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Everything posted by Minnow

  1. Hey guys, Heading up to Temagami for pike ice fishing and need a live bait shop in North Bay or Temagami that will be open early around 5 or 6 am? Any help will be really appreciated and I need large pike minnows Thanks Guys
  2. Thanks for all the replies guys! In regards to the fizzing, I learned how to do it last year thanks to this board and reading some replies to fall smallmouth, of the few fish that I do keep in the livewell they are all fizzed before going back and swim away strong. I encourage everyone to learn how to fizz a fish and for this reason I will post this how to video on youtube. That is what I love about this board, I learned new knowledge last year and can now pass it on to other anglers. So if you don't know what fizzing is or how to do it, check out this video As for the Ranger, well all I can say is wow! Everytime I look at the boat or fish from it I still can't believe it! I have had the Ranger 620 VS for almost 2 full seasons now and it has performed beyond any of my expectations! The boat has the smoothest ride and feels right at home in 6 footers. I went out in Erie and the wind picked up and we had to make a 20 km run straight into 6-8 footers and even though I wasn't hitting the 62 mph top speed the Ranger took on the waves with ease. I had a small issue with one of the bolts coming out of the caliper on the trailer from vibration and this caused some minor damage to the caliper and brake rotor and ranger replaced it with no questions asked the customer service is outstanding. I hope to have this boat for many seasons to come and everytime I look in the rear view mirror while driving to my favourite lake I still can't believe what I am towing (all thanks to my dad)!
  3. Hey Guys, Went out with my grandpa for some simcoe smallmouth this past week on 2 seperate outings and had pretty good success both times, on thursday we boated 8 smallmouth of which 5 were over 4 lbs and 2 over 5 lbs. Then today we hit simcoe again really early 6:45 am we were on the water still dark outside and by 10:00 am we were done with a slower day with only 5 smallmouth but again some really quality fish. I find in the fall I never catch smallies that are under 4 lbs at the same spots that I usually catch dinks in the summer, fall is the best time for smallmouth and braving the cold really pays off! Here are some pics from the outings and forgot to mention all the fish were caught on smoke coloured tubes and a few on spoons in anywhere from 22-30 FOW.
  4. Hey Guys, Was in fishing the Grand River this morning from 8 am to about 12 pm, and from the moment we set our lines to the last double header the cats were co-operating. I don't do a lot of catfishing so I don't know if this is a normal day for cats but for me it seemed like a really great day on the water. My grandpa and I caught 12 Catfish in the span of 4 hours and had 2 double headers. I would say all of the cats were over the 10 lb mark and some might have been pushing the 20 mark. Best catfishing day on the water I ever had and will definately be heading back again! Just need a couple days for my arms to recover! Here are some of the Cats
  5. Nice Cats! Congrats on your first channel cats and way to go for braving the elements, the wind looks brutal!
  6. Hey Guys, I was looking at purchasing a Jon boat for fishing small lakes and camping, I was looking for a 10-12 ft size boat so that I can put it in the back bed of my pick up truck as well as light enough to carry. I was looking at tracker jon boats at bass pro and the 1032 model goes for $750, I am not looking to spend more then $1000 after taxes and was wondering if anyone knows any other good jon boats for this price. If anyone has a jon boat this size and could put up some pictures of their setups it would be great! Thanks
  7. Hey guys just wondering if the Classic will be showing here in Canada and if it is then what channel and what time? Thanks
  8. Hey Guys Headed up with my friend for some pike fishing in Temagami on a small pike lake. We fished this lake in the summer and caught a good number of pike so decided to give a try on the hardwater. We setup our tipups in shallow weedy water about 6-10 ft deep and waited. Not 10 mins go by and the first flag goes up! We handline a nice chunky pike. Through out the day we were catching good sized pike and they were biting like crazy. We landed about 7 pike all around the same size and we were pretty satisfied with our day of fishing. We were getting ready to pack up when... The Flag goes up, I run over and see the fish burning off line, I grab the line and set the hook, and it was like setting the hook on a freight train! Immediately I know its a good fish! Now I am not the best at handlining so it was a very long and nervous process to bring the fish up to the hole to take a look at it. Then finally when I got the fish close to the hole we realize its a MONSTER! The fish takes off again and all I can do is let the line burn through my hand! After a while I get the gator up to the hole but his head is not fiting through the hole! So i roll up my sleeves and reach in under the ice to guide his head through the tiny hole, I get it through as my friend watches in disbelief as I pull out the gator that seems never ending, I am 6 ft 2 inches tall so use that to get an idea! We grab a quick pictures and back she goes, and we decided to call it a day since we will not be topping that anytime soon! Amazing day on the water and a Personal Best Pike for me!
  9. Hey guys planning the first ice fishing trip with my grandpa and was planning on going to jack lake in Apsley. Was wondering if anyone has fished there this season and what the ice condtions are like? Any tips are really appreciated Thanks
  10. Hey Guys Headed out to Simcoe a couple of times in September and here are some the Smallies I was able to hook into. All fish were caught between 20-30 FOW and most came on tubes while a couple on the drop shot rig! Lost some real giants but got a 6 lber and am looking on hooking into a 7 lber before the season ends. They seem to be on the fall pattern already but have been hard to locate schools of big ones, catch a couple but never more then 2 or 3. I have been able to catch boat loads on 2 lbers which are still lots of fun. Here are some of the smallies caught Here is a 4lber I got on the Drop Shot Here is 5.5 Lber I caught dragging a tube Here is 5 Lbs Bass my friend caught, his PB Smallie Here is the 6 lb 2 oz giant (He might be a 7 lber in November)
  11. Nice Fish! Great Walleye and Beauty Muskie's Congrats!
  12. Congrats on the new boat! Always exciting to get a new boat especially your first, nice boat enjoy it!
  13. Headed out for muskie opener today, left the house at 3 AM and we were on the water by 5:30 AM Started throwing bucktails and spinners and within the first 10 min at the weedbed I get a massive fish follow my bait to the boat! I throw out the cast again and work it slower through the same area, BAM! Fish on first muskie of the season and not a bad fish at all! After we brought her to the boat she measured 44 inches and was thick healthy fish. Didn't need much reviving took off right away and after this fish we only saw one more follow and that was it for our muskie opener! At least we didn't get skunked and I did get a PB so I can say that I am very happy! Also the Ranger has been muskie slimmed for the first time and definately not the last! Here is a pic of the fish
  14. Hey Guys Planning on entering some bass tournaments this summer and wanted to enter the Bassmania Tournament Series. I have tried calling the phone they have on thier website as well as email them but no response, I have no idea how to register for these tournaments and the website does not have too much info. Can anyone help me out and let me know how to register or who to contact? I was also wondering if there are any other Bass tournaments that I can enter this summer. Wanted to enter the WFN Bass Tour but a little too much money maybe next year. Thanks
  15. Great Report and Amazing Pictures and some nice fish!
  16. Great Report, Nice pike congrats on a good opener man!
  17. Nice walleye sinker! Nice meeting you on friday during our pre walleye opener panfish fishing! Looks like you hauled them in on Saturday congrats and hope to see you again on the water!
  18. Hey Sinker didn't know that was you, nice to meet you on the water, we were tryin for crappie since that was the only thing open on friday and only caught perch and sunfish, launched out of the marina on saturday and fished not too far from the marina around the weed flat first time fishing the lake so didnt expect to catch much but to my suprise we were on them and they were biting, great fishing and nice to meet you and hopefully see you again on the water and I will definately be back to that lake after that kind of fishing! Full open throttle is actually part of the break in, lots of fun!
  19. Hey Pure should of come up and asked I would have been glad to share what I was using! Looks like everyone had a great day on the water nice fish! Johnny Bass Posted Today, 09:42 PM Great report as usual! 61 mph? WOW! Thats fast! How much gas did that baby guzzle and what were the water temps there? Used about $40 in Gas didn't do too much driving, but the boat was $230 to fill up, The water temps were between 54-57 F, the fish were on fire and we caught a few as shallow as 3 ft, they are feeding on the baitfish in the warmer water
  20. Hey Guys Headed to the Kawartha lakes for the Walleye opener on Saturday and first time out on the Ranger fishing and it was amazing! Got up at 4:30 and we got there at around 6:30 AM with a overcast day and a slight chop on the water I knew the walleye should be feeding! First we tested out the Ranger and hit 61 MPH which was a blast and the Verado is so quiet you forget it is even running and the smoothest ride I have ever had!!! Now to the fishing we hit a weed bed in about 5-6 ft of water and were throwing white twister tails and small swim baits and hooked into about 5 fish in the first 45 min, no monster walleye but some decent eaters! Then I switched to a perch pattern rapala after I saw the walleye spit up some big perch. Bam we hit these couple of monsters the biggest weighed 6 lbs 11 oz! We caught about 20 walleye and kept the little guys for the frying pan and let the big ones go! Took some quick pics and back they went! Nice to see such big healthy fish in the kawarthas and my best walleye opener yet! The Ranger has been slimmed and is one hell of a boat! Bring on the Bass and Muskie season! Here are some pics of the fish!
  21. Thanks for the tip irishfield I will definately check the batteries to see what kind they are but I believe they are regular acid batteries, and one battery is shared by the kicker and verado will have to double check though
  22. Very Nice Jumbos!
  23. Hey Guys I might be the happiest fisherman in the world right now!!! I just picked up my brand new 2008 Ranger 620 VS today from DT Powersports! I am still in shock right now since the fact that this boat is mine still has not hit me! I would like to thank Greg from DT Powersports for all the help and setting us up with this dream boat and everyone who gave me the advice to go with a Ranger Boat and of course the most thanks goes out to my dad for buying this ultimate fishing machine! I can't even begin to explain how amazing this boat is and the quality of Ranger boats, I can't wait to get this boat on the water where it belongs and hopefully next weekend she will go on her maiden voyage! Not sure where to go yet but hopefully Erie for some US smallmouth! Anyways had time to snap a few pics while we were parking the boat here they are! The Rig that is towing the Ranger, Dodge Ram with a HEMI The Ranger with the cover still on The Cover off I love the Red, Silver and Black!!! The other Side The Verado and the Kicker The Interior
  24. I read on the NY State Conservation website that bass is open all year but is catch and release only and just saw an episode of dave mercer fishing for smallies on erie in late December. So my question was if I get a one day NY fishing license would it be possible to fish the NY side of Erie and Upper Niagara and catch some bass this time of year. These would be prespawn smallies and never really fished for them so any help on tactics, depth, location and where to fish on Erie would be greatly Appreciated! Thanks!
  25. Biggest Steelhead I have ever seen!
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