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Everything posted by mercman

  1. it was 1.32 on my way home tonite, now its 1.38 1.27 on the Rez. and near the NY border 1.17. Does that make any sense at all
  2. Awesome Bronzeback Nothin fights like a smallie.
  3. Paul !!! You are Joey Too ??? Wow.....that could be convinient for sure Enjoy your birthday getaway.
  4. Not me Randy. I make my coffee at home,2 double vanilla cappucinos, and at work, i have a Bunn-o-matic that i keep full for my customers for free. never drink Tims coffee, it sucks.
  5. Be glad you dont live in Quebec.It can jump 10c a liter from 8am to noon, and we are paying 1.35 a litre her today I look at the cars on my way home at night, 2/3 of them are SUV's We are slaves to out machines
  6. Bob.....get the puppy smell outta yer nose man.
  7. I gotta get new genes, i tore mine on the mooring cleat.
  8. Your friend is right. a bad day of fishing IS better than a good day at work. Packed boat head out. halfway to destination realized i left licences and reg for boat at home.Went back to get them.Head out again, got around the corner, realized life jackets were on the floor in the kitchen. went back for them.got to the launch put boat in water, went to park. walked back to dock, and the wife is asking me if water in the boat is normal Forgot to put the plug in.Stepped into the boat and snapped the wifes rod in half. I sighed, bowed my head, walked back to the truck, backed up the trailer, took the boat out of the water, went home and watched WFN for the rest of the day. What can ya do?
  9. ahhhh i miss the old hand written letter, delivered by a smiling gentleman that my dog loves to bark at
  10. Now thats what i needed.A good success story.One before bed(Skinny) and now you when i wake up. Ahhh life is grand. Good luck and congrats
  11. Great !!! There is a reason for everything that happens to us.The reason you lost your job, was so you could find this one It all gets returned. Paul
  12. dunno, looks a bit beat up. you can get a brand new combo at CT for around 50 bucks
  13. Its even worse in an Urban Environment, like where i fish.Don't know if its because there are less scavengers, or if they just stay away because of the presence of man
  14. looks like you had a real Blast !!! I just love the familly adventures.Brings back memories
  15. Great report MTBF. Got some nice buckets.That big one is a hawg
  16. Happy Birthday Paul. Show us what ya got
  17. sposed to be good for the blood too. I used to eat a ton of that when i lived in N.B.
  18. I know Mike, but if they make it "OK", there are those who just throw that stuff every where.I have found fish remains on shore near the launch, and in the water under the dock.I have almost stepped in rotten guts on nunerous occasions, at numerous launches over the years. Where were the gulls and other critters that were sposed to swallow that stuff up? Not all anglers are as courtious as us OFNers There is really no reason to throw fish remains in the water. Look at rivers and lakes as the "roads" we use to access our fishing spots. I wouldn't throw garbage of any kind on my roads, i dont throw fish garbage in my waterways either.But thats just me
  19. Man !! Some really nice fish I gotta try for them one of these days
  20. Girls seem to have a 6th sense when it comes to fish. When i fish with my wife i seldom use my fishfinder cause she finds them faster telepathically i think Great report!! Paul
  21. I put my fish on ice, take them home, wrap in newspaper and fillet them the next day.The skin seperates easier. Then i freeze the balance and throw in the trash on garbage day.Personally, i dont like finding stinking remains on the shore when i launch.
  22. Where should i send the money, Mike?.........or should i say Comrade I would not have fallen for this. He uses better gramar Just kidding Mike........Hope you know that. Sounds like you have had a run of bad luck lately. Sorry to hear about this latest .
  23. YIKES...thats gonna leave a mark.
  24. My favorite is 4. ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo? WITNESS: We both do. ATTORNEY: Voodoo? WITNESS: We do.. ATTORNEY: You do? WITNESS: Yes , voodoo shades of abbott and costlello
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