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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Pull it apart and you'll probabaly find the tension is sticky. Lube it, put it back together and it should work good again. Pikeslayer
  2. I am pretty sure that the band in the first picture is 'Kill Hannah'. They are a somewhat well known/very popular 'EMO' band. Pikeslayer
  3. 1. Pitch a tent in the back yard one or two nights. Next year, they'll be ready for the real deal. 2. Go to the zoo. Lots of visuals for the kids. 3. Make sure mom gets to do what mom wants to do. 4. Do an overnight adventure in a hotel. Somewhere, anywhere. 5. Make sure mom gets to do what mom wants to do. 6. Go fishing.
  4. Thanks for sharing that Randy. Very timely ( for me ) and inspiring. Kindest regards, Simon
  5. Zone 15 Catchacoma Lake - Cavendish Twp. Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Jan. 1 - Fri. before 3rd Sat. in May & Dec. 1 - Dec. 31. Pikeslayer
  6. Hey Doc, First off, per your wish, I hope nothing but the best of luck to you and your new career. I think I read in another post that you are a Fleming graduate? I want to thank you for your current post as it provides positive affirmation for a tough decision that my son had to make last November. Sean is a first year student @ Fleming (Lindsay campus) and was originally enrolled in Fish & Wildlife with the intention to do the 3rd year NR law enforcement program. During his first semester, Sean had the opportunity to meet a number of 2nd & 3rd yr students in the F&W/NRLE program. We new up front that 'job placement' would be a challenge and 'contract positions' (many out of province) were the 'norm' upon graduation. But after Sean got to know these 2/3 yr students, it became apparent that the 'challenge' of becoming a CO would become a 'long shot'. All student have an opportunity in the first semester (by reading week) to change programs for 2nd semester. So he did some further research and investigation and met with course co-ordinators/students and learned that Resource Drilling & Blasting had excellent (100% placement) post graduate career opportunities. Sean was accepted into the program and feels much more confident about his future. So Doc, because of your post (& past experience) I am feeling very comfortable & confident about my son's program/career change. I want to say 'Thank You'. Best regards, Simon
  7. Yeah Paul :clapping: That's a great new ride. I just finished wiping the drool off the iPad. What's the wife getting??? ( besides the obvious ) Congrats, Simon
  8. Yes, you can bring live bait but you can't release it live in the water you are fishing. You need to dispose of any remaining live bait on shore. per MNR: No Release of Bait It is illegal to release any live bait or dump the contents of a bait bucket, including the water, into any waters or within 30 m of any waters. Also here is a link regarding VHS that Woodsman referred to; http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Newsroom/LatestNews/MNR_E004139.html Regards, Pikeslayer
  9. Road Trip Breakfast <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.c...bed/Z4ZXRlcoEW8" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  10. So who'll be the husband & who'll be the wife??????????????
  11. I think the simple and most effective way to handle a negative restaurant experience is: 1.Relax and stay calm- being overbearing, rude, agressive or demanding will only make matters worse and most likely embarrassing for everyone involved (including other diners). 2.Ask to speak with the manager away from your table (at the bar or hostess station). 3.Remain calm, speak in an even tone. 4.Tell the manager exactly what was wrong with your dining experience and do not exagerate. 5.Ask the manager, what she/he is willing to do to make it right and to convince you to come back to his/her establishment. Depending on the offer and whether or not you are satisfied would determine whether you choose to return to the establishment or tell every living soul about your negative experience. The good establishments make it right. The bad ones close their doors.
  12. After spending a considerable length of time (in my 20's/30s) in 'the biz' and working up to a senior management position, I've pretty much 'seen it all'. So unfortunately, I feel a need to take exception to the above post. "20 minutes, 2 smokers there was lots of stray ashes around the ashtray" "but 4-5 fries fall off the plate and into the stray ashes" "I completely lost it on that stupid waitress." "she just got fired" So some 'stupid waitress' lost her job because you left lots of stray ashes??????? There would never be any room for that type of manager in one of my restaurants.
  13. Irish is absolutely correct I checked with Mrs. Pikeslayer (Desjardin Insurance) and she confirmed that if his policy was current/valid with the appropriate coverage then this guy's claim will be accepted and processed. So I mention "great news, now I'll be able to drive out to Skeeters hut". Mrs. Pikeslayer tells me that there is no such insurance that will cover the beating she will lay on me if I even think about it
  14. Happy Birthday Cliff, I'll toast you a STEAM later today. Cheers!! All the best, Simon
  15. Mrs Pikeslayer cut Pikeslayer Jrs hair when he was about 7 years old. Poor boy was traumatized for weeks
  16. Yeppir. That's redneck fishing for ya . Right up there with 'noodlin' for catfish. I am somewhat shocked that that is allowed to posted on the WFN site. I clicked on 'report abuse' and the item was 'flagged'. Also saw your comment but I don't think laytoncc really gives a hoot.
  17. Hey BB, I use the Scotty Orcas for trolling LO. I like the Orcas for the quick release system (just yank the rod out) as well for holding my rods in transit (they will never bounce/fall out). The nylon construction is strong enough for running wire lines with dipsey and the rod tip skimming the water. I use the standard deck mount because it gives me more clearance above the gunnel so when I run tips down, there is no interference (so you might want to make sure you can do this with flush mounts depending on their installation location). I did add a 3/8" substrate on the underside of the gunnel for reinforcement (my boat is aluminum). Hope this helps. Pikeslayer
  18. I'm not being a smart ass, but review your owners manual as you may have forgotten something. Also, check the trouble shooting section.
  19. For the Mercman, Okay,here's the short version of the infamous la senza bra incident: 1. Business trip 2. Checked luggage 3. Baggage handlers with a sick sense of humor (I think)? 4. Arrived home and immediately left for a fishing trip 5. Wife emptied the luggage and found the really sexy and perfume laden black la senza bra 6. It wasn't my wifes True story. Pikeslayer
  20. Splashopper, I think you need to explain to your wife what you were doing in the bathroom with your blackberry?? Seriously though, I try not to explain anything (ever since the infamous la senza bra incident) to my wife.
  21. Does your wife know you were in the bathroom with your blackberry?
  22. I try to make up for lost time (May - Oct) with the love of my life (that would be my wife). Actually, she is wanting to join me on the odd outing this year so I will be deducting that from 'lost time' and applying that to 'free time' to maybe take up ice fishing 'part time' next year. Does that fish math work??? Pikeslayer
  23. It's tough to hold a heading when trolling with a bowmount of any kind in windy/choppy conditions (it seems the wind is never working with/for you ). You'll drain a lot of juice out of both batteries and they will require frequent charging (been there, done that, bought a Honda 4 9.9). IMHO anyways. Regards, & welcome to the site. Pikeslayer
  24. Memo, Yes it does provide the info you asked about. Once you download your map selection, it is always available to 'view' even without wifi. You can even access waypoint lat & long and plot routes. I use the app for planning/plotting independent of my HDS7 and have to manually enter the gps coordinates into the lowrance. If you wanted to use your iPad as a gps, you would need the G3 version. As mentioned in the original post, check out the link for FAQ. IMO it was $30 well spent. Simon
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