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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I hear ya Dude !! After reading my last post, i too thought i couldnt find the fish either Now i know for sure, i am a Bass Fisherman, learning to fish new species.
  2. Thanks Mike ! Dad taught us boys to fish the fish he loved, LMB. The other species, i am learning as i go. My Bro has decied that LMB is what he wants to fish, hence, the Bass Boat. I want to be Multi Species, hence, my choice of boat type. I would love to get out with you soon also Bud. Paul
  3. LOL !! i am just the opposite.Never tried smallie.I do know that lb per lb, smallie gives you the best action on the end of your rod. Hopefully i will be able to compare the 2 this summer.LMB is almost a sweet tasting fish, and the 2 - 2 1/2 lbers are the best tasting.
  4. Fish on dude !!!!!!!! Nice catch, and great report.
  5. Well done Bill !!!! Thats one huge bass, and a monster gator Memories to share for a long time to come. Paul
  6. My Brother and i have been doing this for a few years in memory of our Dad.This time i took my wife and my brother took a work buddy. My father only had the chance to fish White Lake, near Arnprior, once in his life, and that was the year before he passed, 18 years ago. My brothers friend Steve,who is a fly fisherman, and on his first Bass opener,and my brother in his Ranger Comanche 40th anniversary eddition bassBoat. All of us Limited within the first 5 hours, and enjoyed C&R for the balance of the day. The wife and I put over 30 in the boat during our 7 hours on the water, My Bro and his buddy put at least that many in. There was the Annual White Lake Opener Tourny going on that day, but my brother has been fishing the lake at least once a week for the last 18 years and knows the lake inside out. It was funny seeing all thes boats scurrying all over the place looking for fish, and we are drifting over his hidden deep weedbeds, popping them in the boat, one after another I brought my radios so we could communicate "Fish On" without allerting the crowd. This was by far, the best Opener i have experienced on the lake.Last year i was in my litte tinnie and could not reach the far end of the lake.This year, it wasnt a problem, with the New boat. D.R White was back on the Lake And he fished with his 2 sons once again !!! Tite lines Dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul
  7. Times 2 1/2. Coudn't ask for a better punishment
  8. Excellent Photos Joey ! And a well documented Report of Lakeair.Those nature pics are awesome ! Thanks for sharing Paul
  9. You Old Phart!!!!!! Between you and Chris, I`m gonna need a whole new wardrobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thanks guys. In the end, after i got the ketchup off my Pom, Baking soda peroxide and dishsoap did the trick. I will get some skunk B gone, cause as all of us dog lovers know, they are as bright as a 15W bulb on a dimmer, turned right down to low. They did NOT sleep on the foot of my bed last nite, and when i woke up this morning, they were both very appolagetic, with thier tails down and ears lowered. Dumb 's Paul
  11. nothing is sadder than lookin at a dog drooling and sneezing with skunk juice in thier faces.But the stupid thing is, they would both chase that same skunk 2 hours from now DUMB DUMD DUMB
  12. Great idea Dan. So who hugs who wants to start
  13. Tomatoes are tomatoes The neighbor gaves us some baking soda, and peroxide.She also asked if i wanted mustard on my dogs. It worked on the dogs, now i need a scrub......Man thats some awfull stuff
  14. Very sad. Nothing else describes it.
  15. Well, ketchup doesnt work.I tested it on the smaller one first.She difinately like the taste though. I dont have tomatoe sauce.
  16. My dumb dogs got skunked in the backyard What is the best recipe for de skunking 2 dumb muts
  17. I was having that problem on my 587ci so i reset to factory specs, and the problem seemed to disappear.It may be because i played around too much with the settings, and it put it out of wack.
  18. I'm a LMB guy, but i'll tell you, lb for lb, the SMB i have caught this year(My first BTW) are hands down the hardest fighter of the 2.They really just want to rip the rod right outta your hands and beat the heck outta you with it
  19. Sunday, Montreal, St Lawerence river. Same location, last summer Fish like cities
  20. You got that right Joey.Something about catching a fish on open water with the skyline of a major city in the view. Surreal Tite lines Paul
  21. I am such an idiot.I really did chuck it in the garbage.Never thought i would ever use it again with all the new tech out there.
  22. Dang !!! I through my old one in the garbage last year
  23. Look, that TURKEY's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
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