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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Hahaha. I was thinking the same about the pumpkins, if they eat my pumpins, I eat them!
  2. Agreed, I expect that I can positively influence but not completely change the way things happen in my own little world. Society, schools and local cultures are strong influences. I do have a one acre field that will be dedicated solely to pumpkins this coming spring.... Hoping to hand them out for free to people in my neighbourhood/family/friends. If the deer don't eat them all it'll be a good mix of what Me and my spouse want and still respecting/participating in other peoples traditions. I still think Halloween is stupid, but I won't be saying it like that anytime soon to my daughter hahaha
  3. You had a great run! Let's see what the next 5 brings you. I'm gonna guess another pile of fishing and family pictures!!
  4. Great photo boys! So, what other kind of tracks did you see? I set up the fourth deer stand on my property yesterday. After recently clearing several large fields with a huge excavator, the deer are starting to re-appear, with a particularily high percentage of buck tracks, which is good coz' nobody got a doe tag in our group.Grouse hunting is on hold until our deer hunt is over. Managed to eat two of them of Saturday. Grouse, fiddleeads and perogies! oh ya! Seeing any rabbits? Those things are delish!
  5. The topic is about halloween, halloween is a bastardized tradition built on freaking people out, marketing, money, unhealthy food and apparently, power. Obviously there will be opposition to it and eventually people will shy away from it. Customs like this have their place, but we can't expect everyone in the country, until the end of time to just play along. Have we ever known a massive group of people who all agree on the same thing forever?? If halloween was actually based on the fall harvest and reducing daylight hours (orange and black) it would be great! Most people don't rely on harvesting anything nor do they need to prepare themselves for winter like the majority of people did, many years ago. It's fallen out of step with the times. I even say this from the persepective of a person (in my early 30's) who rely's heavily on wild food, gardens, raising meat and heating my house with wood off my own property. I wish a custom like halloween could exist, where kids dress up for fun, visit neighbors, and people exchange the things they've harvested/made/preserved that year. Not show off your most expensive pop-cultured costume then drive to a rich suburban neighborhood so you can drive a bunch of snickers into your face. the relevance of Christianity is a completely different topic haha.
  6. Of course it's about Halloween itself, and it's very warranted for change. It's candy making kids sick haha, to an outsider (even me, a born catholic), it's a dumb event no matter how much you sugar coat it (so to speak) and try to call it a 'tradition', Let's go back to halloween 100 years ago when it was likely more pure and I'll reconsider my position, then again if I chose not to participate in christian traditions then I likely wouldn't want to participate in halloween ..... There is a catholic school board; I'm sure they have kept that tradition more than the public system. There are also church/religion/community groups that do a great job of gathering people etc, nobody is trying to change a cultural identity, but it should only represent it's actual relevance/weight in society as a whole, still, the biggest point is that halloween is completely money driven now. Family day is the best holiday and best represents the actual so-called "values" condescendingly and vaguely presented in the commericial holidays, until money ruins that too.
  7. Halloween is one the stupidest holidays. 2 billion generated in candy revenue? And people (adults) are trying to protect it as a value, or a Canadian tradition? I'm as Canadian as they get and I do not understand the full out defense of these pseudo traditions in schools. They offer all kinds of non-school- based Halloween events in every community. Set up your own traditional event. I will be making up my own tradition with my daughter whereas we do not buy any directly marketed crap, she can dress up if she wants, no trick or treating and several good food donations , hand delivered in costume maybe, to charitable organizations, or friends, acquaintances etc . Who wouldn't rather get a deer roast or home grown produce or baked lasagna?. The orange signifies the harvest, now what happened to that aspect of Halloween? KF said it right, perpetual childhood rules this "holiday"
  8. Haha. With the amount of rain we are getting this year they may have the opposite problem in a couple years
  9. Thanks everyone, and Art/Headhunter for the tips on drying. If I can't move it quickly, that is going to be an issue. That is the next step of research. Right now I need to let the excess moisture (it was in the bush for a few months) leave then I'll see what I can do about curing it properly. For the second large piece, I think I'll cut it (or get it cut) into blocks so it's easier to handle/store. Who knows, I might want to carve something myself someday. My neighbor saw a bear too. My Dad saw a fetus and went the artistic route "we could make an amazing piece of art..." haha
  10. Yep, both white and yellow. Yellow is just as good as maple I find. This tree in particular I got about 4-5 face cords.
  11. haha Dozer. I'm gonna leave the artistic touch for others.I have it listed on Kijiji, and I think it's viewable for all of Ontario. I'll definitely keep it if it doesn't sell, but I may have to flip it upside down so I'm not looking at belly fruit all day.
  12. So it's not just me who sees the fetus shape. Also see a baby gorilla sucking its thumb in the fetal position...which is more pleasant than just fetus.
  13. The hardest part for me was getting it off the tree and moving it, kind of dangerous alone. It took about 3hrs to debark and pick clean today...so that part wasn't too bad, and no chance of crushing myself haha. I actually enjoyed doing it! Lots of work remains to make it showpiece worthy.
  14. Did you notice the cones across the highway from the lodge? I've got a spill to cleanup next week there. Funny how that area has good spruce grouse, and where I am, just east of NBay, I never see them. The forest is quite different here, so it's probably that.
  15. I found two massive yellow birch burls on my property last year and vowed to do something with them. This spring I cut the tree (36" diam) and removed the two burls then I had to make an actual atv trail to the tree. Finally yesterday after processing all the firewood from that tree, I hauled the burls out of the bush and started cleaning them up. I did all I could do (with the tools I have) with the big one and just started working on the second one, which has worms holes throughout; which, apparently is a good thing (will post pics when its ready). Pretty cool looking eh? I'm mesmarized by it. In the last two pics, what do you see in the pattern?
  16. ahhhh that river run!! Wow, seeing it all compressed like that, you really had a fantastic year.
  17. I'm a backwood hillbilly and I don't appreciate the comparison, makes me look bad haha. I'm going to let the authorities do what they do and I'll read up/make my opinion after all the facts are released. Terrible situation, but providing useless/uneducated opinion and stating my political beliefs isn't going to change anything.
  18. So to answer your question: they are working or at least someone considers it "work"
  19. I've seen the "drop off and pickup" scam a few times in north bay. Gave a girl leftovers from a homemade meal, watched her and some decently dressed guy walks up and wasn't happy with the food. It's like pimping for change
  20. I was responding to skiseeker,about the power in the new Cherokee. I'm sure your GC tows quite a bit more than mine! Can't wait to see it and get your review of it.
  21. Is it the Trailhawk or the limited? I believe it's 271hp I have a 2014 TH
  22. That's one of the things I like most about the job. Never bored. Glad your liking your new position Cliff. Sounds like a good gig!
  23. Glad to hear that the NFN community is also worried about the conservation of Nipissing walleye/fish and I hope they can find alternative economical options for those who currently rely on netting.
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