inlays, true works of art.
  18. Awesome fish !! I would maybe not take a pic next time though.Endangered species and all. Still a very interesting catch on lite gear.
  19. A very successful season !!! Thanks for posting. Nice truck, but i"m a Ford guy myself
  20. Fantastic !!!!!
  21. Very Unique Garry !
  22. I do Phil, and thats exactly what i am doing
  23. My sincerest most heartfelt thanks to all of you.Its been a long and emotional day.I`m fine for hours, then a wave of grief rolls over me and takes my breath away, i can't even speak a word.Who would have thought that emotional pain could be so physically painful. I am sure that in time, my sadness will be replaced by warm memories of her. I will never forget the comforting words and support that i received both here and in the PM's i recieved from you. God Bless all of you. I have made it through today with a little help from my friends Paul
  24. Nope, not less fish. Time to change tactics. Go deeper, slower presentations, live bait where allowed, and fish structure.They are there, just not where they used to be.
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