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Everything posted by Sherriff

  1. As some mentioned above, this is what would most likely do it. I have had to use one for my faucets... Sherriff
  2. Beauty boat! Now get out there and get it fished up and slimy! Sherriff
  3. I have both the minnows and the leeches. Never caught anything on the minnows yet but I have not tried much and I have not used the leeches. The leeches I have high hopes for on a few lakes I frequent during the summer. As for leaking containers, I have had a terrible time with this. The containers are brutal. I switched to a thermos (that never leaked before) and it still leaked, everywhere. I went to Walmart and bought a leak resistant container, yup, leaked. Not sure what is in the stuff but keep the containers upright, the liquid makes a hell of a mess.....And it does smel ofter it has soaked into your tackle box.... Sherriff
  4. I was canoeing up past Point Au Baril two years ago and we camped on a rock island. Had the odd tree some brush and some long grasses. While setting up my tent I heard the rattle. A first for me...I was actually stepping forward and I heard it, looked down and almost stepped on it with sandles on.... I had to fall the other way to aviod it since I was already stepping.... Scared the heck outta me. Also, we managed to scare it away since it was on the only pathway through a thorn bush to get from the water to out camp. It came back everytime to bask in the sun. Since we knew it was there I was only really worried about it getting in the tent or having my dog get too close to it... We learned to live with it there for 5 days....No issues... Here is a pic I managed to get on the last day..... Very cool creature... Sherriff
  5. Thursday's episode was KILLER! I love the show and don't really watch anything else. This series is amazing... Sherriff
  6. Thanks for all the info folks. Gerritt, I thought about doing this before but since i only go out to the garage for a couple hours I am not sure the dehumidifier could remove the moisture as quickly as I need it. The worst areas are inside cupboards and areas like that.... Thanks Sherriff
  7. I currently have a radiant propane heater for my garage. Heats great and fast and is not too bad on propane but it makes everything in my garage wet with condensation. Windows, door, fishing tackle I was thinking of installing a wood stove but they are pricey with the stainless piping and I know my insurance would go up as well. I thought that the dry heat from the wood stove would prevent the condensation and solve the problem.....Plus, having the wood smell would be like being up at a cottage! Does anyone have an ideas as to how to control the condensation? Thanks Sherriff
  8. I usually go to Callendar each year and stay will another operator close by. Fishing is so-so but we are more interested in the good times. Have fun not matter how many or how few fish you ice. Sherriff
  9. Wow, you should watch a little closer when "Bear is getting it done!" Big difference in these two shows. Lots of Youtube clips showing Bear Grylls and he hidden methods he uses for surviving. One example. He shows how to use a packpack as a floatation device while falling into a fast moving river. The video clearly shows his life vest under his shirt which he forgot to mention. He has some great survival tips for sure but is truly putting on a production that he is stranded, in trouble or in the "Wild". His travelling camera crew can always bail him out and they do. Another example. He sets up rabbit snares in Scotland and catches nothing. He is then given a rabbit from the crew to show you how to clean and cook it. Great info, but again, the crew was there and he left that night for his hotel room which he clearly admits. Les is still in the wild while Bear is eating his mint that house cleaning left on his pillow.... Les on the other hand, is alone, does all the camera work himself and is relying on his ability to get to a location in a matter of days and his abilty to survive. He does this and shows us how along the way. Great info and a great show. Man vs Wild is not even comparable to Survivorman in my opinion...... Sherriff
  10. Beer fridge is in the garage and it's contents are safe. The $200.00 bucks or so in meat are all gone though........ Sherriff
  11. Thanks Guys, PM sent Sherriff
  12. Hey guys, my 5 year old Maytag fridge just quit the other day. It was making a little more noise than normal the day before and the very next day, everything inside was defrosted. The fan was running and it was humming away but only warm air. My question is, should I even bother to try to get this thing looked at or are they not worth fixing anymore. This was an extra basement fridge so it is not really that important but I hate to just chuck out a 5 year old appliance.... THanks Sherriff
  13. Amazing report again Solo! Well done. Sherriff
  14. Excellent post Wayne. Will bookmark this for future use! Thanks Sherriff
  15. Wayne, are you going to just pull the plug and then plug it in a few times over the winter?? Thanks Sherriff
  16. Looks great and I love the dusting of snow on top... Sherriff
  17. Never been yet but I do not see why not..... I am taking my boat (motor boat) Sherriff
  18. Thanks for the info all. I'll post results (I hope) when I return.... Sherriff
  19. Hey guys, anyone ever fish this lake. It is up near Orillia. I am heading up this weekend to a cottage and wanted to see what I am in for. Will have the boat there as well. Any help would be great.. Thanks Sherriff
  20. Great report. Good luck with you buddy this weekend. Sherriff
  21. No transitions at all Gerritt. I am doing the hall, living room, kitchen and dining room. It is a 4 level backsplit so the entire main floor will be one level.... Sherriff
  22. Thanks for all the info folks. Looks like doing it right is the way to go. First job it to get the ceramic out this weekend.... Sherriff
  23. I currently have some ceramic tile that is a mess, cracked and the grout is coming up in little chunks. I am planning on tearing it all up and have so far torn up about a 4x8 area. What a job that was... The sub floor under is OSB particle board. My question is, should I put down 3/8 inch plywood over the old sub floor, (adhesive and screws) so that I have a nice new surface to lay the hardwood over? I want to avoid tearing up the old sub floor as well. After the tile and mesh come up the OSB is a little hacked up so I am not sure if I can simply lay the new 3/4 inch hardwood over top. Also this hardwood will be covering the entire main floor so I do not have to match the new height of the floor to anything else (other rooms flooring) which helps... Any help would be great... Thanks Sherriff
  24. Hoax...............Real fish, but not from Canada and not anytime recent.... Sherriff
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