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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Oh man Geoff......you have been a naughty,naughty boy. Love to be a fly on the wall in the GBW house when the wife saw that Its i thing of beauty !! I cant stop starring at that pic
  2. I havent BISHwacked in years Camil Not sure i remember how its done.
  3. Nice outing Gotta love Bass
  4. Gone through alot of keyboards since joining up
  5. The second boater knew exactly what i was trying to relay. Hands about 2 feet apart. I pointed to the spot and brought my hands together.He immediately reversed his motor. I am going to put a couple of empty jugs across this weekend. Its also good to be able to read the water surface.First time i saw this area, i knew from the ripples and color, that this was a shallow spot.
  6. ......He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone as looking !!!!Hillarious
  7. only other thing i tried once Geoff, I had Wasps once, took a very long painters pole, tied a big wad of newspaper to the end.Lite the paper and let burn for a couple of seconds. Snuff out the flame and place the smoking newsparer directly below the nest.It will flush them out, but be carefull they dont come after you.I had a friend with me riding shotgun with the power washer, picking them off as they came at me. Other option is the Orkin Man.
  8. Where do you live!!?? In the middle of the bush ??? Geese, hornets....Sheesh X2 for the power washer.Set to full stream.Make sure no one is around, and you have a clear escape route planned out. When they are pissed, they can follow you for a mile.
  9. You kill me man !!! You will get one Dana !! I can almost garantee it.
  10. What a BUCKET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats. X2 on the smallie. The big one i caught on Saturday hit my lure the split second it hit the water! Even before i had a chance to lock my spool. What a ride i had
  11. Bob !!! Glad you hit Gold !!!! I'm getting an Erie feeling about this
  12. first off....sighn up with Photobucket.After you do that, someone will walk you through the steps Skip
  13. I like SPAM I had spam spam eggs toast and spam for breakfast today
  14. shop around on line to make sure the price is accurate.Make sure the owner has at least maintained it mechanically. Get it safety checked.Old v8 4x4s were gas guzzling pigs though.
  15. the model number is either inside or remove the kicplate under the door. never behind an appliance Cliff.
  16. Looks like someone is going to be eating duck this winter
  17. i gotta git me one of those Great vids Simon !!
  18. Speaking for myself, i find it soothing to express calmly, a stressful situation with people i call my friends. There is always good advice, and plenty of comfirmation from our friends.Sometimes just hearing that others have experienced the same thing, can make all the difference in the world. Word of mouth is great advertising for a bussiness doing good things.It also serves as a warning to others, not to frequent bussiness who do a bad job. Its just what friends do
  19. easy as pie.Pm me the model number Cliff, and i'll look it up and advise you. Every year i have customer appreciation day for my Technician customers at Christmas.I have a catrered in luncheon for them, and they all get a gifts to open under the tree. My employees are important too.Happy employees make customers, happy customers Paul
  20. Caught a pike in the shallow section, then a while later a 3lb smallie .I bet this waould be a great place for walleye in the morning and evening too.I just anchored of to the side, in the current, and cast into different eddies. When the big ships pass by on the other side of the island, it creates a reverse flow in the little section of the river.Stirs up the bottom, and thats when i caught the bass. Now who taught me to read the surface of the water i wonder
  21. I was fishing yesterday in a new part of the waterway where i fish.A couple of days earlier i had notice current ripples in an area, and went to investigate with my trolling motor.I noticed immediately, that there was only 12 inches of water between the surface and some nasty rocks.In front, and on the sides there is 8-12ft drop off. Yesterday i was fishing this spot for SmallMouth, and a guy came motoring past.I didnt know how to let him know what was ahead, i waved both hands in an emergency gesture, he waved back and smacked right into the rocks, busting his prop and skeg badly.About an hour later, coming from the other direction, another boater traveling about 10-15 mph. This time i waved and followed immediately by placeing my hands flat one on top of the other, spaced apart, and bringing them slowly together. He got the message, and immediately reversed his engine, missing the rocks completely. Was that the right way, or is there a more standard signal? probably wouldnt have worked with the first guy though.The wave i used is standard emergency wave and he just smiled and waved back
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