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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Your words: "I think the points I listed earlier (which you refuse to acknowledge) are scientific enough to prove that your entire theory is flawed" By suggesting the entire big bang theory is flawed then you are also admitting the same to a large portion of science itself. You either believe in the merit of science or you don't... Otherwise you're just selecting the parts that make you happy or fit your own agenda.
  2. Your list proves that all science is flawed?? Yikes.
  3. x2 Although, I kind of like Dan's argument
  4. no kidding. drizzle in NBay right now. This is the forecast I want to see
  5. hmmm I didnt' know bowfins were that far north. Thanks for input.
  6. maybe they are native..?? The other thing that seems wrong is the bowfin....I've never heard of bowfins that far north. Also, I know a couple people in that area and i've never heard of anyone getting bowfin.
  7. Looks like a good tradition! I gotta get me one of those survival suits.
  8. Great Video! You guys are training up a bunch of new-geners, right on
  9. Bhahaha Ya man! I can't wait to see some of your reports....AND, I can't wait to catch some specks/splake of my own!
  10. Haha, I hope you guys get a brutally cold winter...it might just convince me to come fish in your little pond. Cool! I bet your itching to get out eh I'd like to take you out on Nipissing in the later part of the season this year and really get into some good perch and walleye! Maybe get a mini g2g of sorts. If the ice doesn't completely leave after this weeks short melt, we might actually be able to jump back on by the weekend of the 8, 9th...although I don't think we'll be so fortunate.
  11. Nearly a couple weeks of negative Celsius temperatures and a final stretch of -10 to -20 have graced some of the smaller lakes with a skim of ice. Today we tested the ice (very cautiously with lots safety equipment) near shore and found 3" of not fully black, but nearly fully black ice. We set up a couple lines ice shallow water and had a good, but cold morning. It sure took the edge off. Unfortunately things will melt this week, so today was more of a teaser than a signal of the start of ice fishing season for us. Had one splake take a swig at my worm, but didn't catch anything
  12. Quote from the proposed changes you posted: "Climate change models suggest that the Northwest Region will experience some of the largest impacts of climate change in Ontario. These changes can have a major impact on productivity, fish communities and distribution of those communities within FMZ 5 in future years." This favours bass more than any other species in that region I'd suggest. Also based on the "..lower productivity" of the lakes in that region, increasing bass populations would be detrimental to native species, and based on your argument that we are placing a death warrant on bass heads, I would suggest that not attempting to decrease bass populations would, in reciprocity to your beliefs, be placing a death warrant on native species.
  13. Salmon and trout in the great lakes are completely different than invading SMB populations in still-pristine inland waters. As I said before, I support introduced species if the natural populations are already long gone.
  14. I understand your position, but I honestly don't think we are decimating a species here, it sounds like more of a control. It's no different than introducing a new, competitive species into a natural lake and ruining the natural balance....not wiping out the natural fish, but changing the dynamic. No one is licking their chops waiting to crank out 4 fish a day until there are none left. If these people were that strong of opponents they would have dealt with the situation on their own, just as the "mob" typically does. If they really wanted to wipe out the species, would they not take all limits off the table? Plus, that is complete hyperbole because the species would still exist in thousands of other lakes in ontario and around the world. To me, this actually shows more respect to the natural fish in the area. Why would an introduced species (not by "god" but by people) get as much or more protection than the native species?? I would maybe support your view on a lake that is already ruined and re-populated by people, but I'm sure a lot of these impacted lakes are still fairly natural and can still be protected from an over-run, non-native species. Also, it's not "sad" that I see things differently than you hahaha.
  15. Thanks. I will email both biologists and provide them with my support for this change and hope it spills over in Zone 11 eventually. -"..despite the fact that the bass have been present in NW Ontario for over 100 years." So these are introduced fish. No wonder the locals don't want them there. 100 years in the history of lakes is very short-sighted. I can't believe he's defending this. - Even though they can keep 4 bass/day, it doesn't mean people will. People rarely keep bass to start with. His emboldened comment is misleading. I don't know anybody who fishes for bass in winter... this is hysteria. - I wonder if the locals had the option of introducing bass in the first place? Probably not; I can completely understand why they would be upset at the presence of bas. -My favorite back lakes are those that hold natural populations of fish...I don't care if they are difficult to catch, that's nature, that's life.
  16. Just researching a Ford Ranger forum to TCS disabling information on my truck...seems pulling the TCS fuse is the only way to go, but that will also disable the ABS system... Better than that, I found this quote "artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity"
  17. I gave you some insight in a previous thread you posted. I work for an Env consulting firm in North Bay ... I'm busy as hell and am trying to convince my boss to hire a second person for my office. From what I see, there should be a fair bit of work available in the field, but lack of meaningful experience will be your biggest hurdle.
  18. I've got an "off" button on my TC, but it only reduces its interuption by about 20 percent. If I hold the button for 5 seconds, it apparently turns the system off entirely... But for some absurd reason, it kicks back in the second my tires slip!! Grrr. I like to joke that I have several lawyers living under my dash
  19. I have it on my mazda 4x4 truck and it even kicks in in 4 low. Just like terry said, I get caught not moving because the bugger kicks in when I need to get tires going!! Can't stand the stupid system. If I need grip... I'll use 4x4 thank you. Sorry to hear about what happened to you brian. I'd be pissed too
  20. I prefer fishing with a buddy...no question about it, but I still enjoy fishing alone. Also, for any species, if I had nothing but 3/8 jig heads and 3" mr twisters I wouldn't complain too much.
  21. Anywhere on simcoe would work for me... As would nipissing, but that might be too far away for Alex, and we might get a Nip 2G2 in addition to this one.
  22. Awesome! Me thinks he'll get another opportunity this year...back to warm temps next week
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