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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. WOW! What an uplifting way to start the day. Thanks for sharing. Pikeslayer
  2. @ Terry, I did not land the fish (bit did take the picture). Our guide did.
  3. This 12.6 was landed boated yesterday (11.21). Greedy Bugger. Pikeslayer
  4. Thanks for sharing. Very cool! As a side note, I noticed that the narrator added the spoken word "true" to the second line on the 'reverse'. Sorry, I'm ATD Pikeslayer
  5. I'm fishing with a group out of West Lake Willows (of whom I have never met any ) this weekend. It looks like JJ's is not far from there so I wouldn't mind trying to meet up to shake some hands and put some faces to names. It would be post dinner though. Regards, Pikeslayer
  6. Got to agree with GMAN 'support those who put it together' and your local tackle shop. Most LO tackle shops carry these and I have even seen copies in BPS. They are well put together with heavy laminate (waterproof) stock and D rings. They reference all types of lines (mono, braid, leadcore, wire & copper), all divers & ball & snap weights. In '09 I was 'guessing' with my wire/diver combos and had limited success off these rigs. I bought the book earlier this year and my w/d combos were as productive as the downriggers (love the sound of wire zinging). This 'tool' is a must have on your boat. It would be a nice Christmas present. Put it on your list. You won't regret it. Regards, Pikeslayer
  7. For The Record, I ain't no Leafs fan, really haven't been for 20+ yrs. Whoever's in first, that's my team. My team wins every year
  8. Just thought I'd post this poll for fun. I personally don't think that Burke can't hang on to his buddy for much longer. There is no one else to blame at this point because this is Burke's team now (I think the only pre-Burke players are Kaberle and maybe Schenn??) For the record, I'm calling Sunday Dec 5th, after the Boston game.
  9. Hi Al, I have a 1991 Sylvan 2150 Pro Fisherman. I am the second owner. All paint & upholstery is original and is excellent condition (a few battle scars on the hull). Stucturally (floor boards, transom, rivets & trim) everything is solid. I am replacing the canvas this winter (it is 20 yrs old). I fish Lake Ontario in July & August and 'The Mistress' handles all water conditions encountered. It is aluminim so it can get a little bouncy in 3-4 footers, but it is a very safe boat (32 in floor to gunwale with cut-away/recessed transom). I will run her out to the 'bluezone' (12-14 miles offshore) knowing I can get there and back safely. Needless to say, I am a fan of Sylvan. (click to enlarge) Regards, Pikeslayer
  10. Thanks to all for your replies and suggestions. So here's what I ended up doing. Let the meat (2.5 lbs) stand @ room temp for 3 hrs (like Billy Bob says, if I'm cooking a larger beef roast i.e. 6-8 lbs, it will stand for 6-8 hrs, so 1 hr per pound) and patted it dry with paper towels. I seasoned (sans salt), torched/seared on the BBQ all sides @ 600+ F (approx 15 min) and allowed to cool/seal for about 1 hr. Slow cooked in the crock pot with onions, apples & garlic, 1 tbsp oil @ lowest heat setting. I used this recipe as a base/guideline;http://allrecipes.co...ast/Detail.aspx Inserted the digital thermometer @ the 2 hr mark and holy $#!+, the temp was already @ 125 F (with 4 hrs to go before the outlaws arrived). So I shut it down, took the pot with the roast and let it chill down in the garage. @ 5:00 pm, started the crock pot again. Hit 140 @ 7:00 pm, covered with foil (like Chef William Robert says). 7:30, carved and served to a perfect medium rare. Served with escargot in Brie cheese, parmesan roasted potatoes, peas & corn, Coho (from the freezer), ribs, venison sausage and a small beef top sirloin cooked to medium (for the picky ones) and a wild mushroom gravy and red wine (I think it was Shiraz). Desert- Glenlivet XXV RESULTS The venison roast was a hit with the outlaws I was a little disappointed with the process as the recipe cooking time was overstated and I had to do a fix. Thank goodnes for Chef William Robert's timely post earlier in the thread. He saved the roast. As far as taste, I will omit the apples next time as this took away too much natural flavour. I would rate it maybe 8 out of 10. Presentation was a solid 10. Browned on the outsided and bright red throughout with clear running juices. I will use the same method a second time with proper cooking time adjustments and without apples and shoot for a solid 10. At the end of the day, it was all about good food and great family. It was well worth the effort. Thx again, Pikeslayer
  11. I'm not sure how to cook a 3 lb top sirloin venison roast latr today. I've been researching on line and found; - venison should be cooked to med rare at most as it tends to dry out - slow cooking ( crock pot) seems to be popular but it seems that the roast turns out more like 'pulled pork' - a lot of recipes posted seem to use ingredients (apples) to reduce the gamey taste (not sure I want to do that) - salt draws out the moisture in the meat. So, I do cook a pretty mean roast beef. I sear it on the BBQ @600+ F until crispy brown and let it cool before finishing in the oven. This is what I am leaning towards but I am open to the slow cooking process based on any positive replies. Any advice, opinions or recipe links would be greatly appreciated. Thx in advance, Pikeslayer
  12. Good karma and recovery for all 'survivors' here at OFC (and everywhere else for that matter). Pikeslayer
  13. Mercman, Good luck to both of you! p.s. You may have to wait to take the newborn on the new boat. Minimum weight for a PFD is 20 lbs. Regards, Pikeslayer
  14. Regarding Insurance; You cannot insure the sled without proof of ownership/registration. Even with o/r your insurance company may decline insurance due to modifications, so I would check with your insurance agent/company that the sled qualifies for insurance with the mods before purchasing. If you have a good relationship with your insurance agent, they can check the VIN history (if they are willing). If you're thinking of 'foregoing' insurance based on the value/deal, think about LIABILITY (don't do it). Most important, if you are not 100% certain that everything is 'above board' WALK AWAY!! You'll never regret it. Regards, Pikeslayer
  15. @Fisher12, I think it is obvious that you are developing a passion for fishing. Congratulations. Also, I see that you are trying to get as much knowledge as you can, as fast as you can. Your enthusiasm is admirable. That said, you have joined this forum seeking answers & advice so here goes......... Update your profile and let us know a little bit about you. Maybe your parents or someone a little more mature could help you so that you are posting 'safely'. If I was going to invite a young angler (& chaperone) for a day of fishing salmon & rainbow on Lake Ontario, I would need to know a little something about them (feel free to read my profile). Study the fishing regulations @ http://www.mnr.gov.o...L02_163615.html If I was going to teach a young angler about fishing, they would need to tell me which zone they currently live in. This could be posted in your "about me" profile. VISIT THE LIBRARY. The Mississauga Library (central branch near Square One) has great books about fishing. You need to acheive a basic understanding about specific species. You will learn a lot more in a shorter period of time by reading a book or two instead of posting generic questions on a forum. Two years ago, I decided I would like to try salmon/rainbow fishing. I went to the library, read some books and learned (us old guys can still learn). Then, I joined spoonpullers.com and learned some more. I recieved invitations to fish with experienced fisherman by being respectful and courteous on line. If I was going to invite a young angler fishing, I would like to know what books they have read. So, good luck to you 'Young Angler'. I'm sure there are a few people here keeping an eye on you. Stay courteous and respectful (as you have so far), update your profile and maybe you may get a few invitations to spend some time on the water and fuel your passion. Regards, Pikeslayer
  16. Rizzo Tell your dumb ass neighbor to get his operators card. If he claims to have one, tell him to read the regulations. Your idiot neighbor is so wrong in so many ways as others here have pointed out.
  17. Thanks to all for your best wishes. Manitoubass, 4th generation angler DH, yes she is Rod Caster, too funny a punch line for 'what's the difference between a pike & a baby?' Irish, her good looks came from our Ancestors (both sides) MM, thx for the new avatar & best wishes Splash, thank you sir XK, hope she's as cute as yours HTHM, ditto Vinni, guaranteed Mom & Grandma will remind her every birthday Nip, pike was awesome Regards, symon
  18. Mercman, Nice I like it better as well. I'll check my office email in the morning. Thx, Symon
  19. What Mercman said! I can't see a happy ending here it's a great idea but a bad accident waiting to happen.
  20. hope y'all don't mind a change of topic........ My little fishergirl finally arrived. Our first grandchild arrived on 10.10.10 @ 7 lb 13 oz. Baby Leah is the newest generation for both sides of our families. BTW, Granpa Steve & I were fishing that weekend and he landed this beauty. Guess what?? 7 lb. 13 oz on the digital scale. As soon as Baby Leah fits into a life jacket, she will be on the water with her proud parents/grandparents. Cheers, Symon
  21. Redneck fishing at it's finest
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