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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. rig up a shot gun to the latch LOL! wait.. that only works in my neighborhood..
  2. i doubt he put that lazy boy there.. someone may have but im sure he just took the pic cause its not something you see everyday. well not unless you fish the humber lol.
  3. bass pro would most likley carry those.
  4. thats to bad laszlo im sure you'll get another soon enough.
  5. well im no musky expert so i'll let the boys on this forum answer that one. there are alot of very knowledgeable musky experts here, just keep an eye on this thread and im sure they will chime in at some point. just remember the less time you spend fighting the fish, the more of a chance you have to get her back into the water to fight another day rods with strong back bones, and 60-80 pound braid is what you'll be lookin for.
  6. EC1's right man.. after a few hours of chucking big baits your gonna be in some pain lol. i use a 7 foot Mitchell for my musky fishing, stiff yet sensitive.. you wanna get them in quick.. the longer they are on the line, the more of a chance you have of hurting them.
  7. yeah they like to group up, they look cool when they strike too.. go all sideways and stuff
  8. welcome! i used to get those off the fly in the humber years back. fun fish
  9. i just go with green. its awesome. 0 stretch, rip jigging machine lol
  10. LOL! a buddy of mine ate half a dozen once.. he did it if i promised to fill up his tank and drive home.. man, that day i learned not to bet with newfies..
  11. cept for herpes.. that crap'll follow you home.. LOL!
  12. maybe its because of a big meal, possibly still stuck in their throats or some sort of help with digestion? buh..
  13. i've seen them do this before aswell.. more than a few times too.. back home in croatia we have pike, and the first time i saw this was probably when i was 6 or 7 years old.. i since then saw one do it on the grand river, and another at canal road..
  14. yep they have been around forever in europe, the ones here as cuds mentioned have some sick power.
  15. yep, we catch quite a few bass there as well, on the east side of the lake. were just gonna go there and try exclusively for them. time to utilize the sonar to its full abilities. im thinking this place they may only feed at night or close to so im gonna try to smack them right in the face with it and see what happens, maybe get 1 or 2 angry enough to hit it.
  16. lol little lake is always on fire tho.. we usually boat 30 + fish there a day. i've never gone and been skunked.. i am however going next weekend to try and get me some of those monster walleye lurking in there.
  17. i wouldn't use a steam cleaner as you could melt the glue holding the carpet on. we used to clean our old boat carpet the same way we would the one in our home.. some carpet cleaner, and elbow grease lol. its a nasty job but you'll be happy once your done.
  18. usually a kill switch is attached to you when your in a high speed vessel. should you go flying out of the boat you will pull the kill switch out and cut the power to the engine. this prevents the boat from going on its own trip, or the prop from cutting you into pieces like it could very well have done to that moron when he went flying out.
  19. unfortunately no pics, friend was worried about the weather affects on his cam so he left it in the car lol. anyways... We spent the night glued to the weather network, and our blackberries weather forecasting apps. we came to the conclusion that we would hit rice instead of little lake and hit the sack. got up around 4:30am, put the espresso in the stove, moved the sonar into the car, and filled the cooler with water. out the door by 5am, we were in port hope by 6am so we decided to stop by timmies for breakfast. as we sat there we noticed lightning to the north and south of us.. we kinda just shrugged it off and said screw it! "vinnie you be my Captain Dan, i'll be forrest gump". lol! we got to the lake at 6:45 and jumped into our rain suits. vince got into his ok, i struggled a little with mine and when i bent over to tie my shoes... "RRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP" lol it was good tho, i needed a little ac inside that thing. we were on the water by 7am, there was a little drizzle, and not to much wind so i decided we go for ley point, got about 80 feet from shore and decided to cast. i tossed out an orange and black buck tail, while vince tossed out a perch X-rap. nothing was hitting and the sonar was awkwardly quite, usually its beeping like crazy in that one spot. i decided to push us out a little more to the north of ley point. we went right for the drop off from the point (18 feet) and drifted slightly back. in about 13 feet of water we started casting towards the weedline. vince had changed over to a silver husky jerk, i had stayed with the buck tail. by his second cast "FISH ON" he pulled in a 13 incher. he casted out again, and again "fish on!" a 12 incher. i at this point decided to change over to a black and white bucktail with silver tinsel, first cast "FISH ON" another 12 incher. we stayed in the same area for about an hour and caught a few more, and some crappie. the bite went stale and so did the weather. the wind kicked up and the rain started pouring. so we headed for the west side of long island since it cut off the wind. we decided to slow troll the drop off with deep diving cranks so i tossed on my wally diver and vince tossed on a silver rap. by the time the wally diver got down to its destination depth the rod bent over, i reel it in and whats on the end? a perch smaller than the lure it self.. lol! we did a few more passes and more perch. we then moved over to west grape island just north of the sunken island. in about 10 feet of water the sonar started going mad. fish lining the bottom, and off at about 8 feet. switched over to the silver x rap and hit some nice walleye, a small mouth, and vince lost a huge walleye at the boat, it spit the hook just as he lifted up on the rod. had to be close to 30". we spent the rest of the day there casting raps into that little channel between weedlines and had some good times, lots of mix species, tons of walleye. at about 4pm we moved over to the drop off at harmony island. we were at 9 feet casting into 3 feet. nothing seemed to be hitting, i changed colors to a perch colored buck tail jig and started casting far into the deep weed line along the outside southern tip of the island. "FISH ON!", vince then changed over to a perch Xrap, and "FISH ON!", most of them were between 12-16 inches. we kept 2 for dinner and that was our day. so thats my first report. the next one i do will have pics, i promise. anyone who got out there in the crap weather yesterday i hope yours was as eventful as mine.
  20. deffinetly get your self some braid. singingdog explained it perfect.. 0 stretch, and weed cutting ability. my rig isnt the best for it but i use a 20 pound braid (spiderwire) with a medium/fast action on a spinning reel. my jig head rarley comes back with weeds on it. great advice on the jig heads singingdog. i gotta pick up more of those inline eyelet ones.
  21. LMAO! thats great! lol i need one of those seats in the boat, in the car, and in the sofa.
  22. nice eye man. what section of the grand was that?
  23. yeah, i see lots of people pull crap like that off. they are just lucky. this guy, not so much. cant recall how many times we've been starboard on someone flying down the lake and the jack ass guns it almost directly infront of us like he's got a point to prove.
  24. sure if you get a flamboyant red one you might look funny, or you could just spend the cash and buy a different colored survival vest. i've had many a close call on a boat, waves from bigger boats, bad weather, great lakes in general. anytime im moving or the weathers bad mine is on. this vid shows the benefit. dude still got hurt pretty bad but atleast he's alive to fish again. go to 1:20 be safe out there boys.
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