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Everything posted by Minnow

  1. Nice Fish! Keep the reports coming, and after reading all these chrome reports im am heading out this week to give it a go!
  2. Some nice chunks there!
  3. Carp but all are fun to catch! Carp are very underated in north america, Bass is my favorite fish to catch but most but these fish are fun to hook into! I will take the fight of a 30lb carp anyday! These are the fish I grew up fishing and it is what got me hooked and for many shore anglers a great way to get hooked on fishing!
  4. Nice Fish! Great to see father and son fishing and you can tell the little guy is hooked for life!
  5. Good sized chrome, thanks for the report keep em comin
  6. Some really nice stripers, great haul before noon!
  7. Nice Video, you guys going to make anymore action angling episodes?
  8. Beautiful replica! I remember the original post and that fish was a monster!
  9. Nice assortment of Fish! Congrats on the great opener!
  10. Congrats on your first Opener and you guys caught some Nice fish! Great Report
  11. Welcome, Nice fish man!
  12. Nice Fish! Will definately be heading out during the week to a trib, right after I go to g-bay for pike opener.
  13. Nice carp! You guys need to start posting the action angling videos again Season 2!
  14. Little Angler Largemouth Bass are out of season and it is illegal to fish for them, pigeontroller saw someone keeping a largemouth bass, which is illegal. If you see someone targeting or keeping OOS (out of season) fish you can call the MNR and report them. In this situation though I think I would have done the same thing! If your neighbour is a good man you don't really want to go through him being charged and you being the one who called is a bad situation. It is good that you said something and hopefully he will know for next time.
  15. Great goal to set, good luck, lots of fish species in Ontario, I have caught many of them but usually by mistake fishing for something else! Targeting each one will be difficult but you look like you are ready for a challenge! Good Luck and Post all the reports!
  16. Nice Fish! Great start for you first carp this season and they can only get bigger from there!
  17. Nice report! Glad to hear you and your brother had fun always good to get out and hook some fish!
  18. Nice fish! Congrats on your first smallie!
  19. No season tjsa lol! They are open all year, the thread name is a joke! Most of the report is sarcastic. Don't like them much either but I will grab anything that swims, I don't think their is any fish I won't grab lol. The fight isn't that great but on light line it isnt bad and nice to catch anything this time of year since almost all fish seasons are closed! I throw them back but might keep 1 or 2 for cut bait next time for channel cats!
  20. Brace yourself for the massive crowds get there early! Water is muddy and deep fairly shallow for the most part no deeper then 10 ft I beleive but you can expect to catch crappie perch, if you use a float with a tube or minnow under it. You can also catch sucker, carp and bullheads if using a sinker and worm. Good Luck!
  21. Hey Guys Got skunked steelheading yesterday so I went for Sucker today (Confidence Booster! Remind myself that I can catch fish lol) Went out today to my sucker honey hole LOL, first outing this year and thought with these warm temps they should be moving in! Got to the spot at around 8 am and only one on the river. Set up my extremely advanced Special Sucker rig (a worm and sinker lol) Was there for about 10 min and then I see the tip start to jerk! I make a strong hook set and the stupid creek chub flies out of the water and almost nails me straight in the face! Now I thought I would be catching these stupid creek chubs all day! Set the rod up again and 5 min and jerk, jerk, I do a light hookset hoping not the get nailed by another flying Creek Chub! To my suprise it was a sucker! My target species lol! Not often do I target suckers but with this beautiful weather and most fishing season's closed I am happy to be outdoors, and catching some fish is a bonus even though they are suckers! The action was pretty good for the 4 hrs that I was there managed to catch about 12 and missed about 12 fish! This weather is getting me pumped for pike opener and then eventually BASS OPENER!!!! Anyways here are the pics of some TROPHY SUCKERS lol Here is one that I am considering getting mounted anyone know any good taxidermists? lol And a steelhead hold on a sucker, very fragile fish dont want to do a vertical hold LOL! I have also noticed that my hat is sideways and it seems to be lucky that way, got a lot of jokes last year about this lol and this year I am prepared for any jokes you guys might crack! The sideways hat is my signature look so be ready for more of it! LOL P.S Does anyone know if the cats are running in dunnville any reports? TIGHT LINES!
  22. Nice fish, thanks for the report! Good to see you guys hookin into some and great to so the younger guys fishing! Keep em coming
  23. Remeber fishing for suckers last year around this time and they should be in with all this warm weather coming up at Holland River. I fished using a worm and sinker and they are fun on light gear. Give it a try if you want I can PM you the exact location and how to get there it is right near newmarket. Good Luck, here is a pic from last year and I caught about 15-20 of them and some of them were pretty big and on light line they fight great. Last year I started steelheading so that is what I focus on this time of year or until pike and then bass open. But nothing wrong with going for a CONFIDENCE BOOSTER after I getting skunked on the tribs lol
  24. The determination paid off, hats off for being on the creek with the 50 k winds! Just proves you can catch steel in any conditions!
  25. Nice fish and really nice shot!
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